2243 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI002INIn a very special tent in the Arctic, Rita Claire and her husky Qimmiq learn new songs, words and...
Anansi and Friends
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORE00Safari land is the zoo where the animals know how to party! But not to worry, it's all supervised...
Anansi Élève le Miel: Anansi et ses Amis
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORF02Dottie L'hiboux demande Anansi l'Araignée d'aider à l'extraire du miel qu'elle a trouvé. Anansi...
Anansi et ses Amis
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORF00Terres Safari est le zoo où les animaux savent faire la fête! Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, c'est...
Anansi Fait la Pèche: Anansi et ses Amis
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORF01Après avoir perdu son petit-déjeuner à cause d’Anansi l’Araignée, Taji le Tortue décide de...
Anansi Goes Fishing: Anansi and Friends Series
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORE01After being cheated out of breakfast by Anansi Spider, Taji the Turtle decides to teach him a...
Anansi's Feast with Geese: Anansi and Friends Series
Morembi Entertainment Inc. MORE04The geese have returned from the south and the other birds plan to welcome them with a celebration...
And She Could Be Next
PBS Video 041953And She Could Be Next tells the story of a defiant movement of women of color transforming...
And This is My Garden
Growing Local Productions GLP001And This is My Garden is an inspirational documentary film about the power of education to foster...
Andre the Anti-Giant
Amazing Ain't It Entertainment Inc. AAI001Andre the Anti-Giant is the remarkable journey of 3-foot-something actor, comedian, and disability...
Android's Best Friend (Plants): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE147Anne experiments with growing plants but her crafty robo-mouse eats her experiment. Nick, Anne and...
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF005This short documentary explores a week in the life of Angela - a roller derby athlete and...
Ange’s Neighbour: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 5
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP214Sandra, Ange’s next-door neighbour has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. When Ange...
Angry Girls
Bishari Films BF0009This is a story of teenage girls living in Toronto’s inner core, raised in shelters and housing...
Animal Capture: Nerves of Steel Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1005In the north country, three Quebecers are on a special mission. They are here to capture wild...
Animals of the Forest: Stories of the North Series
102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102101Animals (pisiskiwak) are very important to Cree people. Mooshum tells his granddaughter about the...
Redcloud Studios RS0013OJANISHINAABE INAADIZIWIN - (WAABANDA'IWEWIN 13): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge (Season 1) -...
Redcloud Studios RS0008OJKris dash Sarain omisawendaanaawaa wii-gikendamowaad anishinaabemowin. Omawidisaawaan gaa-nitaa...
ANJITOODAA (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...
Redcloud Studios RS0024OJANJITOODAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 10): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...
ANJITOOWIN (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...
Redcloud Studios RS0017OJANJITOOWIN - (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 3): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...
Annebots (Advanced Robotics): Annedroids Season Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE189A mysterious robotics scientist named Ada visits the junkyard and takes a special interest in Anne...
Annedroids Series Four
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE205Annedroids is the story of budding scientist Anne who builds robots to help her perform experiments...
Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE138Annedroids features a remarkable girl scientist, Anne, and her group of newfound friends (both...
Annedroids Series Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE191Eleven-year old genius and kid-scientist Anne has invented and built her own amazing androids. Nick...
Annedroids Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE177Annedroids is the story of budding scientist Anne who builds robots to help her perform experiments...
ANSIDOODAA (WAABANDA’IWEWIN): Future History Series, Season 2...
Redcloud Studios RS0019OJANSIDOODAA: (WAABANDA’IWEWIN 5): Future History Series (Season 2) - Ojibway Version: Kris...
Anthony McLean – Building a Positive Climate for Learning...
Stature Films 123004In this Canadian-produced series, internationally renowned youth speaker Anthony McLean is excited...
Anti-Racism Awareness Playlist
MCI850The video programs and resource guides in this streaming playlist allow viewers to investigate...
Anti-Social Limited
ID Productions ID0001Sequel to Gemini Award-winning film Broke. "Somebody has to do the dirty work, and I guess...
Appreciate Feedback: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0056Welcome feedback without defensiveness and continually improve. Dion hears some tough feedback...
Arctic Bugs: Anaana’s Tent Series
Taqqut Productions TPI009Rita Claire talks about common Arctic bugs, like mosquitoes and wolf spiders. We hear a traditional...
Arctic Bugs: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI009INᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᐅᖃᓪᓚᐅᓯᖃᕐᓂᐊᖅᑐᖅ ᐅᑭᐅᖅᑕᖅᑐᒥ...
Arctic Plants: Anaana’s Tent Series
Taqqut Productions TPI008Rita Claire and Qimmiq learn all about Arctic plants. Meeka Arnakaq sings the Butterfly song...
Arctic Plants: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)
Taqqut Productions TPI008INᐃᑦᑐᐊᖕᒐ ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᕿᒻᒥᖅ ᐃᓕᓐᓂᐊᕐᓂᐊᖅᑑᒃ...
Arctic Presence Patrol: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 4
Picture This Productions PTP004On a seemingly routine patrol, the rangers deal with snowmobile breakdowns and...
Are You A Bully? Bully Smart
Human Relations Media 600349Kids can be bullies and not even realize it. Viewers learn that bullies are not always the kids who...
Arielle Mae Curtis: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0010Arielle Mae Curtis is a writer and performing artist from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She discusses...
Art and Status in Society
Mimi Shulman 010093Mimi Shulman is a visual artist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who is hearing impaired. She has...
Arthur - Sainte-Julie, Quebec: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT541Arthur is an 11-year-old boy who lives in Sainte-Julie, Quebec with his family, bird and two guinea...
As Nice As Can Be: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR118Feta the goat is very kind to her friends, but soon they start to take advantage of her. Everyone...
As Slow As Possible
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE049On his 18th birthday, writer/teacher Ryan Knighton was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and told...
Ashbal, Children of ISIS
ARTE France, Memento A259-017The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...
Ashbal, Children of ISIS
ARTE France, Memento A259-017The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...
Ashley Callingbull Burnham: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0001Ashley Callingbull Burnham is the first Canadian and first Indigenous woman to win the Mrs...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009A marginalized people rose up from humble beginnings, with nothing but their talent, their guiding...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind (French Version)
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009FLes Inuit et les Cris du Nunavik (Nord du Québec) racontent comment ils ont fui l’oppression...
Atautsikut/Leaving None Behind (Inuktitut Version)
Atautsikut Production Ltd 000009INA marginalized people rose up from humble beginnings, with nothing but their talent, their guiding...
Atlat'l: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300075The sun is shining, but the mood is still bleak in the camp. Daybi struggles to make amends as the...
Attachment Relationships: Nurturing Healthy Bonds
Learning Seed 200263Attachment is the ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. Follow the journey of a...
Attachments of Life
Brandy Y Productions BYP072"Attachments of Life" is a new documentary by filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk about how our belongings...