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The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!
Weston Woods WW3060Written and illustrated by Mo Willems Why does the Pigeon have to go to school? He already knows...
The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster!
Weston Woods WW4027From #1 New York Times best-selling, award-winning author and illustrator Mo Willems!Buckle up for...
The Play: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR011Mia and Touki decide to work together to put on a play of the Three Little Pigs to help the frog...
The Power of an Idea: Green Heroes Series, Season 1
CineFocus CIN003Industry contributes to pollution, but there are also green corporate heroes leading the way and...
The Power of Love (Electricity Production): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE148Anne has recreated Nikola Tesla’s plasma ball for her summer school project. Before they can get...
The Princess Costume: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR005Mia is to play "Princess of the Pond" for the frog babies and is given a beautiful costume from her...
The Problem of Pain: W5
CTV CTV840From a young age, hockey players have been taught to play through pain and push themselves to the...
The Problem with Pills: W5
CTV CTV875David Carmichael insists that the antidepressant that he was prescribed caused him to go into a...
The Puberty Workshop and Curriculum
Human Relations Media 600565This ground breaking five-part program developed by experienced health educators and physicians...
The Realities of Sexting - You Can't Unsend!: Social...
Learning Seed 200280Includes TWO videos: STUDENT PROGRAM - 24 min. Is it ever safe to send an intimate photo or...
The Return of Kulos: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI026S'gaana the Killer Whale won’t allow the villagers to fish. Faced with starvation, Wina decides...
The Right Girls
Passion River Films PR4750Three young transgender women from El Salvador and Honduras - Valentina, Johanna and Chantal -...
The Right Team: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR018Mr. Mole has a tandem bicycle to give away but everyone wants to have it. To make it fair, he...
The River and the Pond: Aesop's Fables Series
Educational Voice 992012In this animated fable, there once was a beautiful flowing river that gurgled everyday. The nearby...
The Road to Justice
Video Project, Inc. TVP108The Road to Justice follows two groups on a civil rights tour through the American South as they...
The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet!
Weston Woods WW3029Written by Carmen Agra Deedy Illustrated by Eugene Yelchin A powerful tale that celebrates the...
The Roots Of Violence, Addiction, And Neglect
Magna Systems 520165Hosted by Art Linkletter and featuring family specialist, John Bradshaw, this film explores the...
The Rough Face Girl: Raven Tales, Season 1
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI013The boys are making fun of Dza because she is a girl. Winadzi calls her ugly which hurts her...
The Royalcrest File: W5
CTV CTV030The care of senior citizens is a sacred trust. Families leave a valuable member in the care of...
The S'more No More Moostery: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure...
Epic Story Media ESM133It’s no picnic finding the thief who’s stealing Maureen and the Mini Moosers’ s’more...
The Sacred Bee - Part 1
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV086The Sacred Bee film series offers a ground-breaking paradigm that gently unites the world’s major...
The School Manners Adventure
Learning ZoneXpress 430069Every day is an adventure at school, with a maze of environments and interactions waiting for...
The Sea Hedgehog: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR076Enjoying the outdoors, Prickly the hedgehog goes for a swim by the seaside, disappearing in the...
The Search Begins: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 1
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC01Nationally acclaimed Indigenous singer Laura Vinson is developing hearing loss and she sets out on...
The Secret Terractor!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1
Sardine Productions SAR055During summer vacation, Beanie is spending two weeks on his Grandpa and Grandma’s farm, and...
The Seven Sacred Laws
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00The Seven Sacred Laws is a colourful and imaginative animated series that follows a young boy on an...
The Seven Sacred Laws (Anishinaabe Subtitles)
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00ANNiizhwaaswi manito kaa inaaakonigewinun apijii minwaande’maagad dago gee kitchi nagadenjiigate...
The Seven Sacred Laws (French Subtitles)
Peg City Pictures Inc. PCPI00FRLes sept enseignements sacrés est une websérie animée haute en couleur et pleine...
The Shift: The Story of the China Clipper
Dynastic Entertainment Inc. DENT00On March 13, 1948, history was made when the colour barrier was broken in the National Hockey...
The Sky Monster: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR093Manon loves flying her kite outside. Being a good friend, she lends her kite to Alma the cow who...
The Sleepover: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP14Simon comes for a sleep over at Aunty B’s house and Zach is thrilled! This is Simon’s first...
The Snow Castle: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR081Manon wants to prove to Melba the cat that it is possible to construct a castle with materials...
The Snow Demon: Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season 1, Ep. 5
Blue Ant Media BAM1387Dark magic does not go to sleep, Tick Tock the snake is about to create a Snow Demon under the...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Don Amero
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0183An engaging storyteller, singer-songwriter and performer, three-time JUNO Award nominee Don Amero...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Federal Lights
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0180For Jean-Guy Roy, the collapse of his group The Morning After spawned the seeds of Federal Lights...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Joey Stylez with Dragonette
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0186Joey Stylez’s story is as unique as the music he creates. This Juno-nominated Hip Hop artist hit...
The Solstice Concerts Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0179The Solstice Concerts is an intimate window into each artist’s performance and personality as...
The Space Within: People, Design and The Room
Learning Seed 200317Show your students how we shape our rooms, and our rooms shape us. This program demonstrates how...
The Spark in the Meadow
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV055The Spark in the Meadow follows the story of Sofía Brito, a law student who experiences sexual...
The Spirit of Sport
Hidden Story Productions Ltd. HS0007Told through the words of a diverse group of local amateur athletes, this four - part documentary...
The Spoilt Gift: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR101It is Manon's birthday and the animals want to do something special for her so they decide to bake...
The Steins: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE039Sarah works with Keaton and his parents to develop skills that will allow Keaton to dress himself...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0627Songwriter Ansley Simpson is a Toronto-based Anishinaabe musician known for her poetic lyrics...
The Story of the Inukshuk (Inuit): Amy’s Mythic Mornings
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0106Amy, Casey and Theodore find themselves on an arctic adventure trying to help a young bear cub...
The Strawberry Bush: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR021It is a very hot summer's day and Mia and her friends notice that the strawberries in the garden...
The Strep Connection: W5
CTV CTV655W5 investigates possible links between common infection and psychiatric and neurological disorders...
The Suckers List: W5
CTV CTV841In the shadowy world of romance scams, one of the hottest commodities is the so-called "suckers...
The Suprising Surprise: Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season...
Blue Ant Media BAM1393Well, the moment has come! The vultures Tick Tock has sent against Yano Mano would be bad enough...
The Survivor: Connor Stevenson: W5
CTV CTV650Toronto's Eaton Centre is the busiest shopping mall in North America, but when a gunman opened fire...
The Survivor: The Power of Music
CTV CTV137Ninety-year-old Louis Bannet lives with the unspeakable horror of his years in Nazi prison camps. A...
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