Health and Medicine
1560 title(s) found.« Previous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next » Last »
Chemical Highs: The Dangers of Synthetic Drugs
Human Relations Media 600666Chemical Highs: The Rise of Flakka and Synthetic Drugs offers a sobering view of what happens when...
Chère anorexie
ARTE France F259-031L’anorexie reste une énigme, pourtant beaucoup de choses ont changé dans les regards portés...
Child Development Basics
Learning ZoneXpress 430006Fabulous visuals cover stages of child development including physical, intellectual and social...
Child Development Theorists: Freud to Erikson to Spock...and...
Learning ZoneXpress 430101Beginning with Sigmund Freud, modern child development theories have changed the way that parents...
Child's Play: How Having Fun Turns Kids Into Adults
Learning Seed 200162Children play their way into adulthood. Learn why play is so important and how it literally "turns...
Childhood Trauma Series
Magna Systems 520172This series examines traumatic experiences during childhood - how to identify it, how to understand...
Choctaw Stickball: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810000Choctaw Stickball (Episode 1): Warrior Games heads to Mississippi to discover the ancient sport of...
Choctaw Stickball: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8100CSChoctaw Stickball - Ep 1: Warrior Games heads to Mississippi to discover the ancient sport of...
Streel Films SF0002First Nation’s graffiti artist, Jimmy Linklater, leaves his northern home for the opportunities...
Choking Game
Human Relations Media 600384This program exposes "the choking game"...a shockingly foolish and deadly activity among 9-14 year...
Cinnamon from the Islands of Sri Lanka: The Magical World of...
Autentic GMBH AUT014Sri Lanka, known for its rich flora and fauna, is the cradle of Ceylon cinnamon. European powers...
Circus Baby
Weston Woods WW013by Maud & Miska Petersham A baby elephant with bad manners learns the importance of being...
Clara's Big Ride (Full Length Documentary)
Bell Media Inc. BMI000Part catalyst for change, part epic road movie, "Clara's Big Ride" is a rousing documentary that...
Clara's Big Ride: W5
CTV CTV623When Clara Hughes says that she has suffered from depression, the first reaction of many would...
Climate Change Babies
Jocelyn Demers JODE00Climate Change Babies takes a hopeful approach to the climate crisis by focusing on people taking...
Clinic To Test For Controversial Condition Linked To MS (W5)
CTV CTV461One of the first clinics in North America devoted to testing for a vascular condition that some...
Cliques: Where Do You Fit In?
Human Relations Media 600528Explains the nature of cliques, why they develop, how clique leadership controls members, how at...
Cloves and Nutmeg from the Moluccas: The Magical World of Spices...
Autentic GMBH AUT013The Moluccas Islands once were the spice chambers of Europe. Cloves and nutmeg were only grown on...
Club Drugs: Nothing To Rave About
Human Relations Media 600254Although many people think that illicit drug use is mainly a problem among older teens, the stark...
Club Drugs: The Real Deal
Human Relations Media 600231While drug use among teenagers has leveled off in the last few years, a dangerous menace known as...
Club Ride: Breaking Trail Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP016It’s International Women’s Mountain Biking Day and clubs from across southern New Brunswick...
Coastal Queens: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0700When the BC Ferry Queen of the North sank off Gil Island in March 2006, the nearby tiny coastal...
Cocaine and Heroin: Still Here, Still Deadly
Human Relations Media 600415"I was 15 the first time I tried it. I was at my girlfriend's house." These words, spoken by a real...
Code Tenderloin: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP021Follow ex-drug dealer Del Seymour into the heart of San Francisco to see how he "represents...
Cody and Todd: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP023Cody is known at work for his sense of humour and willingness to grow. Unwilling to let his Down...
Magna Systems 520078Between ages 6 and 12, children's minds expand in knowledge and understanding as their thinking...
Cognitive and Language Development: Middle Childhood
Magna Systems 520157Between ages 6 and 12, children's minds expand in knowledge and understanding as their thinking...
Cognitive Development: Early Adulthood
Magna Systems 520017Adolescents and adults think differently, not only due to experience (or a lack of), but because...
Cognitive Development: Preschoolers Series
Magna Systems 520152It is simply fascinating to observe how preschoolers begin to use language, mental imagery and...
Combatting Social Isolation and Loneliness
Human Relations Media 600704When real life connections are lost to virtual connections, social isolation and loneliness can...
Coming Clean Addiction Series
CTV CTV633Coming Clean is a special week-long series that aired on Canada AM. This enlightening special is...
Coming Out: What Every Teen (Gay and Straight) Needs to Know
Human Relations Media 600540According to a recent national poll, approximately 5% of America's high school students (3 to 4...
Common Psychological Disorders of Adolescence
Human Relations Media 600541This reassuring video focuses on several real teens who are struggling with some of the most common...
Community Eats - PEI: Kid Diners Series
Farpoint Films FAR017Aynalem and Xander are in Prince Edward Island looking for seafood and they find it! Xander’s...
Confessions of a Bully
Human Relations Media 600621Many anti-bullying materials focus exclusively on the victims - but what about the bullies...
Confronting Drunk Driving
Human Relations Media 600286This memorable video features the true story of Mike Poveromo, a young man who killed his two best...
Confronting Sexual Harassment In School: What Every Student...
Human Relations Media 600591More than 80% of teenagers have experienced sexual harassment in school at least once. In this teen...
Contemporary Culture: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 5
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0655Three Indigenous entrepreneurs with businesses focused on contemporary culture but grounded in...
Controlling Anger Before It Controls You
Human Relations Media 600674Anger is a normal human emotion. Healthy anger motivates you to speak up, solve problems, and bring...
Cooking Outside The Box - Riding Mountain National Park, MB: Kid...
Farpoint Films FAR016In the great outdoors of Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, Aynalem and Xander are there...
Coping With Challenging Behavior
Magna Systems 520160The capstone of the Guidance and Discipline series, Coping with Challenging Behavior addresses the...
Coping With Dating Violence and Abuse
Human Relations Media 600633Dating abuse is on the rise in high schools and colleges - it is a serious problem that affects...
Coping with the Body Image Blues
Human Relations Media 600499Everyday teenagers are bombarded with images in the media that make them feel insecure about their...
Weston Woods WW436by Don Freeman A lovable stuffed bear, who longs for someone to take him home, launches a...
Cosmetics Coming Clean
Blue Ant Media BAM113The average woman uses 12 products containing 168 unique ingredients every day. The health...
Costa Rica - Rafting: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE379Sam and Molly find wet ways to stay cool in Costa Rica with a cannonball contest at the pool and...
COVID - Year 2: W5
CTV CTV864March 8th 2021 marks one year since Canada's first death from COVID-19, a senior in a long-term...
COVID-19 - The Possible Future of COVID-19: From Pandemic to...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0111In this 2022 high-definition program, learn all about the possible future of COVID-19. What does...
COVID-19 - Understanding Breakthrough Infections: Science Kids...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0106In this 2022 high-definition program, learn all about COVID-19 variants and breakthrough...
CTV CTV830From examining possible treatments of COVID-19 to dispelling the misconceptions online, CTV News is...