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204 title(s) found.

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Holiday Makeover Series

Blue Ant Media BAM500

Looking for inspiration for your next celebration? Our team of holiday experts will help you design...

Holidays, Celebrations & Trips Afar! Volume 2: Miaomiao Series

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD106

Programs included in Volume 2 are: Chinese New Year Part I - As Miaomiao and Doudou prepare for...

Independence Day Specials (Ep. 8): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE008

When asked what Ian's family & friends who serve overseas miss the most, the answer is always the...

India - Holi: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE382

Julian and Rosie take a long flight to India where they visit the Lotus Blossom Temple (in their...

Israel - Sukkot: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE448

Charlie and Gabe get invited to spend the festival of Sukkot with their friends in Israel. They...

James Marshall's Space Case Stories (DVD)

Weston Woods WW634

Titles include: Merry Christmas Space Case by James Marshall Buddy McGee eagerly awaits a...

Japan: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992139

The most important festival in Japan is the Japanese New Year. The new year is steeped in tradition...

Jolly Potato: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM248

Jolly Potato is a fun and festive winter holiday that frogs and other Hoppers celebrate. Lonny...

Juneteenth - Freedom Day: Holiday Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0060

In this high-definition program, learn all about Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating the end of...

Kids Don't Go to Caves/The Perfect Log: Louis Says Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0017

Episode 1A - Kids Don't Go to Caves:  Randy and Katie believe they have to venture into a cave to...

La bombe et nous, l'arme atomique aujourd'hui

J.C. Bauduret F198-004

Têtes nucléaires dans le monde:Russie 7290 |  États-Unis 7000 | France 300 | Chine 260...

La danse des lumières: 16 Hudson Fête Spécial Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB003FR

Quand Amala laisse tomber ses lumières de Diwali, elle pense qu'elle a gâché la fête pour tout...

La Maison de Monsieur Taupe

Monster Entertainment MON235F

Dans cette adaptation du "The Wind in the Willows", Mole s'est éloigné depuis trop longtemps de...

La Tomatina, Tomorrowland, Mardi Gras, Glastonbury, Stay...

Switch SWED45

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Le Noël de Max

Weston Woods WW322_FR

par Rosemary Wells Max attend le père Noël et n'arrive pas à dormir. Pour calmer son attente...

Liban: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-02

Bernard, un jeune garçon d’origine libanaise de 12 ans, invite son ami Nicholas à célébrer...

Lili & Lola Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB002

Lili & Lola follows the adventures of two sisters, Lili and Lola, who live in a small apartment in...

Lili’s New Year - Holiday Special 3: 16 Hudson Holiday Specials

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB005

Lili is having all her friends over for the big Persian New Year (Nowruz) dinner but Lola’s...

Lola's Fancy Dress: Lili and Lola Series, Season 3

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB257

Lili and Lola’s family visit her aunt’s home for Norooz and are dressed to the nines for a...

Los Gatos Black on Halloween

Weston Woods WW858

by Marisa Montes, ill. by Yuyi Morales (Henry Holt) The monsters crowd the Haunted Hall. Los...

Mardi Gras - History, Traditions and Celebrations: Holiday Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0135

Learn all about the holiday of Mardi Gras. What is "Fat Tuesday"? What is Ash Wednesday? How is...

Mary McScary

Weston Woods WW3000

Book by R.L. Stine, ill. by Marc Brown (Orchard) -    Meet Mary McScary. Mary likes to be...

Max's Chocolate Chicken

Weston Woods WW344

by Rosemary Wells Will Max or will Ruby find the most Eggs to win the chocolate chicken? Only the...

Max's Christmas

Weston Woods WW322BI

by Rosemary Wells - Irrepressible Max wants to stay up late on Christmas Eve so he can see...

Meeting Mr. Christmas

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE118

In this rom-com, solo travel blogger, Sophie, is gearing up for her annual December getaway...

Melina Laboucan-Massimo: “Violence Against the Earth Is...

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0025

Melina Laboucan-Massimo is Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta. She has worked on social...

Merry Christmas Space Case

Weston Woods WW398

by James Marshall Buddy McGee eagerly awaits a promised Christmas visit from his friend, the...

Mexique: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-01

Victoria, qui a des origines mexicaines, invite son amie Kate à célébrer la fiesta el dia de los...

Miaomiao Series

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD065

Much of the Chinese language is based on pictures, and much preschool learning is visual in nature...

Milla: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT597

Milla is a twelve-year-old girl who loves spooky movies, trick or treats, and Halloween! What she...

More Than a Man's Best Friend: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0796

Hayley investigates Dog Soldier and Brave Dog societies at Doc's request, starting with the...

Morris's Disappearing Bag

Weston Woods WW230

by Rosemary Wells - Morris impresses his older siblings when he opens the last box under the...

Mother's Day: Holiday Makeover Series

Blue Ant Media BAM502

This Mother's Day Alison, Adjoa and Denise have decided to throw their mother's a tea party with...

Mysteryland, Albuquerque International Balloon Feista...

Switch SWED48

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Nevaeh Pine - Voice of Disruption: Warrior Up! Series

Picture This Productions PTP010

Grade ten student Nevaeh Pine is a proud Ojibwe teen from Garden River First Nation who found her...

Noodles: Long for Life, Food of Legends - Confucius Was a...

Lofty Sky Distribution LSD011

Christine's mentor chefs send her to a celebration of the birthday of Confucius in Taiwan to see...

Norooz: Lili and Lola Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB064

The family is getting ready to celebrate The Persian New Year by setting the table - or Haft Seen -...

On fête ensemble série

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07

On fête ensemble! est une série documentaire jeunesse de 13 épisodes de 12 minutes. Chacune des...

Otto Runs for President

Weston Woods WW836

by Rosemary Wells (Scholastic) There is a big school election at the Barkadelphia School. Who...

Pandemic Pandemonium: How The World Ends Series

Blue Ant Media BAM702

Despite modern medicine, a global pandemic like the Spanish influenza of 1918 could kill millions...

Peru - Festival : Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE375

At a traditional festival in Peru, Rosie and Julian join in all the fun as they make their own...

Pologne: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-10

Le père d’Aline est né en Pologne. Pour faire découvrir cette culture riche et des costumes...

Remembering Juno Beach


Jim Parks was only 15 when he joined the Canadian Army. He was part of the brigade that landed on...

Remembrance Day (from Canadian Holidays, Traditions and...

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI013_f

On the 11th hour of the 11th day on the 11th month, the day World War I ended, we pause for 2...

Remembrance Day Playlist


A completely Canadian-produced selection of titles suitable for your Grade 3-12 students. This...

Rescued!: My Goldfish is Evil, Season 1

Sardine Productions SAR050

In celebration of "Earth Day", Kevin Kelp, an ex- Greenpeace activist, has converted the city's old...

Rock n Roll: Underground Milan: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia...

Blue Ant Media BAM1213

Heading to the less crowded, more trendy areas of Milan with a local musician as his guide, David...

Roseanne Supernault: Redx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0005

Roseanne Supernault, award-winning actress from East Prairie Métis Settlement, recognizable from...

Royal Holiday Secrets: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1301

The royal family live a life of luxury at home, so when it comes to holidays, the sky’s the...

Russia - Father Frost: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE415

At a St. Petersburg toy market TJ and Tristan meet a figure from Russian folklore - Grandfather...

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