Indigenous Issues
951 title(s) found.« First « Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next » Last »
Kuper Island - Return to the Healing Circle
Peter Campbell PCI002This moving documentary celebrates the healing and transformation of the Coast Salish people who...
Kwnkwnatul - Walking Together
River Voices RVP022Indigenous youth from Canada travel to Africa and share experiences about global issues whilst...
Kya Steinbach Parker - Bridging the Gap: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP01817-year-old Kya Steinbach-Parker, Mi'kmaq/Seneca warrior, is a determined educational activist. She...
Kyrstin Dumont - Gorgeous Diversity: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP016Decolonizing fashion can take many forms. For Algonquin College student Kyrstin Dumont, it’s...
L'espoir que porte l'art: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 5
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC05FRWayne Levesque et Yvette Cenerini sont deux personnes qui ont commencé leur vie sans handicap...
L'Nuk 101 - Finding Common Ground
Houston Productions Inc. 000010L’nuk (Mi’kmaq) Elder Joe Michael, invited by Acadia University to lecture on L’nuk...
La Collection des cinéastes autochtones Wapikoni
Wapikoni Mobile WM0000FRLa Collection Comprend: Wolastoq amsqah peciyay (L’origine de la Wolastoq) (3:18)...
La Conservation des Ours (Bear Conservation): L’ Esprit des...
Nature 360 Productions Inc./Esprit des Ours Film Inc. 360104Filmmaker Karine Gerest visits Lauren Henson Victoria University in BC. Lauren’s research focuses...
La danse et le rêve: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 2
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC02FRDans cet épisode, Laura rencontre Lyle et David Donald, un duo père/fils qui dirigent les...
La nouvelle identité: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 2
7059213 Canada Inc. 310076FRTrame du passé : Kiwedin tente du mieux qu’il peut de s’adapter à la dure réalité de la vie...
La prophétie des Yupiks
Fred Hilgemann Films F242-018Des décennies avant que les scientifiques n’attirent l’attention du monde sur les dangers...
La recherche commence: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 1
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC01FRDans le premier épisode, la chanteuse autochtone de renommée nationale Laura Vinson partage son...
Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve, QC: Striking Balance Series 2
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV037The yellow perch, a key indicator of the health of Quebec’s Lac Saint-Pierre, is in serious...
Lacrosse - A Nation’s Game
Numan Productions Inc. NPI000Lacrosse is Canada’s summer sport. Originally played by the Indigenous people of North America...
Lacrosse: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810002Lacrosse (Episode 3): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw discovers the rich history of lacrosse in North...
Lacrosse: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8102CSLacrosse - Ep 3: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw discovers the rich history of lacrosse in North...
Lake Louise and Niagara Falls: Seeing Canada Series, Season 1
Brandy Y Productions BYP016Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels on horseback to the famous Plain of Six Glaciers Trail...
Lana Gets Her Talk
Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA03CAPCree artist Lana Whiskeyjack explores the transgenerational effects of Canada’s Indian...
Lana Gets Her Talk (Described Video Version)
Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA03DVCree artist Lana Whiskeyjack explores the transgenerational effects of Canada’s Indian...
Lana recouvre sa langue
Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA03FROn observe l’artiste autochtone Lana Whiskeyjack au travail: elle complète une sculpture...
Language: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1
Redcloud Studios RS0008Hosts Kris and Sarain share their deep desire to know their language. They visit with Anishnaabe...
Last Camps: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300111After practicing with their bow and arrows, Joseph and Crystal paddle to a new spot as they try...
Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest
David Moskowitz DM0000Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest is a cinematic journey into the tragically threatened...
Le Canot du coyote: La Collection des cinéastes autochtones...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0005FRInspirée par la formation rocheuse surnommée le Canot du coyote, situé près de la maison de la...
Le jour où tout a changé: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 1
7059213 Canada Inc. 310075FRTrame du passé : En 1960 deux enfants Anishnabe, Kiwedin et Wabikoni, se font arracher à leur...
Leaders and Role Models (Eslipogtog First Nation, NB): A Good...
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310098Role models are an important part of our growth as a people. Past generations which have come...
Leather: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300104Heavy rains have poured on the group for days, and with little food, and living in close quarters...
Leave It on the Water
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810014Leave It on the Water: Indigenous youth from the Coast Salish territory on Vancouver Island train...
Lebret: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310019Métis artist Audie Murray sees tattooing as a way for people to connect with their culture and...
Legacy in Stone: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 12
Farpoint Films FAR033Cinematographer Dave Gaudet films the petroforms at Manito Ahbee and also heads South to learn the...
Legacy: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0724Cree musician Kris Harper embraces his family’s artistic legacy by composing a unique song using...
Legendary Myths: Raven Adventures
Treaty 6 Productions Inc. T6P000Legendary Myths is a series of short animated films using the artistic styling of the Pacific West...
Leitis in Waiting
Passion River Films PR0003LEITIS IN WAITING is the story of Joey Mataele and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native...
Leroy Little Bear: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0003Leroy Little Bear is one of Canada’s most renowned Indigenous academics. For Dr. Little Bear...
Les Métis de l’Alberta: ré:INSTALLATION - Voici comment les...
Sound Venture SVPF72Les Métis de l’Alberta trace le portrait d’une famille issue de plusieurs générations de...
Les vrais gagnants
Productions RPM F209-001Les vrais gagnants fait la chronique de la saison 2008-2009 de l'équipe Pee-Wee Sélect du...
Liam Haggarty: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0006Liam Haggarty is a non-Aboriginal professor at MRU teaching Indigenous Studies and Canadian...
Life is an Expedition
River Voices RVP021Follow the youth from the Cree Nation of Wemindji as they paddle 120km and 10 days down the ...
Life of Ivanna
Video Project, Inc. TVP132Ivanna, a reindeer herder in the Russian arctic and mother of five children, is forced to emigrate...
Lisa vs Lisa: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0114Part Two of the re-thinking of Lisa’s “Bloodlines” article, only this time the question...
Listuguj, QC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0760The Gaspe Bay Peninsula is home to some of Canada’s highest sustained winds. Three Mi’gmaq...
Little Bird (French Version)
OP Little Bird Inc. and Rezolution Pictures (Little Bird) Inc. LBRP00FRLITTLE BIRD est une série dramatique en six épisodes racontant la quête d’une femme autochtone...
Little Bird Series
OP Little Bird Inc. and Rezolution Pictures (Little Bird) Inc. LBRP00Viewing this series provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the legacy of the Sixties Scoop...
Little Buffalo, AB: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0756Growing up in the Cree speaking Lubicon Lake Band in Little Buffalo, AB, Melina Laboucan Massimo...
Little Star: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0620Singer-songwriter Iskwē is an Indigenous activist of Cree, Dené and Irish heritage, with...
Longball: Warrior Games
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810006Longball (Episode 7): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many...
Longball: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)
Kwassen Productions Inc. 8106CSLongball - Ep 7: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many thought...
Los Angeles - Elle Festin: Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310057Born in the Philippines, Elle Festin kept a deep connection to his culture while growing up in the...
Los Angeles - Two Ravens: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310027Two Ravens is an Opata tattoo artist based in East Los Angeles. As an activist, he was injured at...
Lost Bones: In Search of Sitting Bull’s Grave
Farpoint Films FAR000In 1953, a few residents from Mobridge, South Dakota snuck across the North Dakota border and stole...