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Language Arts

1213 title(s) found.

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Weston Woods WW676

by Peter H. Reynolds With a little encouragement from his sister, Ramon discovers that...

Island of the Skog, The

Weston Woods WW174

by James Marshall In pursuit of freedom and happiness, a band of extraordinary mice and their...

It's Time For A Bath/Choose the Shoes: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC021

Go on a journey with Randy as he helps Mrs. Charles find a Pitheses Sepekinastewin (bird...

IVAN - The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla

Weston Woods WW2725

Based on the book by Katherine Applegate, Illustrated by G. Brian Karas  (Clarion Books) –...

J'attends, tu attends : Canot Cocasse Saison 1

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800211

J'attends, tu attends (épisode 11): Canot Cocasse Saison 1: Thème : La patience: savoir...

Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01

Jack is a fun‐loving alien explorer whose coolest discovery yet is the amazing "Planet Earth...

Jackson Pollock: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0004FR

Mati et Dada font de la peinture d'action avec Jackson Pollock et finissent au plus profond d'une...

Jaguar: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR151E

Big Bear and Squeak assemble a puzzle in the cave. When the puzzle is done they discover a jaguar...

James Marshall Favorite Fairy Tales (DVD)

Weston Woods WW590

Titles include: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Getting to...

James Marshall's Cinderella

Weston Woods WW671

retold by Barbara Karlin, ill. by James Marshall The classic children's story of triumph over...

James Marshall's Space Case Stories (DVD)

Weston Woods WW634

Titles include: Merry Christmas Space Case by James Marshall Buddy McGee eagerly awaits a...

Jan Vermeer: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0025

When Dada is magically doubled by a mirror, Mati, Dada and Dada 2 are whisked off to the...

Jan Vermeer: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0025FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Jan Vermeer, le célèbre peintre qui aime utiliser les miroirs dans ses...

Japon: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-04

Sasha est née au Japon, mais demeure maintenant au Canada. Elle a invité son amie Bianca à la...

Jingle Dress Mess: Wolf Joe Series


Nina decides she'd rather play than work on preparing her jingle dress until she realizes she’s...

Joey Runs Away

Weston Woods WW317

by Jack Kent Joey is a kangaroo who looks for another home when he doesn't feel like cleaning...

John Henry

Weston Woods WW377

by Julius Lester Based on the famous African American folk ballad “John Henry”, this story...

John, Paul, George and Ben

Weston Woods WW807

by Lane Smith (Hyperion) This humorous and factual history of five lads who grew up to become...

Johnny Appleseed

Weston Woods WW399

by Reeve Lindburgh, illustrated by Kathy Jakobsen John Chapman was his real name, but almost...

Jon Scieszka Library, The

Weston Woods WW2943

Includes: • The True Story of the Three Little Pigs • Robot Zot!   • Getting to Know...

Joseph Had a Little Overcoat

Weston Woods WW578

by Simms Taback Joseph, the tailor, is very resourceful. When his overcoat becomes old and...

Julie dans le blizzard: Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800235

Julie dans le blizzard (épisode 7): Canot Cocasse Saison 3: Thème : Pour rester en sécurité...

Julie et la licorne des mers: Canot Cocasse Saison 4

Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800248

Thème : Les créatures qui existent peuvent être aussi merveilleuses que les créatures...

Julie et le béluga moqueur: Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800232

Thème : Demander de l’aide quand on en a besoin même si ça nous embarrasse. Quand Julie...

Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 1)

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME24

Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...

Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 1) French Version

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME24FR

Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...

Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 2)

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME25

Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...

Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 2) French Version

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME25FR

Kanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...

Kasimir Malevich: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0013

A bad case of hiccups takes Mati and Dada into the abstract Suprematist artwork of Russian painter...

Kasimir Malevich: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0013FR

Kasimir Malevitch explique l’art abstrait à Mati et Dada. Mati, une petite fille, et Dada, son...

Katie Loves the Kittens

Weston Woods WW877

by John Himmelman  (Henry Holt)      Katie, a little dog, is so excited when Sara Ann brings...

Keeping House

Weston Woods WW365

by Margaret Mahy Lizzie Firkin, who would rather write songs and sing them than clean her...

Kids Don't Go to Caves/The Perfect Log: Louis Says Season 2

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0017

Episode 1A - Kids Don't Go to Caves:  Randy and Katie believe they have to venture into a cave to...

Kids' Stories International

Little Animation A155-001

Kids' Stories International is a unique initiative in children's programming, combining...

Kindergarten Prep - Basic Punctuation for New Readers and...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0062

This program prepares kids for kindergarten by teaching them basic punctuation that is essential...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonics and Word Recognition: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0130

This program will teach students to know and apply  phonics and word analysis skills in decoding...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonological Awareness, Vol. 1: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0007

What’s in a word? New readers learn about rhyming words – words that end with the same sound...

Kindergarten Reading - Phonological Awareness, Vol. 2: English...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0011

This program meets kindergarten reading standards and builds upon the concepts of phonological...

Kindergarten Reading - Question Words: English Language System...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0005

This program teaches kindergarten students all about question words. Who, what, where, when, why...

Kitten's First Full Moon

Weston Woods WW894

Based on the book by Kevin Henkes (HarperCollins) What a night! The moon is full. Kitten is...

Knuffle Bunny

Weston Woods WW685

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie, Daddy and Knuffle Bunny take a trip to the neighborhood...

Knuffle Bunny Free

Weston Woods WW889

by Mo Willems (Balzer+Bray) - This is the third and final book in the Knuffle Bunny trilogy...

Knuffle Bunny Too - A Case of Mistaken Identity

Weston Woods WW833

by Mo Willems (Hyperion) Trixie can't wait to bring Knuffle Bunny to school and show him off...

Knuffle Bunny Trilogy, The

Weston Woods WW2932

Includes: Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Knuffle Bunny Too:  A Case of Mistaken...

Koyaa Series

Monster Entertainment MON265

Koyaa lives on a remote rocky ledge high above the clouds, sharing a lovely mountain cottage with...

Ktunaxa and Technology: Finding Our Talk, Season 3

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME72

Can the ‘wired teepee’ help save the Ktunaxa language in the Kootenays? The hub of the Ktunaxa...

L is for Listening: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0270

Tiga is not very good at listening – he continually gets distracted while Kimmie tries to read...

L' éco-empreinte

Little Animation F155-003

L'éco-empreinte est un film d'animation mettant en vedette les personnages Terre, Rosie et Org...

L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0002FR

Mati, une petite fille, et Dada, son ami robot, explorent le monde artistique en faisant la...

La Cabane des Sauveteurs: Théo le loup séries


Lorsque le chef Madwe construit aux enfants leur propre fort, ceux-ci s’imaginent comme des super...

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