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488 title(s) found.

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Trials and Tubulations, Part 2: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE032B

In this two part episode, the tube system breaks and Olive and Otto are left stranded in a...

Triangles - Equilateral, Isosceles, Obtuse, Acute, Scalene: Math...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0330

Learn all about how to calculate the perimeter and area of triangles.  Equilateral, Isosceles...

True Grid: The Prime Radicals, Season 1

GAPC Productions GAP032

Wouldn’t you know it? Norm has another secret mission. This time, he needs to hide his top secret...

Two Agents and a Baby: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE068A

Olympia and Otis are forced to babysit Baby Genius while they try to solve a case involving unknown...

Un monde sans forêts

CinéFête F296-S02-02

Face aux pressions directes et indirectes exercées par l’Homme, quel sera le visage des forêts...

Un monde sans microbes

CinéFête F296-S02-03

Virus Ebola, H1N1, tuberculose, choléra, botulisme, listériose, paludisme, infections...

Un monde sans moustique

CinéFête F296-S02-04

Il mesure entre 0,5 et 1,5 cm et ne pèse que quelques milligrammes, pourtant c’est aussi le...

Uncle Norm’s Roots: The Prime Radicals, Season 2

GAPC Productions GAP056

Uncle Norm finds Alanna and Kevin in the Workshop, squinting through a magnifying glass at small...

Undercover Olive, Part 1: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE035A

In this two part episode, Olive goes undercover in a high-stakes "Rock, Paper, Scissors" game...

Undercover Olive, Part 2: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE035B

In this two part episode, Olive goes undercover in a high-stakes “Rock, Paper, Scissors”...

Understanding Bar Graphs: Basic Math Concepts Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0010

What are bar graphs used for?  How do we plot and interpret data on bar graphs?  Concepts...

Up, Up, Up! The Cable Car Goes Up!: Counting

Film Ideas FI0023

As the Cable Car rises to the first floor, one long necked giraffe gets on.  At the second floor...

Using Timetables: Primary Maths Series 2

Educational Voice 992047

Learn about bus, plane and train timetables. Students will love this engaging and interactive video...

Utata Treasure Hunt: Problem Solving

Film Ideas FI0021

With the help of exciting math fairy tales, children are introduced to abstract mathematical...

Video Games: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0026

Do you love games of skill, challenge, fun and learning? Our ancestors understood the science of...

Villains Always Win: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE074B

Olympia tries to win back a stolen gadget on a villain game show. She is no villain, but she does...

Villains in Need are Villains Indeed: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE071A

Odd Squad and Villains work together to stop a giant robot the villains created to flatten Odd...

Vole, petit oiseau ! : Mia & Codie séries

Epic Story Media ESM271FR

Mia et Codie trouvent un oisillon tombé du nid et ils essaient de lui apprendre à voler grâce au...

Wacky Media Songs Playlist

Apartment 11 APT498

Wacky Media Songs is an educational song-based series that inspires kids to get curious about...

Wacky Number Songs

Apartment 11 APT497

Wacky Number Songs is a series of songs about math-related concepts. Performed by Ava, each song is...

Wacky Word Songs

Apartment 11 APT202

WACKY WORD SONGS! is an educational series of 40 song-based episodes about language related...

Wedges: Look Kool, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT104

Wedges have been useful as tools for thousands of years. Wedges are made up of different shapes...

Weird Shapes: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT090

Today we get to play with the world’s kookiest, craziest 3D shapes! We’ll find out how some...

Weston Woods Spring 2017 New Releases

Weston Woods WWSpring2017

The Spring 2017 NEW Releases from Weston Woods! Duck on a Tractor ...

What Are The Chances?: The Prime Radicals, Season 2

GAPC Productions GAP073

The Kids have dealt with all sorts of weird and wonderful days as Rads, from Monday to Sunday, but...

What's Going On? Patterns & Sequence

Film Ideas FI0020

Mother Rabbit makes fruit skewers, alternating one gooseberry followed by one grape, and continuing...

What's Your Angle?: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT083

Today we’re getting the angle on angles! Hamza is really excited about his birthday present for...

Whatever Happened to Agent Oz?: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE016B

Olive tells Otto the story of what happened to Octavia's partner, Agent Oz that involved a large...

Where There’s a Wolf, There’s a Way: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE073A

Otis and Olympia need to help stop werewolf Olaf from turning back into a boy but first they need...

Who is Agent Otis? Part 1: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE079A

The villainous Stitcher is in town. When Olympia finds out that the Stitcher has a book with a list...

Who is Agent Otis? Part 2: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE079B

Ms. O requests a trial to fight for Otis to remain an agent at Odd Squad but the X’s are using...

Who Let the Doug Out?: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE060B

Delivery Doug needs help making 20 egg sandwiches, so Ms. O enlists Olympia to make sure Doug has...

Working On My Tangram: The Prime Radicals, Season 2

GAPC Productions GAP074

Kevin and Alanna find a some what frustrated Uncle Norm struggling with a jigsawpuzzle. “I know...

World Turned Odd: A Series Two Odd Squad Special

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE076

When Oona, Olympia and Otis accidentally change the past, they undo every odd case Odd Squad ever...

Worst First Day Ever: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE034B

When Agent Ori lets 100 centigurp free on his first day on the job, other Odd Squad agents share...

Xs and Os: Odd Squad Series Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE066A

Special agents from the Big O’s office threaten to shut down Odd Squad because they are way over...

Zero Effect: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE004A

Olive and Otto must stop zeroes from disappearing before the missing zeroes destroy the town…and...

Zero: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT087

Do you ever like to just think about nothing? Hamza does – he’s been thinking about the number...

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