103 title(s) found.911 Roulette: W5
CTV CTV693You may think a 911 call will get you the most advanced emergency care available. That's not always...
A Forgotten Life: W5
CTV CTV796There are few people on earth like Jon McMurray. The Georgetown, Ontario man looks pretty ordinary...
A Ripple on Life
Nettel Media Inc. NMI000Explores clean water’s impact on life and death in Uganda. When Ugandan women who are in labour...
A Time of Healing: W5
CTV CTV705W5's Victor Malarek follows the recovery of Mykola Nyzhnykovskyi, who was left a triple amputee by...
ADN Supermédecin
AB Productions F296-005Des traitements “sur-mesure” voient le jour, dessinant les prémisses d’une médecine...
After Ebola: W5
CTV CTV696Before the U.S. Civil War brutally settled the issue of slavery, more than 1,500 freed and...
All of Me
Video Project, Inc. TVP005A story of love, loss and last resorts. Through the personal stories of three severely obese...
Allergy: The Toxic Burden
ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc A259-007Can the phenomenon of today’s allergy explosion be rationally explained? This documentary...
Allergy: The Toxic Burden
ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc A259-007Can the phenomenon of today’s allergy explosion be rationally explained? This documentary...
Allergy: The Toxic Burden
ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc A259-007Can the phenomenon of today’s allergy explosion be rationally explained? This documentary...
Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts
PBS Video 041861Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts is an urgent wake-up call about the national threat posed by...
American Experience: The Poisoner's Handbook
PBS Video 041729In the early 1900s , the average American medicine cabinet was a would-be poisoner's treasure...
American Masters: Decoding Watson
PBS Video 041919It is impossible to overstate the importance of James Watson's contributions to science or the...
Annette Funicello: Her Life with Multiple Sclerosis
CTV CTV560Annette Funicello was the most popular 'Mouseketeer' on 'The Mickey Mouse Club' television show...
Arctic Presence Patrol: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 4
Picture This Productions PTP004On a seemingly routine patrol, the rangers deal with snowmobile breakdowns and...
Au secours des communautés isolées
CinéFête F301-S03-07Au Brésil, Camila et son équipe voguent à bord de leur bateau-clinique vers les peuples...
Autistes: une place parmi les autres?
CinéFête F259-015L’autisme reste une énigme, difficile à définir, et dont on ne connaît toujours pas les...
Awaken: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0015Kris and Sarain begin this season’s journey exploring their individual paths. Kris delves into...
Baby Business: The Murky World of Reproductive Medicine: W5
CTV CTV498The birth of a new baby signifies hope, promise and family. But for an estimated one in 10...
Be A Donor: Canada AM
CTV CTV557Canadian organ donor advocate and recent transplant recipient Hélène Campbell catapulted organ...
Best Laid Plans: Family Secrets Series
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM13A couple in their 20’s want to have kids. When the young woman discovers she may never conceive...
Canadian Doctors in Kandahar: W5
CTV CTV390A group of extraordinary Canadian physicians and surgeons traveled to Afghanistan. Extraordinary...
Cancer, la piste oubliée
CinéFête F259-006Le cancer doit-il être vraiment compris et traité comme une « maladie des gènes », ou une...
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies (Ken Burns)
PBS Video 041789The story of the war on cancer spans centuries and continents. It is a scientific story, but also a...
Cries for Help: W5
CTV CTV683In a follow-up to its 2014 investigation, "Suicide Watch", into alarming Canada-wide, in-patient...
Deadly Vision: W5
CTV CTV786Ask anyone who knew her, and they'll say Jessica Starr was a special woman living a charmed life. ...
Don’t These People Talk to Each Other?
University Health Network UHN011This clip presents a documentary that links the evidence for interprofessional care, the need for...
Dr. Marla & Friends (5 Episodes)
CTV CTV581Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. Marla & Friends (Episode 106)
CTV CTV570Since 2000, viewers across Canada have tuned in to see Dr. Marla Shapiro as CANADA AM's Health and...
Dr. W.H.O.: W5
CTV CTV827W5 Investigative Correspondent Avery Haines delivers an exclusive interview with Dr. Bruce Aylward...
Emotional Rescue: W5
CTV CTV668W5 reporter Tom Kennedy delivers an investigation into Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in...
Fact or Fallacy: W5
CTV CTV419Are chiropractors helping -- or hurting -- Canadians? W-FIVE investigates the controversial debate...
Feeding Hope: W5
CTV CTV658A ground-breaking experimental treatment undertaken by Toronto doctors may be giving patients...
Fixing My Brain
Matter of Fact Media MFM004FIXING MY BRAIN, a one-hour documentary that tells the dramatic story of Barbara Arrowsmith, a...
For Dear Life
Diving Bell Films Inc. DBFI00When 46-year-old theatre producer James Pollard learns he has terminal cancer, he sets out to turn...
Forever Young: W5
CTV CTV699What are the secrets of living well, longer? A lot longer? Are people who live to 100 and beyond...
FRONTLINE: Endgame - AIDS in Black America
PBS Video 041585Every ten minutes, someone in the US contracts HIV, and nearly half of the one million people in...
FRONTLINE: Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria
PBS Video 041887"Nightmare bacteria." That's how the CDC describes a frightening threat spreading quickly in...
PBS Video 041798Why wasn't the Ebola outbreak stopped? When the largest Ebola outbreak on record began to...
FRONTLINE: The Vaccine War (2015)
PBS Video 041814Now, in 2015, measles, mumps, and whooping cough are all making a comeback. Building on years of...
Good Medicine: Wild Kitchen Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP002Wild Kitchen celebrates our rich cultural practices and unearths forgotten recipes inspired by the...
Gordie's Comeback: W5
CTV CTV661It's a question that has captivated sports fans and scientists. Did a radical stem cell treatment...
Grosse Ile Immigration Station, QC: Historylands Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEHL10There are thousands of stories that should be told about Grosse Ile. Its history began in the...
Healing Hands: W5
CTV CTV678W5's Victor Malarek is on location with a Canadian team on a medical mission in Kyiv that is...
Heavy Burden: W5
CTV CTV616Regardless of age, obesity can bring on a raft of health concerns including diabetes, high blood...
Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment
Human Relations Media 600642Hepatitis C is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, more common by far than...
Hockey Mom: W5
CTV CTV744TSN's Rick Westhead tells the inspiring story of Connie Radunske, the loving mother of a...
Hospital Secrets: W5
CTV CTV742So here's a scary thought. You're in a hospital. Need pain killers. But don't get them. Not because...
In the Name of Science: W5
CTV CTV709A national council responsible for monitoring animal welfare in research laboratories is...
L'homme au chevet des coraux (À la rescousse des coraux).
CinéFête F296-012Les récifs coralliens n'occupent que 0,2% des océans mais ils abritent 25% des espèces marines...