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Religious Studies

257 title(s) found.

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Sri Lankan Samathya-Sadanku/Philippino Debutante Ball: Rites of...

Left Field Entertainment LFE011

In the old Tamil Hindu tradition a young girl who has attained puberty, and experienced her first...

St Patrick's Day: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992138

This animated video class is all about St. Patrick's Day. This national holiday for the Irish is a...

Stitched Glass: A Film about Faith and Yarn

Ian Daffern IADA00

When faith built on principles of friendship collides with division and violence, a man attempts to...

Sudbury, Inlet First Nations - Isaac Weber: Skindigenous Series...

Nish Media 310065

Isaac Weber, a multidisciplinary artist who is both Créole from the Cape Verde Islands (West...

Superflood: The History of the Future Series (Ep 3)

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR160E

When God warned Noah of the great flood…he wasn’t alone. Flood stories have been part of human...

Sydney, Guangzhou, Singapore, London, Tokyo, Jerusalem and...

Switch SWED81

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Technology: The History of the Future Series (Ep 1)

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR158E

Science Fiction writers have an uncanny way of writing about what our future will look like, and...

The Ancient Egyptians: Empire Builders Series 1

Pilot Productions 555027

Rising to prominence in North Africa along the fertile valley of the river Nile, ancient Egypt...

The Bishop Who Ate His Boots


Renowned Canadian cinematographer, Richard Stringer's documentary tells the story of his...

The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song

PBS Video 041961

The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song, hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr, chronicles...

The Buddha

PBS Video 041204

Two and a half millennia ago, a new religion was born in India, generated from the ideas of the...

The Creation: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG029

The Christian story of creation can be found in the Bible. In this animated film we see God create...

The Devil We Know

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR098E

This is the story of the Devil as told through his dark manifestations in art, music and popular...

The Ethics of Abortion: When Does Life Begin?

Shortcutstv Ltd STV020

The controversies surrounding abortion involve a clash between two fundamental rights: the right of...

The Five World Religions - An Overview

Eduflix Group AB KMG013

Through examples from the world’s five major religions - Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism...

The Hidden Art of Islam

PBS Video 041730

Explore the tradition of figurative art at the heart of Islam with host Rageh Omaar. Muslim belief...

The Historic Hinterland: Hidden Algeria Series

Pilot Productions 555013

This second episode shows off the coastal and hinterland cities that were built by a prosperous...

The Inca Empire: Empire Builders Series 2

Pilot Productions 555047

The Inca were one of the world’s largest civilisations of the late Middle Ages until their...

The Indiecan Entertainment Playlist

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. MCI739

Avi Federgreen is one of Canada's top independent filmmakers and distributors. In partnership with...

The Jewish Diaspora, Part 1: Diaspora Nations - A World of...

Pilot Productions 555008

The Jewish diaspora is the world’s oldest. Jews began leaving Israel nearly 3000 years ago with...

The Jewish Diaspora, Part 2: Diaspora Nations - A World of...

Pilot Productions 555009

Persecuted for centuries, by 1900 three quarters of the global Jewish population of ten million...

The Kingdom of Jordan Series

Autentic GMBH AUT036

Between tradition and modernity, between wadis, desert and wonders of the world. "The Kingdom of...

The Kung Fu Nuns of Kathmandu

Autentic GMBH AUT039

For the Buddhist nuns of Kathmandu, Kung Fu is meditation. In Himalayan villages the Nuns protect...

The Life of Jesus: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG033

In this episode, we will learn about the life of Jesus. We will learn about the birth of Jesus in...

The Life of Muhammad

PBS Video 041662

This is the story of a man who changed the world forever. In a journey that is both literal and...

The Mystery of San Nicandro

Matter of Fact Media MFM003

A timeless story about identity, family and belonging. At first glance, The Mystery of San Nicandro...

The North: The Kingdom of Jordan Series

Autentic GMBH AUT037

In the north of Jordan with a Mediterranean landscape of hills and valleys you will find evidence...

The Pacific Empire Part 1 - Ancient Mariners: Empire Builders...

Pilot Productions 555045

Explores how the Polynesians spread out across the Pacific and examine the cultures they took with...

The Pacific Empire Part 2 - Pacific Conquests: Empire Builders...

Pilot Productions 555046

Examines the history of European colonisation of the Pacific. The Spaniards were the first to...

The Path to Shaolin

Zoot Pictures ZP0002

Beyond the movies, beyond the legends, The Path to Shaolin follows Canadian Tim Mrazek on an...

The Peyote Trail: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 3

Farpoint Films FAR024

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about the use of peyote in religious Native American ceremony...

The Promised Band

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE010

They needed a cover story to cross the Israeli border. So They Created An All-Girl Rock Band. THE...

The Prophet: W5


It doesn’t look much like a church. In fact, it used to be a ski lodge. But deep in a valley...

The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud with Dr...

PBS Video 040487

How do we find meaning and purpose in our lives? Is there a God? How do we reconcile conflicting...

The Sacred Bee - Part 1


The Sacred Bee film series offers a ground-breaking paradigm that gently unites the world’s major...

The Sahara: Hidden Algeria Series

Pilot Productions 555014

The third chapter of this Algerian odyssey is a travelogue that covers over 1200 miles - from the...

The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God

PBS Video 041145

A poignant film by Ken Burns portrays 200 years of Shaker life in America, guided by recollections...

The South: The Kingdom of Jordan Series

Autentic GMBH AUT038

Southern Jordan is full of wonders: between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea lies the rock city of...

The Spanish Empire: Empire Builders Series 1

Pilot Productions 555023

Until the 15th century Spain had been conquered first by the Romans, then by the Moslem Moors. When...

The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama

PBS Video 041693

The Story of the Jews with Simon Schama. Simon Schama presents an epic five-part series exploring...

The Woman Who Joined the Taliban

Matter of Fact Media MFM002

Beverley Giesbrecht was a publishing executive and devout Christian living near Vancouver when the...

Thy Will Be Done: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo goes undercover to expose conversion therapy in Canada. The program examines...

Tibet: Beyond Fear

Passion River Films PR2173

With an opening by Richard Gere, this award winning television documentary has been translated into...

Toronto - Toby Sicks: Skindigenous Series, Season 3

Nish Media 310062

When Anthony (Toby Sicks) Hooper learned he was Métis at age 21, he did a lot of research into his...

Toronto - Jay Soule: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310013

Jay Soule is a multidisciplinary artist known as “Chippewar” in the Indigenous community. His...

Travelers to the East: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR103E

After Jesus’ crucifixion, three Apostles — Bartholomew, Matthias and Thomas — supposedly...

Tuatoru – Whiro: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0663

Tuatoru – Whiro” Circa 1769 AD.  This story reveals the importance of love, loss and the...

Tunis, Seattle, Kyoto, Geneva, Canberra, Brussels and Lisbon...

Switch SWED89

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Undercover Jihadi

Matter of Fact Media MFM001

Undercover Jihadi follows Mubin Shaikh, a man who went from extremist militant to undercover...

Unholy Alliance: W5


W5 investigates why Donald Trump's evangelical religious base has stood with the President, despite...

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