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Video Games: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0026

Do you love games of skill, challenge, fun and learning? Our ancestors understood the science of...

Viking Funeral Escape:: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 3

Farpoint Films FAR052

Dean is reclaiming his Icelandic roots by attempting to escape from a burning Viking ship in the...

Vikings - Culture and Conquests: History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0049

Vikings, ferocious Norse warriors from Scandinavia, sailed the seas in flat-bottomed boats with...

Vikram: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT594

When twelve-year-old Vikram visits his grandparents in India, he's always inspired by how his...

Vimy: Flight Path of Heroes: A Nation Soars Series

Sound Venture SVP397

The past and present come together during a flying celebratory road show that spans two nations and...

Vimy: L'envolé des héros

Sound Venture SVP398

Le passé et le présent se rencontrent au cours de cette tournée aérienne qui se déroule à...

Vincent Van Gogh: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0003

Mati and Dada find Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh’s lost paint brushes and help him recapture a...

Vincent Van Gogh: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0003FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Vincent Van Gogh qui leur explique comment il s’y prend pour peindre ses...

Virtual Reality: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0027

Virtual Reality (VR) is a new way to experience stories, play games and see the world without...

Virtual Universe: Cosmic Vistas, Season 2

Blue Ant Media BAM048

Computer simulations are helping us see what it's like to fly over other worlds and how galaxies...

Virus of Hate: W5


W5 investigates the racism and challenges many Asian-Canadians have had to face since the start of...

Viruses, Vaccines and COVID-19 - Prepare and Prevail: Science...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0214

Humans fight viruses with knowledge which was especially important during the Covid-19 epidemic...

Viruses: The Deadly Enemy

Human Relations Media 600150

This program helps viewers learn the basics about diseases, the immune system, evolution, and...

Visionary Gardeners Series

291 Film Company 291141

Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season...

Visual Deception: Mindworks Series

Switch SWED60

Do you believe in ghosts, or are they just hallucinations? While most of these illusions are a...

Visual Perception: Mindworks Series

Switch SWED59

From the moment you wake up until you go to bed, you see millions of different images—different...

Visually Evoked Audio Response, Retinal Fatigue, Muller-Lyer...

Switch SWED78

Explore sensory tricks and illusions.

Voiture: une industrie mondialisée

ARTE France F259-S10-90

Les 7 milliards et demi d’humains que nous sommes disposent de plus d'un milliard...

Volcanic Odysseys Series

Blue Ant Media BAM098

Volcanologist Thomas Pfeiffer, together with his team of local experts, cater to the adventurous...

Volcano Above the Clouds


Explore Kilimanjaro—the breathtaking island in the sky. At 20,000 feet, Mount Kilimanjaro...

Volcano No! - Why Does a Volcano Erupt?: Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-11-42

Jack has found his on place on Earth for a vacation - a remote volcanic desert island. But when...

Volcanoes: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0022

Isa tells us about the “Ring of Fire” and the role of tectonic plates for in the creation of...

Vole, petit oiseau ! : Mia & Codie séries

Epic Story Media ESM271FR

Mia et Codie trouvent un oisillon tombé du nid et ils essaient de lui apprendre à voler grâce au...

Volleyball (Newton's Laws of Motion - Inertia, Acceleration...

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE105

Guest pro Kira joins host Nykeem, Dr. Heather in the Sports Lab and up-and-coming powerhouse Megan...

Voyage of the Continents Series

ARTE France A259-S02

Via the epic of continental drift, we travel to Africa and the Americas, to meet scientists who are...

VOYAGE TO KURE PARTS 1 & 2 : Jean - Michel..

PBS Video 040749

Follow Jean-Michel Cousteau and his crew of divers as they explore an array of natural phenomena...

Voyager's Voyage: Earth to Luna, Season 4

Monster Entertainment MON631

While visiting the ALMA observatory in the Atacama Desert, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde hear about...

Vu du large 1

CinéFête F88-S01

Vu du large vous convie à porter un regard neuf et contemporain sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent...

Vu du large 2

CinéFête F88-S03

L'aventure se poursuit. Après avoir sillonné le Saint Laurent au cours de sa première mission...

Vulture Adventure: Pixie Fix and The Lost Dewdrops, Season 1...

Blue Ant Media BAM1392

The episode opens with Tick Tock sneaking about in the sand. He is extremely hot, and he makes no...

Vulva: Every Body Curious, Season 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1411

What’s the difference between a vulva and a vagina? Is it normal to have hair on my vulva? How...

Vulves, vagins et vérités! : Tout Sexplique

GAPC Productions GAPF36

Une noune, une touffe, une chatte : autant de mots et d’expressions pour désigner l’organe...

Vuntut National Park, YT: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP60

Located in the northern Yukon, Vuntut protects the Old Crow Flats, a vast plain of more than 2000...

Wacky Number Songs

Apartment 11 APT497

Wacky Number Songs is a series of songs about math-related concepts. Performed by Ava, each song is...

Wacky Word Songs

Apartment 11 APT202

WACKY WORD SONGS! is an educational series of 40 song-based episodes about language related...

Wages of Hope: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S03-01

The informal sector of the economy includes activities that are not structured according to the...

Waiting for Justice in Ecuador's Amazon Rain Forest: Pablo...

Paper Tiger PT0094

This episode of The Green Interview features Pablo Fajardo and Steven Donziger, two lawyers whose...

Waiting for Wings

Weston Woods WW618

by Lois Ehlert. Butterflies bloom as delicately as flowers in this visually magnificent story of...

Waiting for Winter: Arctic Secrets Series

Blue Ant Media BAM475

Cape Tatnam on the western shore of Hudson Bay is the home of the world's most southerly polar bear...

Wales: Undiscovered Vistas Series

Blue Ant Media BAM312

Along the west coast of Great Britain, the world's longest uninterrupted footpath forges through...

Walking on a Cloud: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON600

Grandma is taking the trio for a little flight in her airplane. As they soar through the clouds...

Walking on Water: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON666

Luna’s father is working on an article about the roun drocks of Costa Rica. Meanwhile, Luna...

Walking: Miracle Cure for Body and Soul

Autentic GMBH AUT000

Is walking a miracle cure for body and soul? Today, people spend most of their time sitting down...

Wall: A Story about Two Gardens in Three Parts


Wall tells a story about ecological practice, unexpected connections and ambiguous communication...

Wallowing in the Mud: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON593

Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are giving Alfalfa, Grandma’s pig, a bath. But as they turn their backs...

Walrus TV Series

Blue Ant Media BAM105

Walrus TV segments promote debate on matters vital to our country. Featuring original documentaries...

Wapusk National Park, MB: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP09

Wapusk is the Cree word for “white bear” – a fitting name since this park protects one of the...

Wapusk National Park, MB: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP21

Canada's 7th largest park was created in1996 near Churchill, Manitoba. Wapusk National Park...

Warm Summer Bites: Brewster the Rooster Series

Monster Entertainment MON016

Mosquitoes are biting Maggie when Helvetica Frog asks ‘Why do mosquitoes bite people?’ Brewster...

Warrior Up! Series

Picture This Productions PTP008

Warrior Up! is a 13 x 22-minute documentary series that follows inspiring Indigenous youth making...

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