Social Sciences
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Tribal Police: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0696Manitoba’s Dakota-Ojibway Tribal Police and Alberta’s Blood Tribe Police Force are two of a...
TRIPPING The Bruce (180 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS03This stunning documentary invites viewers onboard a sailboat for a 34-kilometre voyage along the...
TRIPPING The Bruce (60 Minute Version)
Good Earth Productions GETS04This 1 hour condensed version of TRIPPING The Bruce invites viewers onboard a sailboat for a...
TRIPPING The Niagara
Good Earth Productions GETS02TVO Original TRIPPING The Niagara takes viewers on a 3 hour hawk’s-eye journey, soaring and...
Tropic of Chaos
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV047A large lake that empties, refugee camps that fill up. What is happening in the Lake Chad basin is...
Troubled Waters
Barking Dog Pictures A270-002As world food shortages loom large Commercial Ice Fishers in Northern Canada are leaving a majority...
Troubled Waters: W5
CTV CTV697"TROUBLED WATERS" takes viewers to local communities currently facing off against the bottled water...
Trout: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3
Tanner Beach Productions WGC310Having caught a trout from Lake Ontario, Chef Rupert prepares a Wildflower honey, ginger and citrus...
True North: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0707From Carcross in the Yukon Territory to the far reaches of Nunavut, life in Canada’s north can be...
Truth and Reconciliation - The Legacy of Residential Schools in...
LeMay Media LM0007This program examines the history, legacy and current impacts of the Residential School experience...
Truth and Reconciliation: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ001RezX TV is an Indigneous lifestyle show produced by RezX entrepreneur Chris Ross from the Red Earth...
Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Playlist
MCI735An in-depth study of the effects of colonialism in Canada from a historical and contemporary...
Try Thai Tonight, Season 3 - Dean and Jean Cook-Off Challenge
Dean Rainey DR0014They’re back for another season and this time it's a cook-off! It’s Jean and Dean, your husband...
Try Thai Tonight, Season 4 - BBQ Edition
Dean Rainey DR0021It's a fiery new season of Try Thai Tonight as Dean and Jean present their first ever BBQ edition.
Try Thai Tonight, Season 5
Dean Rainey DR0028It's a fresh, new season of Try Thai Tonight as Jean and Dean cook up more fabulous thai dishes.
Tsu'xitt: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0795Orcas (killer whales) are the largest of the dolphin family species, very intelligent marine...
Tsunami: Just Another Wave
Kondololé Films Inc. KON054The devastating 2004 tsunami was a disaster for the people and economy of Sri Lanka, a country...
Tuarua – Oriori: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0662Tuarua – Oriori” Circa I500 AD. The story of two brothers on a spiritual journey. When a young...
Tuatoru – Whiro: The Untold Tales of Tuteremoana Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0663Tuatoru – Whiro” Circa 1769 AD. This story reveals the importance of love, loss and the...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (55 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043ACe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (73 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043BCe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Tunis, Seattle, Kyoto, Geneva, Canberra, Brussels and Lisbon...
Switch SWED89This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Tunisia: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310026Manel Mahdouani is a tattoo artist living in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. As a descendent of the...
Tunisie : une voie singulière
ARTE France F259-S10-87Berceau du printemps arabe, la Tunisie avance sur le chemin de la démocratie quand l’Algérie et...
Robert E Moberg Films REM001The devastating collapse of the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings pond dam in central British...
Turkey - Blue Mosque: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE407TJ and Tristan take a plane ride to Istanbul and visit a big park full of tiny model buildings...
Turning the Tide - Populism in Europe: Great Decisions 2019...
Scorpion Television SCTV04The European Union was founded as a bold experiment in free trade with an internal market and...
Turquie : la puissance selon Erdogan ?
ARTE France F259-S10-88Recep Tayyip Erdogan a remis la Turquie sur le devant de la scène internationale en effaçant les...
Two-Spirit Identities: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0621Mohawk songwriter Shawnee and Ojibwe-Cree Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby consider the history and role of...
Tyler and Barb: Old School for Lazy Kids Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1332**Contains course language - mature subject matter** Lazy Kid and wannabe rapper Tyler, 18, spends...
Tzouhalem (52 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS01Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...
Tzouhalem (92 Minute Version)
Less Bland Productions LESS00Tzouhalem, Chief of the Cowichan First Nation during the mid-1800’s, is arguably one of the most...
U of S Grad Pow Wow, Mosaic FN Pavilion, Shana Pasapa, Constant...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ009This episode features stories on; Mosaic First Nations Pavilion, the University of Saskatchewan...
Ukraine: The Road to War
Video Project, Inc. TVP113Although the war in Ukraine continues to dominate all the headlines, many have forgotten that a war...
Ullumi Today
Films de l'Isle A152-001In 50 years, the Inuit have gone from the igloo to the internet. Today the key to the...
Un monde 5 étoiles
La Générale de Production F196-050En sortant d'un taxi, d'un restaurant, d'un l'hôtel, d'un train, après la livraison d'un colis ou...
Un monde à 3 Zéros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060FRLe Professeur Yunus, banquier des pauvres, entrepreneur social et lauréat du prix Nobel de la...
Un monde inapercu (52 Minutes)
HG Distribution HG0000FRDans un profond sommeil depuis plusieurs mois, sont les amphibiens et reptiles du Québec. De...
Un monde sans sable
AB Productions F296-S02-05Le sable est tout autour de nous. C’est l’ingrédient principal du béton et nous l’utilisons...
Un monde sans...
AB Productions F296-S02À quoi ressemblerait un monde sans ces forêts dont nous avons tant besoin ? Que se passerait-il...
Un oeil sur vous, citoyens sous surveillance
ARTE France F259-021Existe-t-il encore un espace dans nos vies qui échappe à la surveillance ? Le citoyen du XXIème...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Unchained - Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking: Great...
Scorpion Television SCTV18Almost every nation has enacted laws criminalizing human trafficking, and international...
Uncharted Waters
Molly Dennis MODE00Uncharted Waters celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/Atl’ka7tsem (UNESCO...
Uncovering Rape Culture: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1457After a schoolboy threatened to rape her in her local park, Zara McDermott goes on an exploration...
Under Fire: W5
CTV CTV906Eighty-five per cent of firefighters are volunteers, and their numbers have dwindled to alarming...
Under Taliban Law
ARTE France A196-031Kabul has fallen. The city and the country (except for the Panjshir region) are in the hands of the...
Underground: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0020Indigenous Scientists look inside the earth and rock layers to learn about the Earth's history; and...
Understanding Canadian Government
Mike Galivan MIGA00Young hosts describe the nuts-and-bolts of the federal and provincial governments in Canada, with...
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