Social Sciences
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"Meegwitch, hi hi !": De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 6
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC06FREn ojibway, "Meegwitch" signifie "Créateur", et "hi hi" signifie "merci". Dans cet épisode, Laura...
InFilm Productions IFP000This educational/advocacy documentary follows Isaac Gotfried, a 95-year-old Holocaust survivor who...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE046#NoJoke is a compelling documentary that follows musician Andrew Cole as he puts together a...
100 Days of Freedom
Cooper Rock CPR042For offenders who come from troubled homes, with little education, substance abuse problems, and...
100 Years of Film Thunder Bay
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV049A montage of films made in Northwestern Ontario since the invention of moving pictures.
12 Dogs Drive - The Run Home
Hemmings House Pictures HHP007Justin Allen runs his 12 sled dogs home from Churchill, Manitoba to Saint John, New Brunswick. The...
12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP01712 Neighbors is a documentary series that explores the question: “What does it really mean to...
12th Hour
Video Project, Inc. TVP107Much of our population currently lives with hopeful delusions about climate change. These...
1375 - 1620 - Pour tout l'or du monde: Les routes de...
ARTE France F196-S04-02À la fin du Moyen-âge, l’Europe s’ouvre au monde et découvre qu’elle se situe en...
1620 - 1789 - Du sucre à la révolte: Les routes de...
ARTE France F196-S04-03XVIIe siècle. L’Atlantique devient le champ de bataille de la guerre du sucre. Français...
17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (58 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00A17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...
17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (80 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM0017 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...
1789 - 1888 - Les nouvelles frontières de l'esclavage: Les...
ARTE France F196-S04-04À Londres, Paris et Washington, le courant abolitionniste gagne du terrain. Après la révolte des...
1961, la route de l'égalité
AB Productions F296-003Un road movie historique à travers l’Alabama et le Mississippi sur les traves de près de 450...
1961, the Road to Freedom
AB Productions A296-003The film follows the historic movement begun on May 4th, 1961 by a group of black and white civil...
1991 - La 1ère Guerre du Golfe
Phares & Balises F196-035Le 14 octobre 1990 devant une commission du Congrès américain, une adolescente de 15 ans, Nayirah...
1991, l'affaire du sang contaminé
Phares & Balises F196-046Comment la France, l’un des pays le plus riche au monde a-t-il pu laisser en circulation et...
1996, la crise de vache folle
Phares & Balises F196-04520 mars 1996, Palais de Westminster. Stephen Dorrell, ministre de l’agriculture britannique...
1997, le scandale de l'amiante
Phares & Balises F196-044C’est le scandale sanitaire le plus meurtrier du XXème siècle. Et l’histoire n’est pas...
2003 - La guerre d'Irak (Les mensonges de l'histoire)
Phares & Balises F196-025Le 20 mars 2003, les États-Unis déclenchent l’opération « Iraq Freedom ». Une guerre censée...
2008 - L’affaire Madoff (Les mensonges de l'histoire)
Phares & Balises F196-033Le 12 décembre 2008, en pleine crise financière, Bernard L. Madoff est arrêté menottes aux...
2017 First Nation University Pow Wow: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ0312017 First Nation University Pow Wow (Season 3 - Episode 7): This episode's theme covers the 2017...
2017 Think Indigenous Conference: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ0302017 Think Indigenous Conference (Season 3 - Episode 6): This episode theme covers the 2017...
2050: A World Without Meat
RMC Films A296-022Earth hosts 8 billion human beings. 8 billion mouths to feed! But despite massive global...
2050: Faudra-t-il vraiment se passer de viande
RMC Films F296-023Produire suffisamment pour nourrir une population toujours grandissante alors que les terres...
20th Century Gals
GAPC Productions GAP017This "docudramedy", hosted by Babe (a.k.a. Cathy Jones of This Hour Has 22 Minutes) is a mix of...
33 Years -The Secret My Sister Once Told Me
Eve Kinizo EK0000Shot over the span of 20 years due to court procedures, combining animation with real footage, this...
36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime
Video Project, Inc. TVP129On February 10, 2015, UNC students Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and her sister...
39/40, The War Through a Lens Series
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-S01It took Hitler less than ten months to conquer Europe. This two-part series is an astonishing...
39/40, The War Through a Lens Series
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-S01It took Hitler less than ten months to conquer Europe. This two-part series is an astonishing...
42 - The Answer to Almost Everything Series
Autentic GMBH AUT020The new and different knowledge series asks all kinds of questions and gets to the bottom of...
476 - 1375 - Au-delà du désert: Les routes de l’esclavage
ARTE France F196-S04-01476 après Jésus-Christ, Rome s’effondre sous la poussée des invasions barbares. Sur les ruines...
48 Hours: Lessons from Vancouver in Canada's Opioid Crisis: W5
CTV CTV715W5's Jon Woodward investigates Canada's growing fentanyl epidemic at ground zero - Vancouver's...
4C Farms - Cowessess First Nation, SK: Depth of Field - Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C0094C Farms is owned by Cowessess First Nation in the rural municipality of Grayson, SK. It is a mixed...
4C Farms - Cowessess First Nation, SK: Depth of Field - Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C009F4C Farms is owned by Cowessess First Nation in the rural municipality of Grayson, SK. It is a mixed...
54321+8 Count Down to Your Health
Learning ZoneXpress 43016854321+8 Count Down to Your Health gives an overview of six things teens and adults can do each day...
6 Tons of Steel: Building Bloody Saturday
Prairie Boy Productions PBP000An Indigenous apprentice Ironworker in a city that for a hundred years suppressed the memory of...
A Bullet Pulling Thread
Ian Daffern IADA01Can quilting change the world? Renowned quilter Marilyn Farquhar was devastated when police killed...
A Cage in Freezing Water
Shortcutstv Ltd STV024Depression is a mental disorder characterized by negative thoughts and an inability to function...
A Canadian War Story
Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre UCRDC1Combining archival photographs and film footage with first hand accounts of people and events, A...
A Cedar Is Life
Less Bland Productions LESS05A Cedar Is Life explores how one critical species, the cedar tree, is central to the cultural life...
A Child's Century of War
Bishari Films BF0011At the beginning of the last century, nine out of ten people killed in war were soldiers. At the...
A Chinese Propaganda Lesson in the Forbidden Zone
Ego Productions A212-006An authoritarian People’s Republic or a real dictatorship? This documentary reveals the real...
A Conversation with the Prime Minister 2022
CTV CTV926Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with CTV National News Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor...
A Day in the Life: Raven Tales, Season 2
Arcana Studio Inc. ASI025As the villagers work hard at their chores, Raven works equally hard avoiding them. After escaping...
A Day to Remember: W5
CTV CTV654W5 takes viewers inside the modern world of weddings - a $4 billion-a-year industry in Canada...
A Good Dog: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT010Humans and canines have an undeniable bond and more and more hospices providing palliative care...
A Good Game Series
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310090In A GOOD GAME, professional coach and former NHLer John Chabot, a native of Kitigan Zibi reserve...
A Grandfather’s Defense: The Lie Detective Series
Reel Girls Media REEL23A grandfather comes to Ken's office with an emotionally disturbing case. Alienated by his family...
A Great Endeavour: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series
Pilot Productions 555016Episode 1 of the documentary, "A Great Endeavour" looks at Banks’ early privileged life as the...