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Social Studies

4264 title(s) found.

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Pam prend son courage à deux mains: Canot Cocasse Saison 4

Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800256

Thème : Oser essayer des choses qui nous font peur même quand on sait qu’il n’y a pas de...

Pamukkale: Geographic Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992129

This animated geography video lesson explores Pamukkale, an area in southwestern Turkey that means...


Eduflix Group AB KMG003

The word pandemic comes from Greek and means “pertaining to all people”. At the end of 2019...

Pangaea and Continental Drift: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0350

Learn all about Pangaea and continental drift.  What is Pangaea?  What is continental drift, and...

Pantheon: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0038

How amazing it is having a guide like Apollodorus of Damascus explain the ingenious architecture of...

Pantheon: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0038FR

Mati et Dada découvrent le Panthéon, à Rome, grâce à une visite guidée par nul autre que...

Paolo Uccello: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0008

Mati’s quest to draw a realistic horse leads her and Dada right into a shadow animation adventure...

Paolo Uccello: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0008FR

Mati et Dada découvrent les ombres chinoises avec la fameuse peinture «Saint-George et le...

Papa is a Poet

Weston Woods WW2707

Based on the book by Natalie S. Bober, illustrator Rebecca Gibbon (Christy Ottaviano Books) -...

Papatsie - Inuk, Ottawa, ON: Raven's Quest 1

Apartment 11 APT012

Papatsie is an Inuk girl who lives in Ottawa, Ontario. She’s 9 years old. Papatsie’s English...

Paper Dreams: Brewster the Rooster Series

Monster Entertainment MON009

Brewster, Maggie, Ethan and Connor, are playing with paper airplanes. Ethan wonders ‘How do real...

Paper Pusher: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB305

Zeph wants to be an artist one day, but learns recycling is the only possible career in the future...

Paperboy, The

Weston Woods WW390

by Dav Pilkey Every Saturday morning a paperboy and his dog get ready to leave their nice...

Para Alpine Skiing (Drag Forces/Air Resistance): Sports Lab...

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE114

Guest pro Erin heads out to the giant slalom course to meet Nykeem and Sarah, a tenacious young...

Paradigm Shift: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2

Redcloud Studios RS0027

Kris goes to Ottawa to meet Elaine Kicknosway, 60’s Scoop Advocate and Co-Founder of The National...

Paradise Island: W5


Sable Island, a secluded sandbar 300 kilometres southeast of Nova Scotia, is an almost magical...

Parent Swap (Air Gliding): Annedroids Season Two

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE181

Nick and his Dad do a father/son engineering challenge every year at Zack’s Dad’s welding shop...

Parks Canada: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 7

Square Sheep Films SQU007

The plains and wood bison are integral to the ecosystem of Elk Island National Park, and fencing...

Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV000

Parks Canada’s Climate Crew is a dynamic digital series showcasing the people and work happening...

Parmigianino: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0019

Mati and Dada find themselves in Fontanellato, Italy, and discover the charming myth of Diana and...

Parmigianino: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0019FR

Mati et Dada se retrouvent à Fontanellato et découvrent le charmant mythe de Diane et Atteone...

Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series

Taqqut Productions TPI006

Rita Claire teaches Qimmiq about parts of the body, eating right and brushing our teeth. Looee...

Parts of the Body: Anaana’s Tent Series (Inuktitut Version)

Taqqut Productions TPI006IN

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Party Pooper, Hop: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM203

When the Hoppers discover that Jerome has a hot air balloon, everyone is excited to fly in it...

Pas de danse, pas de loup : Canot Cocasse Saison 2

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800227

Pas de danse, pas de loup (épisode 13): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Faire preuve de...

Passage to Freedom

Carleton University CU1000

Passage to Freedom is a moving documentary that features oral histories of Southeast Asian refugees...

Passage vers la Liberté

Carleton University CU1000FR

Passage vers la liberté est un documentaire émouvant qui présente les histoires orales de...

Passing The Torch - Canadians Go to War, 1939 - 1941: For King...

Shadow Pine Studios Inc. SPS018

In May 1940, the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler launches his “Blitzkrieg” or “Lightning War” of...

Patagonia - Growing the Sustainable Company: Yvon Chouinard -...

Paper Tiger PT0048

This episode of The Green Interview features Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, a sporting...

Patate Joyeuse : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM248FR

Lonny veut célébrer sa première “Patate Joyeuse”, la fête d’hiver amusante et festive de...

Patinage de vitesse: Théo le loup séries


Nina est certaine que ses nouveaux patins ultra-rapides lui permettront de foncer plus vite que...

Paul Gauguin: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0032

Mati and Dada take an amazing journey to Tahiti’s coconut trees and colourful plants. In the...

Paul Gauguin: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0032FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Paul Gauguin, peintre et voyageur, qui leur explique ce qui inspirait ses...

Paul Klee: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0016

Mati and Dada enter directly into a Paul Klee' s dream, with strange puppets, flying fishes and a...

Paul Klee: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0016FR

Mati et Dada entrent dans le rêve de Paul Klee qui leur explique l’importance des lignes...

Peace Has No Borders

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE009

During the Iraq and Afghan Wars, veterans from the United States crossed the border to Canada...

Pearl's Prey: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA160

Tommy is thrilled, his parents lent him a drone to film the animals of the Shelter! But Pearl the...

Pearly Whites: Earth to Luna, Season 5

Monster Entertainment MON643

Luna’s family is visiting a small coastal town in Japan. When their friend finds a rare pearl...

Peau de caribou: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-10

De la peau du caribou, les Innus tirent mille et un articles nécessaires à la vie de tous les...

Peeling Eel: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...

Buck Productions 300081

The group learns to harvest and prepare a lake dweller, but it is not for the squeamish. Daybi...

PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec: Seeing Canada...

Brandy Y Productions BYP019

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk explores Canada's Maritime provinces. In Prince Edward Island...

Pemmican and York Boats: Bison Return From the Edge of...

Square Sheep Films SQU002

In the early 19th century, there was intense competition between the North West Company and the...

Penelakut - Returning to the Healing Circle

Peter Campbell PCI001

In Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle, a filmmaker returns to an island off the coast of...

Penguin Power: ZooMoos Wild Friends Series

Blue Ant Media BAM680

In this episode of ZooMoo's Wild Friends, we are visiting the Antarctica, where we'll learn about...

Pénis - la longue et la courte histoire : Tout Sexplique

GAPC Productions GAPF37

Zizi, graine, bite, queue, troisième jambe : l'épisode de cette semaine parle des pénis! À la...

Penny et le bateau pirate : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM205FR

Penny entend dire qu’il pourrait y avoir un trésor d’un navire pirate coulé au fond du lac...

Penny et le pin épineux : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM247FR

Penny essaie de sauver un arbre menacé d’abattage mais a du mal à convaincre les autres de sa...

Penny Lane Organic Farm - Swift Current, SK: Depth of Field...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C031

The farmers live on the original homestead of his grandparents and are the third generation to...

Penny's Pirate Gold: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM205

When Earl sings a sea shanty about a sunken treasure ship at the bottom of Lake Lucky, Penny...

People at Work (DVD)

Weston Woods WW662

Collection includes: Trashy Town, The Paperboy, Miss Nelson is Back

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