Social Studies
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Never Forget: The Legacy of Dictatorships
Phares & Balises A196-008The last three decades of the 20th century brought unexpected but gratifying advances in democracy...
New Brunswick and a 1000 Islands Helicopter Tour in Ontario...
Brandy Y Productions BYP098Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to Carters Point, New Brunswick where Cornel Ceapa from...
New Forests, New Stewards, A Road Forward: Trees, Youth, Our...
Pinegrove Productions EOMF02Delves deeper into sustainable forest management on Crown and private lands and in urban forests...
New Pals (Power Sources): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE139In this episode, Nick moves into a new house across the street from a mysterious junkyard. Nick and...
New Zealand - Glowworms: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE419TJ and Tristan go spelunking in New Zealand! They take a boat ride through the dark caves and see...
New Zealand - Karanga Ink, Maori Tattooing: Skindigenous Series...
Nish Media 310022Pip Hartley is on a mission to infuse Auckland’s city core with as much Māori culture as...
New Zealand - Kiwi: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE418TJ and Tristan visit a kiwi-fruit farm in New Zealand where they gather all the ingredients to make...
New Zealand - Maori Tattooing at Mount Maunganui: Skindigenous...
Nish Media 310021Julie Paama-Pengelly is a veteran in the revitalization of tā moko Māori tattooing. Her studio in...
New Zealand - Maori: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE417TJ and Tristan visit a village where they learn to stick their tongues out and yell a traditional...
New Zealand: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310009In the twentieth century, the Maori of New Zealand all but lost their tattooing tradition. Only the...
Newfoundland Harbour Clean Up: Restoration Planet Series, Season...
Robert E Moberg Films REM016Not too far from Dildo, Newfoundland, we met Shawn Bath, a scuba diver who has created his own...
Newfoundland: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310006Jordan Bennett is an artist of Mi’kmaq descent whose work blends pop culture and traditional...
Niagara Escarpment: Undiscovered Vistas Series
Blue Ant Media BAM308Niagara Falls is the only section of the 450-mile-long Niagara escarpment that most will ever see...
NIBI (WAABANDA'IWEWIN ): Future History: Harnessing Knowledge...
Redcloud Studios RS0004OJSarain dash Kris odizhindanawaa noongom ezhi maazhi izwebak nibikong zhigo dash ge...
Nice Ice, Baby: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2
Epic Story Media ESM194The Adventure Rangers and Emilia Eagleheart are going winter camping with Pippa the Polar Bear…...
Nico crie au loup: Canot Cocasse Saison 3
Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800231Thème : Crier au loup pour attirer l'attention, ce n'est pas une bonne idée. Dans cet épisode...
Nico et le bousier: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800259Nico est vraiment horripilé à l'idée de nettoyer les toilettes. C'est dans l'aventure cocasse...
Nico et son ami collant: Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800250Thème : Comprendre que les gens aient parfois autre chose à faire que de s’amuser avec...
Nico la tornade: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800268Nico ne fait pas attention à ce qu'il y a autour de lui, mais il goûte à sa propre médecine...
Nico n'a pas de manières : Canot Cocasse Saison 4
Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800247Thème : Avoir de bonnes manières. Dans cet épisode, Nico se trouve bien drôle lorsqu'il...
Nico n'aime pas perdre: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800265Lors d'un jeu, Nico est confronté à Victor qui, tout comme lui, n'aime pas perdre. Nico comprend...
Nico s'inquiète: Canot Cocasse Saison 5
Manito Cocasse 5 Inc. 800262Nico ne trouve pas si grave de négliger les consignes reçues. En aventure cocasse, il s'inquiète...
Nicole Robertson: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0007Nicole Robertson has dedicated her life to creating awareness about Indigenous Peoples through the...
Nicole: Toronto, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT625Nicole is a 9-year-old girl who lives in Toronto, Ontario with her musical family. She is Canadian...
Night Camping: Audrey’s Shelter Series
Image-In Atlantic IIA202Audrey and Tommy prepare for a night of camping in the Shelter... with Maeva as a last-minute...
Night Crawlers: Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0103Just because some creatures only come out at night doesn't mean they are bad. Chuck and Andy learn...
Night Lights: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB301In the future, confused birds are crashing everyone’s parties. To find out why, the team goes...
Night Moves: Great Lakes Wild Series
Blue Ant Media BAM237Animals of the night have some scary stories to tell. From bats to flying squirrels, the...
Nightmare on Quebec Street: W5
CTV CTV967In “Nightmare on Quebec Street”, W5’s Investigative Reporter Victor Malarek examines a...
Nighty Night Horses: Earth to Luna, Season 3
Monster Entertainment MON591Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are curious as to why they never see horses lying down. Do horses sleep...
Nighty Night: Brewster the Rooster Series
Monster Entertainment MON012Brewster, Maggie and Ginger Squirrel see the sunset on the beach. Ginger wonders, ‘Where does the...
NIMI'IDIWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...
Redcloud Studios RS0005OJKris dash Sarain odazhindaanawaa onow nimi’idiwin zhigo ge manidookewin dash waabanjigewin. Mii...
Nimkii: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310020Isaac Murdoch and Christi Belcourt founded the Onaman Collective, which represents a group of...
Nimmo Bay and Manitoulin Island: Seeing Canada Series, Season One
Brandy Y Productions BYP014Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk explores Nimmo Bay in British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest...
No Friend Left Behind: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE100When Enzo comes over for a playdate, the kids have a great time playing with their stuffies… but...
No Fun in the Sun: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM180When the Rangers help clean up the beach on a sunny day, things get too hot to handle. Inkie and...
No Hard Fillings/Sweet Jewelry: Louis Says Season 2
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0012Episode 1A - No Hard Fillings: Randy must take something thôskâw (soft) and maskawâw (hard)...
No Hard Fillings/Sweet Jewelry: Louis Says Season 2 (Cree...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC012Episode 1A - No Hard Fillings: Randy must take something thôskâw (soft) and maskawâw (hard)...
No Land, No Food, No Life
Films de l'Oeil A253-001No Land No Food No Life is a hard-hitting film which explores sustainable small scale agriculture...
No Ordinary Life Series
BG Content Inc. BG0000No Ordinary Life is a 13 part documentary series, sharing stories about people who are living life...
No Time for Stories/Stick to the Plan: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC002Episode 2A: No Time for Stories - Louis asks Randy to help Mr. Thompson collect the medicinal plant...
No Time for Stories/Stick to the Plan: Louis Says Series
Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0002Episode 2A: No Time for Stories - Louis asks Randy to help Mr. Thompson collect the medicinal...
No Utensils Allowed! - Saskatoon, SK: Kid Diners Series
Farpoint Films FAR020There’s no cutlery allowed for Xander and Aynalem in Saskatoon, SK! Aynalem harvests wheat on a...
Noah's Ark
Weston Woods WW640by Jerry Pinkney The well-known biblical story of how Noah saved life on earth, for forty days...
Noah's Ark: Bible Stories Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG030In this film we learn the story of Noah’s ark - about the time after the Garden of Eden, why God...
Noah's Ark: Homemade Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1278Inspired by faith and an unforgettable dream, Johan Huibers, is a carpenter that built his own...
Noche de Películas: Serie Lili y Lola, Temporada 3
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB258SP¡El destino de la noche de cine está en manos de Lili y Lola! ¡Todo lo que tienen que hacer es...
Noisy Nora
Weston Woods WW175MANBIby Rosemary Wells With everyone in her house too busy to listen, Nora makes her presence known at...
Nora - Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series...
Apartment 11 APT503Nora is an 8-year old Ojibwe girl who lives in Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario. She will introduce...
Norooz: Lili and Lola Series
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB064The family is getting ready to celebrate The Persian New Year by setting the table - or Haft Seen -...
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