Social Studies
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The Mystery of the Big Deal: Mystery Files, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT048In Aunt Tilley’s house, Kyla and E.B. investigate random objects in the file drawers they...
The Mystery of the Salty Dog: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT028Kyla learns about the darker side of piracy while E.B. finds out the difference between pirates and...
The Mystery of the Small World: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT025A kite, a toy airplane, and a delivery receipt from China lead E.B. and Kyla to solve a mystery...
The Mystery of the Undead: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT030Kyla and E.B. are in for a spooky time as they try to discover if zombies, vampires, and other...
The Mystery of the Way We See: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT031Kyla meets an artist who teaches her about the process of portraiture while E.B. meets with a...
The Mystery of Times Change: The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT026E.B. meets with a clockmaker to fix his broken watch, and learns about the multiple ways humans...
The Mystery of Work It : The Mystery Files, Season 2
Apartment 11 APT023Work it! Work what? E.B. heads out to the Black Creek Pioneer Village and laces up his corset to...
The Nature Makers
Video Project, Inc. TVP086In a world increasingly dominated by humans, three teams of determined conservationists go to...
The Need of Biodiversity: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S02-06Human beings play a key role with regard to the Earth's biodiversity and their lifestyles greatly...
The New Recruits: Watchers of the North Series, Ep. 1
Picture This Productions PTP001Three new recruits go through training to see if they have what it takes to become the newest...
The Newmarket Ghost Canal - Pride, Politics and a Canal to...
Warren Schlote WSCH06Just north of Toronto lies the remains of a great shipping canal that was never completed...
The Next Generation: Wild Kitchen Series
Falling Tree Productions FTP003Wild Kitchen celebrates our rich cultural practices and unearths forgotten recipes inspired by the...
The Next Pandemic: Is a Deadlier Virus on the Horizon?: W5
CTV CTV887Experts warn that the next pandemic could be much worse than COVID-19. Swine flu in 2009...
The Next Wave: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF012At the beginning of 2021 the reality of a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic began to become...
The Northern Warning System Patrol: Watchers of the North...
Picture This Productions PTP003A snowmobile breakdown challenges the Gjoa Haven Rangers as they check on a radar station and an...
The Northwest Territories and Alberta to British Columbia by...
Brandy Y Productions BYP051Brandy Yanchyk explores the Northwest Territories. Then she takes the VIA Skeena train from Jasper...
The Nuclear Requiem
Video Project, Inc. TVP021Recent international developments are increasing concerns about the possibility of a nuclear...
The Obstacle Course: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR006Mia constructs a fantastic obstacle course using the various materials around her. However, Mia...
The Ocean in Peril: Alanna Mitchell - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0036Interview with Alanna Mitchell, an award-winning Canadian author and journalist and engaging...
The Ocean Room Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE496The Ocean Room joins a group of preschool kids aged three to six as they have fun, creative...
The Ogress of the Gravelbank
Taqqut Productions TPI019Inuit oral history is filled with strange beings and supernatural creatures. One of these feared...
The Old Windmill: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE199Wilton and Dolly prepare to take grain to be ground at the Windmill. Haley pecks a hole in one of...
The Olmec Civilization
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0021The ancient Mesoamerican Olmec civilization, 1200 BC to 400 BC, was one of the earliest in the...
The Orphan and the Amautalik
Taqqut Productions TPI016Based on an Inuit traditional story, this video tells the tale of a brave and quick-thinking orphan...
The Orphan and the Polar Bear
Taqqut Productions TPI017According to Inuit oral history, long ago animals had the power of speech, could shift their...
The Owl and the Lemming
Taqqut Productions TPI021The oral history of Inuit is filled with many folktales, legends, and myths. In this traditional...
The Paper Nazis
Farpoint Films FAR001The Paper Nazis exposes one of the strangest and ugliest chapters in Canadian history as...
The Pass System: RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ017Every episode of RezX features a different theme, and this episode covers the documentary, “The...
The Peaceful Path: The Bruce Documentary Series, Ep. 3
Zach Melnick LIV030“The Peaceful Path”, the Bruce passes through two wars and the Depression. A stagnant economy...
The Peacock and Queen Hella: Aesop's Fables Series
Educational Voice 992002In this animated Aesop's Fables, the Peacock looks tremendous but he would also like to sing like...
The Peacock and the Crane: Aesop's Fables Series
Educational Voice 992011The Peacock makes fun of the Crane's feathers, but should the Peacock be so proud of his? Students...
The Peel Project: Protecting Canada's Last Pristine Wilderness
The Peel Project TPP000Exploring how wilderness space shapes Canada's identity, its culture and imagination, The Peel...
The People's Choice: W5
CTV CTV625Powerful, identifiable, and unifying: Canada's maple leaf flag is worn and flown by Canadians...
The Peyote Trail: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 3
Farpoint Films FAR024Cinematographer Dave Gaudet learns about the use of peyote in religious Native American ceremony...
The Photograph
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE007A family photograph taken in 1901 reveals its secrets when 100-year-old Victoria Covey tells...
The Pied Piper of Turtle Bay: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0008Joe is convinced animals love his flute playing but when they follow him to the Three Sisters...
The Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster!
Weston Woods WW4027From #1 New York Times best-selling, award-winning author and illustrator Mo Willems!Buckle up for...
The Plains of Abraham Mysteries: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR004War is a futile enterprise. Generals struggle with uncertainty, wagering lives while they guess at...
The Play: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR011Mia and Touki decide to work together to put on a play of the Three Little Pigs to help the frog...
The Plummery
Happen Films HAP003The Plummery is a suburban home where a backyard permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076...
The Poet of Trauma Farm: Brian Brett - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0092This episode of The Green Interview features Brian Brett, a passionate and diverse award-winning...
The Politics of Hope: Chris Turner - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0019Interview with Chris Turner, an award-winning Canadian journalist who set out on a tour of the...
The Power of an Idea: Green Heroes Series, Season 1
CineFocus CIN003Industry contributes to pollution, but there are also green corporate heroes leading the way and...
The Power of Growing: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 2
291 Film Company 291123The documentary series AGELESS GARDENS is a visual celebration of gardens – and gardeners –...
The Power of Love (Electricity Production): Annedroids Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE148Anne has recreated Nikola Tesla’s plasma ball for her summer school project. Before they can get...
The Prairies: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 3
George Gallant GG0003Our journey starts in the Alberta Rockies where snow-melt plunges off the alpine slopes to form the...
The Prickly Pine: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM247The prickly pine is the most dreaded tree in all of Fair Village: it eats kites, it has itchy pine...
The Princess Costume: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR005Mia is to play "Princess of the Pond" for the frog babies and is given a beautiful costume from her...
The Promised Band
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE010They needed a cover story to cross the Israeli border. So They Created An All-Girl Rock Band. THE...
The Prophecy: A Warning of Climate Change in Alaska
Fred Hilgemann Films A242-013Decades before scientists recognised the looming dangers of climate change, the elders of one of...
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