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Social Issues

1410 title(s) found.

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"Meegwitch, hi hi !": De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 6

Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC06FR

En ojibway, "Meegwitch" signifie "Créateur", et "hi hi" signifie "merci". Dans cet épisode, Laura...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE046

#NoJoke is a compelling documentary that follows musician Andrew Cole as he puts together a...

100 Days of Freedom

Cooper Rock CPR042

For offenders who come from troubled homes, with little education, substance abuse problems, and...

12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP017

12 Neighbors is a documentary series that explores the question: “What does it really mean to...

12th Hour

Video Project, Inc. TVP107

Much of our population currently lives with hopeful delusions about climate change. These...

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (58 Minute Version)

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00A

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (80 Minute Version)

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...

1961, la route de l'égalité

AB Productions F296-003

Un road movie historique à travers l’Alabama et le Mississippi sur les traves de près de 450...

1961, the Road to Freedom

AB Productions A296-003

The film follows the historic movement begun on May 4th, 1961 by a group of black and white civil...

1991, l'affaire du sang contaminé

Phares & Balises F196-046

Comment la France, l’un des pays le plus riche au monde a-t-il pu laisser en circulation et...

1996, la crise de vache folle

Phares & Balises F196-045

20 mars 1996, Palais de Westminster. Stephen Dorrell, ministre de l’agriculture britannique...

1997, le scandale de l'amiante

Phares & Balises F196-044

C’est le scandale sanitaire le plus meurtrier du XXème siècle. Et l’histoire n’est pas...

2017 Think Indigenous Conference: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ030

2017 Think Indigenous Conference (Season 3 - Episode 6): This episode theme covers the 2017...

2050: A World Without Meat

RMC Films A296-022

Earth hosts 8 billion human beings. 8 billion mouths to feed! But despite massive global...

2050: Faudra-t-il vraiment se passer de viande

RMC Films F296-023

Produire suffisamment pour nourrir une population toujours grandissante alors que les terres...

33 Years -The Secret My Sister Once Told Me

Eve Kinizo EK0000

Shot over the span of 20 years due to court procedures, combining animation with real footage, this...

36 Seconds: Portrait of a Hate Crime

Video Project, Inc. TVP129

On February 10, 2015, UNC students Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, and her sister...

419 Fraud: W5


Nigerian scams are among the oldest in the book,targeting victims through faxes, e-mail and letters...

48 Hours: Lessons from Vancouver in Canada's Opioid Crisis: W5


W5's Jon Woodward investigates Canada's growing fentanyl epidemic at ground zero - Vancouver's...

6 Tons of Steel: Building Bloody Saturday

Prairie Boy Productions PBP000

An Indigenous apprentice Ironworker in a city that for a hundred years suppressed the memory of...

911 Roulette: W5


You may think a 911 call will get you the most advanced emergency care available. That's not always...

A Bullet Pulling Thread

Ian Daffern IADA01

Can quilting change the world? Renowned quilter Marilyn Farquhar was devastated when police killed...

A Cage in Freezing Water

Shortcutstv Ltd STV024

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by negative thoughts and an inability to function...

A Child's Century of War

Bishari Films BF0011

At the beginning of the last century, nine out of ten people killed in war were soldiers. At the...

A Conversation with the Prime Minister 2022


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with CTV National News Chief News Anchor and Senior Editor...

A Father's Obsession: W5


In the cemetery on the edge of Dunnville, Ontario, there's a grave with no headstone. A wooden...

A Good Dog: How We Die Series


Humans and canines have an undeniable bond and more and more hospices providing palliative care...

A Good Game Series

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310090

In A GOOD GAME, professional coach and former NHLer John Chabot, a native of Kitigan Zibi reserve...

A National Perspective: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 7

George Gallant GG0007

What do Canadians think about water? Walkerton and North Battleford made us aware that public...

A New Approach: W5


In the past three seasons, W5 has been reporting about the crisis of violence in Canadian long-term...

A New Leaf: W5


Peter Akman reports from Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Manitoba, where Chief Christian Sinclair devised...

A New Life (W5)


As waiting lists for kidney transplants grow longer, many desperate Canadians are going abroad to...

A Pile of Dirt

RhoJan Films RHO000

A Pile of Dirt is short Docu-Film unearthing a Regent Park of the past through the eyes of a new...

A Place to Stand

Video Project, Inc. TVP001

A Place to Stand tells the story of acclaimed author Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from a...

A Queer Country

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE034

A Queer Country uncovers how liberal attitudes in Israel are often at odds with the country’s...

A Silver Lining: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV047

Episode 3 of All Too Clear explores how some fish are adapting to the mussels, and asks the...

A Small Part of Me

Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF004

Tobin, a transgender teen prepares for his acting debut where he’ll be playing a male leading...

A Sobering Story


Unveiling the harsh reality of substance use in Thunder Bay, Ontario, this universally themed...

A Stolen Sister - Cheyenne Fox: The Wapikoni Indigenous...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0008EN

Addresses the collective trauma affecting the First Nations of Canada caused by the missing and...

A Time of Healing: W5


W5's Victor Malarek follows the recovery of Mykola Nyzhnykovskyi, who was left a triple amputee by...

A Town Divided: W5


Rayne Gelinas has a crystal clear memory of the day the Pride flag was raised in her small town...

A Trip to Paris: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP15

Khadijah gets a beret from Paris, a place she thinks she’ll never be able to travel to. Everyone...

A Way Out


Anne-Marie Mediwake looks at two innovative arts-based programs that are helping street kids and...

A Wild Idea (Spanish Version)

Video Project, Inc. TVP004

A Wild Idea explores Ecuador's unprecedented proposal for fighting global warming and preserving a...

A World Apart: 21 C Series


Regent's Park, a troubled housing project in Toronto has a reputation for violence and drugs. The...

A World of 3 Zeros


Professor Yunus, banker to the poor, social entrepreneur, and Nobel Peace Laureate is globally...

Aasa’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1

The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP306

Aasa had built a life with her husband and children in Canada. However, when her father began...

Abandon Project: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP020

Follow Josh and Jenny Meadows through their adventures with fatherless youth in the Wallace Woods...

Above All Else

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE023

One man will risk it all to stop the tar sands of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from crossing his...

Above The Law: W5


W5 takes on the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) with a special investigation. Victor Malarek...

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