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361 title(s) found.

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Jobim - Cookstown, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT620

Jobim is an 11-year-old boy who lives in a beautiful forest setting with his family in Cookstown...

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Paragliding in Mexico: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192

During the Canadian winter, Jonathan Pinsonnault teaches paragliding in Colima, located on the west...

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Parapente au Mexique: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192FR

Pendant l'hiver canadien, Jonathan Pinsonnault enseigne le parapente à Colima, sur la côte ouest...

Joshua - Curve Lake, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT181

Joshua is a 12-year-old Ojibwe boy from Curve Lake, Ontario.  He’s passionate about playing...

Justin Fisch - Canoë-kayak en Florida: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0189FR

Le guide naturaliste Justin Fisch accueille clients et amis pour une excursion de trois jours en...

Justin Fisch - Canoe-Kayak in Florida: Adventure Guides, Season 4

HG Distribution HG0189

Naturalist guide, Justin Fisch, welcomes clients on a 3-day canoe-kayak expedition in the famous...

Kalu - Bridgewater, Nova Scotia: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT533

Kalu is a 9-year-old boy who lives in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia with his family and puppy, Bo. He is...

Kananaskis Country, AB: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP50

Located in the southwest corner of Alberta, "K-Country" encompasses 4000 square kilometres of...

Karine Genest – observations d’ours polaires au Manitoba...

HG Distribution HG0155FR

Karine Genest accueille des touristes italiens ainsi que deux étudiants en cinéma de Toronto...

Keena - Kahnawà:ke, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT509

Keena is an 11-year-old Mohawk girl who lives in Kahnawà:ke, Quebec. Her brother Teho is a year...

Ken Bélanger - Free Riding Powder Skiing in Japan: Adventure...

HG Distribution HG0190

Ken Bélanger welcomes a group of five skiers who have travelled from Canada and the United States...

Ken Bélanger - Ski hors piste au Japon: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0190FR

Ken Bélanger est un expert du ski hors-piste à Hokkaido, l'île la plus au nord du Japon. C'est...

Khalil - Ottawa, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT539

Khali is an 8-year-old boy who lives in Ottawa, Ontario with his family. He is French Canadian and...

Kicks: Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series

Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP003

Are you ready to learn some powerful kicks?! Master Karate Todd is ready to show you how it’s...

Kung Fu — China's Female Fighters

CinéFête A259-S03-02

For 18 year old Guo Jia, the day begins at 5:30 am with endurance training. After breakfast there...

Kung Fu: China’s Female Fighters (China) - GeoCulture Series...

Film Ideas FI0048

Located in a secluded valley of the holy Shongshan Mountains is the only women's Kung Fu school in...

Lacrosse (Torque and Axis of Rotation): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE116

Nykeem joins forces with Lindyn, a young Six Nations lacrosse player looking to score more goals...

Lacrosse - A Nation’s Game

Numan Productions Inc. NPI000

Lacrosse is Canada’s summer sport. Originally played by the Indigenous people of North America...

Lacrosse: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810002

Lacrosse (Episode 3): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw discovers the rich history of lacrosse in North...

Lacrosse: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8102CS

Lacrosse - Ep 3: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw discovers the rich history of lacrosse in North...

Lamborghini: Ultimate Supercar Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1348

To stay at the top of supercar universe Lamborghini must reimagine their top of the line supercar...

Lars - Halifax, Nova Scotia: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT616

Lars is a 10-year-old boy from Halifax, Nova Scotia. His family comes from Zimbabwe and the...

Layla - Chatham, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT632

Layla is an 11-year-old girl from Chatham, Ontario. She is an 8th generation Canadian of African...

Le dessous des cartes

CinéFête F259-S10

Depuis 10 ans, ce magazine décrypte les rapports de force, les enjeux internationaux de notre...

Le vin: quand toute la planète trinque

CinéFête F259-S10-18

Savez-vous que sur les contreforts de l'Himalaya, les Français produisent un Cabernet-Sauvignon...

Leaders and Role Models (Eslipogtog First Nation, NB): A Good...

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310098

Role models are an important part of our growth as a people. Past generations which have come...

Leah - Ottawa, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT623

Leah is an 8-year-old girl who lives in Orleans, Ottawa with her family. She is Canadian and...

Leave It on the Water

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810014

Leave It on the Water: Indigenous youth from the Coast Salish territory on Vancouver Island train...

Les vrais gagnants

Productions RPM F209-001

Les vrais gagnants fait la chronique de la saison 2008-2009 de l'équipe Pee-Wee Sélect du...

Life of a Soldier: W5


He was part of Canada's greatest victory on the battlefield and went on to become a legend in its...

Lifetime Penalty: W5


A W5-TSN joint investigation looks into the brain injuries suffered by NHL players during careers...

Lilla Molnar - Escalades des Rocheuses en Alberta: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0184FR

C'est en plein coeur des Rocheuses que la guide de montagne Lilla Molnar accueille une passionnée...

Little Stars at the Little NHL (Mississauga, ON): A Good Game...

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310096

The Little Native Hockey League, known as the Little NHL is the largest Indigenous hockey...

Longball: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810006

Longball (Episode 7): Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many...

Longball: Warrior Games (Coast Salish Version)

Kwassen Productions Inc. 8106CS

Longball - Ep 7: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw takes on the game of Longball, a game that many thought...

Lovely - Toronto, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT507

Lovely is an 8-year-old girl and lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is from the Dakota Plains First...

Luane - Toronto, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT538

Luane is a 7-year-old girl who lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is Canadian and Afro Brazilian, and...

Mailey - Montreal, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT516

Mailey is a 12-year old girl from the Cree Nation of Chisasibi, but she lives in Montreal, Quebec...

Maintaining a Healthy Heart: An Owner's Manual

Human Relations Media 600593

Heather Shenkman, M.D., is a vibrant young cardiologist, triathlete, and expert communicator. She...

Making a Commitment to Exercise: Busy Bodies Series

Switch SWED129

Learn how you can make a commitment to fitness, the importance of integrating fitness and nutrition...

Making History: The 1992 Toronto Blue Jays

Blue Ant Media BAM1126

Narrated by Sportsnet 590 The FAN’s Bob McCown, Making History: The 1992 Toronto Blue Jays...

Malakai - Mi’kmaq, Membertou, NS: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT007

Malakai is an 11-year-old Mi’kmaq boy living in Membertou, in Nova Scotia. He’s a huge...

Maleah - Ladysmith, British Columbia: Raven's Quest Series...

Apartment 11 APT514

Maleah is an 11-year-old girl from the Stz’uminus First Nation who lives in Ladysmith, British...

Malik - Mississauga, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT618

Malik is a 10-year-old boy from Mississauga, Ontario, where he lives with his parents and five...

Marcus - Greely, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT543

Marcus is a 9-year-old boy who lives in Greely, Ontario. His family comes from Haiti and...

Marie-Josée Talbot - Hiking in Greenland: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0196

Operating out of the village of Kulusuk, Greenland, hiking guide, Marie-Josée Talbot, welcomes...

Marie-Josée Talbot - Randonnée nordique au Groenland: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0196FR

Depuis le tout petit village de Kulusuk, au Groenland, la guide de randonnée Marie-Josée Talbot...

Marissa - Curve Lake, Ontario: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT175

Marissa is an 11-year-old girl from Curve Lake, Ontario.  She’s a member of the Ojibwe nation...

Martin Breu - Rafting en Ontario: Guides d'adventures, Saison 3

HG Distribution HG0182FR

En pleine fonte printanière, le guide de rafting Martin Breu emmène des clients vivre une...

Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series

Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP000

Master Karate Todd focuses on the importance of keeping kids safe online. The elements at the heart...

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