80 title(s) found.OUT OF CONTROL (PSYCH)
CTV CTV097More child protection agencies are getting calls from parents, who say their children are out of...
Patient Or Prisoner: W5
CTV CTV101W5 goes undercover in an Ontario hospital to investigate the utilization of physical restraints...
Personal Abuse: W5
CTV CTV748A hospital is not a home. If given the option, who wouldn’t prefer to care for their loved one in...
Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1336** Contains course language** For the first time in more than five years, cameras have been...
Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1340**Contains course language** Foston Hall is a Closed Female prison, which was originally the...
Rape: Get the Facts
Human Relations Media 600316This documentary-style program presents the legal, medical, psychological and sociological facts...
Relighting the Streets: A Study of Situational Crime Prevention
Shortcutstv Ltd STV028Does situational crime prevention actually work, or is crime simply displaced to a neighbouring...
Run for Her Life
CTV CTV033While many women Katherine Whitbread's age have reached a point in life where they can settle down...
Sex Crimes (W5)
CTV CTV031A brutal sexual assault on a seven-year-old inside a school washroom; the vicious sexual assault of...
Prospector Films PF0000Stolen: For the size of their population, Aboriginal women in Canada account for an incredibly...
Stop Traffick: Human Trafficking in America
Learning ZoneXpress 430187Human trafficking is the business of slavery - buying, owing, and selling people - and there are...
Suspect Zero: W5
CTV CTV761W5's Avery Haines investigates the disturbing tip that sparked the massive probe into men who...
The Boys from Grand Manan (W5)
CTV CTV351Carter Foster and his buddies-Lloyd Bainbridge, Matthew Lambert, Michael Small and Greg Guthrie-are...
The Central Park Five: Ken Burns (Classroom Edition)
PBS Video 041625In 1989, five black and Latino teenagers from Harlem were arrested and later convicted of raping a...
The Ghost of Dana Bradley
CTV CTV098A tightly-knit Newfoundland community experiences grief and anger when a young girl is abducted and...
The Girl in the Suitcase: W5
CTV CTV741W5 investigates the story of a cold case crime mystery, told by the cop who broke the case. Former...
The Path to Violence
PBS Video 041663Ever since the wake-up call that was Columbine, schools and law enforcement have developed multiple...
The Survivor: Connor Stevenson: W5
CTV CTV650Toronto's Eaton Centre is the busiest shopping mall in North America, but when a gunman opened fire...
The US and their Guns – An American Story
Maximal Productions A296-020One year ago, Nikolas Cruz legally purchased a semi-automatic rifle, walked into his old high...
Til Death Do Us Part: W5
CTV CTV644A Nova Scotia woman hires a hitman to kill her husband. But he turns out to be an undercover cop...
Toxic Relationships: W5
CTV CTV096This program has two segments. In the first segment: drawing the line between bad relationships and...
Trauma: Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1343**Contains course language** In this final episode of the award-winning series director Paddy...
Uncovering Rape Culture: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1457After a schoolboy threatened to rape her in her local park, Zara McDermott goes on an exploration...
Understanding and Preventing Sexual Violence
Human Relations Media 600600The Centers for Disease Control reports that 8% of high school students have experienced sexual...
Unrestrained: W5
CTV CTV847In Canada, a woman is murdered every six days by an intimate partner. Lawyer and advocate Pamela...
USA, la loi des armes
Maximal Productions F296-021Il y a un an, Nikolas Cruz, abattait avec un fusil acheté en toute légalité 17 personnes dans...
Victim or Villain: W5
CTV CTV645In the early 1980s, a sexual predator was prowling Vancouver neighbourhoods, among them Mount...
Victoria's Secret: W5
CTV CTV092Victoria is Canada's "garden city," considered a Shangri-La, where flowers bloom in winter and...
Violence: Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1339**Contains course language** Every day Durham prison staff must deal with assaults on fellow...