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Women's Studies

479 title(s) found.

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Crime and Gender: Closing the Gap

Shortcutstv Ltd STV027

The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In...

Crimes of Honour

Bishari Films BF0016

Throughout the Islamic world, each year hundreds of women are shot, stabbed, strangled or burned to...

Critical Incident: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0705

A survivor of work-related PTSD, paramedic Andrea Seymour is the former Critical Incident Stress...

Cultural Diversity - Respecting Each Other's Differences: Social...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0194

Learn all about cultural diversity and ethnicity. Culture includes family traditions, and...

Darkness to Light: Not Your Butter Chicken Series

Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS03

This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken”, filmed during the festival of light known as Diwali...

Daughters of Gardeners

PVP Monde A153-001

Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral...

Dawn Marie Marchand: REDx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0014

Dawn marie Marchand is a Cree and Métis artist of the Cold Lake First Nation. Dawn Marie works...

De cœur et d’esprit

Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC00FR

En 1885, le chef métis Louis Riel a proclamé : ‘Mon peuple dormira pendant cent ans et...

Defending Democracy and the Water Rights: Maude Barlow - The...

Paper Tiger PT0057

This episode of The Green Interview features Maude Barlow, a Canadian environmental activist and...

Development and Culture/ Urban Gardening/ Sustainability and...

Aarrow Productions AP0005

Development and Culture/ Urban Gardening/ Sustainability and Women's Rights: Journey to the...

Diamond in the Snow: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0619

Lacey Hill is Oneida of Six Nations, Wolf Clan. She is a singer/songwriter and inspirational...

Disordered Eating: Zara McDermott Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1459

In 2018 Zara McDermott was body shamed on Instagram, an event that led to extreme dieting. Zara...


PBS Video 041918

History tells us Cesar Chavez transformed the U.S. labor movement by leading the first farm...

Dorothea Mitchell – A Reel Pioneer


Dorothea Mitchell – A Reel Pioneer recounts in Mitchell’s own words the amazing life of a...

Dr. Roberta Bondar: Canada’s First Female Astronaut in Space


For years, Dr. Roberta Bondar studied life on Earth. She had trained in the fields of ecology and...

Eat Your Heart Out: Diary of a Crohn's Patient

Supre Incorporated SINC03

Exploring Erin’s lifelong journey with Crohn’s disease not only exposes the “coping”...

Education, Interrupted

Video Project, Inc. TVP115

From Pre-K through college, 2020 was a time for interrupted learning. Amid the switch from...

Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...

Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...

Elizabeth II and Canada, A Portrait

Ninon Larochelle A234-002

In 2012, the Canadian government commissioned a new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, by artist Phil...

Elizabeth Smellie: Canada's Florence Nightingale


In this short film, Dr. Nathan Hatton of the Lakehead University Department of History describes...

Emotional Growth: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR016

After several years of heavy drug and alcohol use, Kristie has now been clean and sober for 9...

En La Casa

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

En La Casa (French Version)

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06F

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

Enduring Love - A Heartbreaking Battle with Alzheimer's: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo sits down with former deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt about her husband's...

Enfants fantômes, un défi pour l'Afrique

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC000FR

Plus de 230 millions d’enfants à travers le monde n’ont jamais été enregistrés à leur...

Enfolding: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0624

Victoria-based Cree songwriter Tara Williamson reflects on the heartache of losing her infant son...

Engraved on a Nation: On the Line

Clique Pictures BSF000

One of the greatest sports rivalries of all time: Canada vs. USA Women’s Hockey. Over the last 20...

Erica Violet Lee: “Our Bodies and Lands are not Your...

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0026

Erica is a grad student in Social Justice, Indigenous feminist, and community organizer from...

Europe : après le flux, le reflux ?

ARTE France F259-S10-52

Le national-populisme a imposé l’immigration comme sujet majeur de cette campagne des...

Expelled: My Roots in Uganda with Omar Sachedina


Fifty years ago thousands of South Asians were expelled from their home in Uganda. CTV’s Chief...

Family Secrets Series

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM06

Family Secrets is a 13-part Gold Remi Award winning documentary series. Described by critics as...

Family: Prison Series 2

Blue Ant Media BAM1342

**Contains course language** In the second episode of the award-winning series director Paddy...

Fauci: The Virus Hunter

Blue Ant Media BAM1222

This is the story of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who as director of the National Institute of Allergy and...

Femmes des montagnes

CinéFête F261-003

Au Népal, pays cloisonné par la Chine, le Tibet et l’Inde, les femmes sont encore aujourd'hui...

Fières allures médiévales: Une Histoire du Look

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC009FR

Au Moyen-Age, les vêtements vont devenir sexués. Influencées par la mode arabe découverte au...

Fight Like a Woman: Miranda’s Journey

Susan G. Enberg Productions Inc. SGE003

As the mother of two young boys, Miranda Burrell had gained a lot of weight and was feeling unwell...

Filles de jardiniers

PVP Monde F153-001

L’Inde est assise sur une bombe à retardement. La menace vient de l’intérieur. Trente-six...

Fire and Water

Bishari Films BF0017

Throughout Fire and Water is the story of Dr. Hussain Shahristani, once Saddam Hussein’s Chief...

Fitriya: Muslim On and Off the Court

OYA Media Group OYA005

Fitriya: Muslim On and Off the Court is a short documentary that delves into the incredible journey...

Five Star Jen: W5


At 42, Jen Agg is the woman behind five of Canada’s top restaurants. In Toronto, she created The...

Food is My Teacher (26 Minute Version)

Brandy Y Productions BYP106


Food is My Teacher (44 Minute Version)

Brandy Y Productions BYP103


For the Love of the Game (Burlington, ON): A Good Game Series

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310094

It isn’t easy being a female professional hockey player. Victoria Bach, current PWHL player and...

Forgotten Queens of the Iron Age

Autentic GMBH AUT042

On the Italian Adriatic coast, archaeologists have made a sensational discovery: a luxurious Iron...

Four Seasons with Dior

Tournez S'il Vous Plait A173-040

2017 was a historic year for Christian Dior. The fashion house celebrated 70 years of French haute...

Four Women

Creatorland Inc. CLI000

An elegantly-told story that follows the lives of Dawn, Jamie, Rehab and Shery, each one of them...

From Mild to Completely Severe: Family Secrets Series

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM16

By day she seems like your typical mom-next-door, but when her cell phone rings, this suburban...


PBS Video 041810

The gripping, first - hand accounts of women who escaped the brutal reign of ISIS. This...

FRONTLINE: Opium Brides (Newsmagazine #2)

PBS Video 041575

Unexpected victims have been caught in the crossfire of attempts to eradicate Afghanistan's...

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