World History
795 title(s) found.« Previous 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next » Last »
Frères ennemis: Corée: l'impossible réunification
Alegria, ARTE France F259-S04-01La 1ère partie de Corée: L'impossible réunification raconte comment la colonisation japonaise...
From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians
PBS Video 040143How did Jesus of Nazareth become the Christ of the Christian tradition? And why did the early...
From the Holy Land to Africa: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles...
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR100EIn the aftermath of the world’s most famous crucifixion, Jesus’ 12 Apostles are charged with...
FRONTLINE: Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia
PBS Video 041901From the devastating war in Syria, to the crisis in Yemen, to continuing turmoil in Iraq, much of...
Frontline: Memory of the Camps
PBS Video 040637Fifty years ago, film crews for the Allied Expeditionary Force entered Nazi concentration camps to...
Galilée, la naissance d'une étoile
CNDP F95-009Rome, 1633. Un homme comparaît devant le tribunal de l’Inquisition, accusé d’avoir soutenu...
Galileo: The Birth of a Star
CNDP A95-004In 1633, in Rome, a man appears before the court of the Inquisition. He is charged with maintaining...
Video Project, Inc. TVP025Garwin is the first film to profile renowned physicist and inventor Richard Garwin, who helped...
Gathering Storm: Witches of Salem Part 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1158When the young girls of Reverend Samuel Parris’s household terrify themselves by trying to tell...
Genghis Khan: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1454It takes just 25 years for Genghis Khan to conquer the greatest land empire the world has ever...
Genova, The Gritty Port Town: David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1215Throughout history, Genova, home to Christopher Columbus, has always been known as a pretty port...
GEOlino Series
Arte GEIE A259-S03From the Amazon jungle to the Siberian tundra, the educational documentary series GEOlino takes us...
Ghost Towns: Mysteries from Above, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1507Drones reveal what’s left of industrialist Henry Ford’s dream of building an American style...
Gloriously Free
Filmblanc Inc. FILM02A stunning profile of how the world’s gay refugees are fleeing discrimination, persecution and...
Going to War
PBS Video 041902What is it really like to go to war? For millennia, only warriors could really answer that...
Gold - The Currency of Greed Series
Autentic GMBH AUT043A chronicle of the fascinating and horrific history of gold: a gleaming metal that triggered a...
Grasshopper Tacos: Bug Bites Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1166For centuries ancient Aztecs thrived on a diet rich with insects. Today, grasshoppers are...
Great Decisions 2020
Scorpion Television SCTV14Great Decisions takes you beyond today’s headlines by providing a look at significant challenges...
Great Forts of The Mediterranean: Empire Builders Series 3
Pilot Productions 555052Crusaders, Ottomans, Venetians, Moors and European empires all built great fortresses in the...
Greatest Loss - Famine and Pestilence: Bison Return From the...
Square Sheep Films SQU003This episode looks at the rapid demise of the bison herds in Canada. By the late 1860’s many of...
Gutenberg, l'aventure de l'imprimerie
ARTE France F259-018Gutenberg serait le père de la première révolution des médias, celle qui a vu le texte imprimé...
Hacienda Albae and Bodegas Verum: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes...
HG Distribution HG0137In Spain, Michael, Chuck and Charlie visit a premier winery, Haciendo Albae, where they take a tour...
Halloween: Festivals Around The World Series
Educational Voice 992135This animated video class explores the rich history of Halloween which is always celebrated on...
Hamas: Behind the Mask
Bishari Films BF0006This one-hour journalistic exploration by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Shelley Saywell takes the...
Harmony: Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1431Just like the music they produce, musical instruments themselves are works of art. This episode...
Harry and Meghan; Two Troubled Years: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1294As Harry and Meghan start a new life in the United States, was it always destined to end in tears...
Hate Crime - Uncensored
Blue Ant Media BAM1107Hate Crime: Uncensored is a new documentary featuring testimony and footage of a variety of...
Hate Crime in Everyday Life
Shortcutstv Ltd STV029Hate Crime is high profile now, but the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just...
Hauraki Gulf - The Treasure: Seasick: Saving the Hauraki Gulf...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0801We look at what a treasure the Hauraki Gulf is, how unique and bio-diverse it is and how abundant...
Hemingway: A Film By Ken Burns and Lynn Novick
PBS Video 041963Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's six-hour documentary series, HEMINGWAY, examines the visionary work and...
Hidden Algeria Series
Pilot Productions 555011‘HIDDEN ALGERIA’ is a contemporary portrait of one of the least known countries on our planet...
Hillary: Everest and Beyond
PBS Video 041904Sir Edmund Hillary was a bee-keeper, mountaineer, war veteran, explorer, philanthropist, husband...
History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1435In each episode of History by Numbers we explore a story you thought you knew, but re-organized and...
Hitler's Displaced War Children Series
Autentic GMBH AUT047Today they are well over 80; back then, they were children. The last surviving contemporary...
Holi: Festivals Around The World Series
Educational Voice 992133This animated video class is all examines the Hindu festival of Holi. This ancient tradition marks...
Holodomor: le génocide oublié
InSitu Production F212-007Dans les années 1932-1933, l’État soviétique organise une famine artificielle en Ukraine, le...
Holodomor: The Forgotten Genocide
InSitu Production A212-003Holodomor, the Ukrainian word for death by hunger, was a famine orchestrated by Stalin in the...
Homecoming Song
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0783Homecoming Song blends animation, archival footage and traditonal narrative in a poetic short...
Reel Girls Media REEL13A documentary about the heroes behind the heroes. HOMEFRONT records the experience of the spouses...
Hong Kong, New York, Paris, Bangkok, Auckland, Berlin and Los...
Switch SWED80This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Honolulu, Bali, Guatemala, Rio De Janeiro, Amsterdam, Budapest...
Switch SWED82This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Hopa Lide
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV080The Roma (often disrespectfully called “Gypsies”) are members of an underprivileged ethnic...
Hope and Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World
Autentic GMBH AUT046COVID-19 is just the latest in a long line of pandemics that have devastated societies. We revisit...
Hour of Darkness - The Canadians at Hong Kong, 1941: For King...
Shadow Pine Studios Inc. SPS019After a week of bombardment, the Japanese invade the island. With Norm Christie we follow the...
How the Cold War Started... in Ottawa!: Canadiana Series, Season...
The Canadiana Project Inc. UPP024Three days after the end of WWII, a relieved and exhausted Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie...
How the World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM699Exploring some of the most widely-held doomsday forecasts and their impending timeline to...
How You Trust: Bomb Girls, Season 1, Ep. 3
MUSE Entertainment MUSE13A surprise inspection puts VicMu employees under the gun giving Lorna an opportunity to finally rid...
I'm Sandie Rinaldo; 50 Years in Journalism
CTV CTV941The hour-long special explores Rinaldo’s family history, documenting how the daughter of...
Iceland - Vikings: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE397Sam and Molly journey to Iceland and learn all about Vikings. On their adventure, they explore a...
Icons of Conquest: Empire Builders Series 3
Pilot Productions 555053Victorious empires have long benefitted from the fruits of conquest, through territorial expansion...