World History
795 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Ancient Inventions We Still Use Today: History Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0341Learn all about the origins and history of ancient inventions that we still use today like...
Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine
PBS Video 041794Embark on an exciting and visually stunning journey with historian Jonathan Phillips to the...
Ancient Skies
PBS Video 041935Ancient Skies With breathtaking CGI, beautiful landscape footage and some of the world’s most...
Andalousie vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-02Située au sud de la péninsule Ibérique, l’Andalousie est une zone touristique et un lieu...
Angela Merkel: A Woman in Politics
Autentic GMBH AUT002Angela Merkel grew up in the GDR and quickly made a career for herself in the conservative party...
Apocalypse 2060: The History of the Future Series (Ep 2)
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR159ESince its introduction in the 19th century, the idea and concept of the “Rapture” has changed...
Arkadaşloch - Nobody's Problem
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV073“Arkadaşloch – Nobody’s Problem” is an essay documentary film which tells the story of...
Armistice: Bomb Girls, Season 1, Ep. 5
MUSE Entertainment MUSE15With Armistice Day nearing, battles near and far get cast into stark relief. Lorna struggles to...
Arrival: Hitler's Displaced War Children Series, Ep. 3
Autentic GMBH AUT050Many German children, often found wandering alone through Poland, Lithuania and the Soviet Union...
Art in the Gallery (Thailand): David Rocco’s Dolce Southeast...
Blue Ant Media BAM1207In the land of temples, Thailand is a draw for travellers from around the world. Over the last two...
Art of Craft Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1429Master Craftsmen - highly skilled, thoroughly experienced and absolute visionaries. Through the...
Art Trails of Mexico: Art Trails Series
Pilot Productions 555057We explore the story of Mexican art from the ancient civilisations of the Maya and Aztecs through...
Art Trails of the Riviera: Art Trails Series
Pilot Productions 555056This program explores the extraordinary art trail once touched by the greatest artists of the...
Art Trails Series
Pilot Productions 555055In the three part series ART TRAILS, we explore the sites, playgrounds, and homes of some of the...
Arthur Currie - Master of War: The Great War Tour
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE164General Sir Arthur Currie led the Canadian Corps to a series of spectacular victories hastening the...
Ashbal, Children of ISIS
ARTE France, Memento A259-017The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...
Ashbal, Children of ISIS
ARTE France, Memento A259-017The members of the Islamic State call them “lion cubs.” They are between 4 and 16 years old...
Asteroids, Comets, Venus, Meteors, Nebula and Space Race: Inside...
Switch SWED133Explore and unravel the mysteries of what lies beyond our planet Earth. Strap yourself in as this...
Astronauts: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1452Discover what it takes to become an astronaut and be part of the greatest human adventure of all...
Aswan: John Torode's Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM991John is in Aswan, a city where the Middle East and Africa collide; where the food of the local...
Athens, Lima, Helsinki, Doha, Munich, Barcelona and Milan...
Switch SWED85This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI02Controversial director Uwe Boll depicts the harsh reality of the process inside one of the most...
Auschwitz Untold: In Colour
Blue Ant Media BAM1368A powerful account of one of the most hideous crimes in human history told from the perspective of...
Authenticity: Five Paths of Ayurveda
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV043Ayurveda, the “knowledge for long life,” is the oldest healing system in the world. Modern...
Avec Castro, À L'Heure du Crime, 1963
Mélisande Films F196-038Castro voyait dans Kennedy le seul président qui crut à une coexistence entre socialistes et...
Azorian: The Raising of the K-129
PBS Video 041319In 1968 the Soviet ballistic missile submarine K-129 sank in the Central North Pacific. American...
Bachar, moi ou le chaos
Illégitime Défense F269-007Alors que la Syrie est en proie à une guerre sanglante qui dure depuis plus de cinq ans, ce...
Bahrain: John Torode's Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM994John’s in Bahrain, the land of a million date palms, eager as always to sample local flavours...
Banff National Park - Bison Return: Bison Return From the Edge...
Square Sheep Films SQU006This episode goes behind the scenes with Parks Canada to learn what was Free-roaming buffalo have...
Barcelone vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France 3, Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-S03-12Barcelone est sans conteste une des villes les plus spectaculaires d'Europe : elle concentre joyaux...
Barcelone vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France 3, Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-S03-12Barcelone est sans conteste une des villes les plus spectaculaires d'Europe : elle concentre joyaux...
Barley: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED02One of the first cultivated grains in history, it remains one ofthe most widely consumed grains...
Bashar, The Master of Chaos
Illégitime Défense A269-007This documentary takes a close look at Syria’s strongman: Bashar al-Assad. What are the origins...
Bataille d'Hastings
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-09Battle, Royaume-Uni. La bataille d’Hastings, d’une importance majeure dans l’histoire de...
Bataille de la poche de Falaise
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-08Le lendemain du débarquement du 6 juin 1944, les Alliés entament la bataille de Normandie pour...
Bataille de Verdun
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-04Verdun, France. Longue et sanglante, la bataille de Verdun, survenue pendant la Première Guerre...
Bataille de Wavre
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-06Wavre, Belgique. Pendant que Napoléon subit une défaite cuisante à Waterloo le 18 juin 1815, une...
Bateaux de la connaissance
CinéFête F301-S03-09En Suède, le Rödlöga et son équipage passionné de lecture naviguent sur la mer Baltique pour...
Battlefields of Normandy - The Canadians in France, 1944: For...
Shadow Pine Studios Inc. SPS022On June 6, 1944 – D-Day – three Allied Armies, the American, British, and Canadian, land on the...
Beaumont Hamel, France: Historylands Season 5
Good Earth Productions GEHL55On July 1st, 1916, the men of Newfoundland stormed into battle in a small field outside the village...
Ben Hur Series
MUSE Entertainment MUSE00A young Jewish prince, Ben Hur seeks revenge after an old friend wrongly imprisons him and his...
Ben Hur: Part 1
MUSE Entertainment MUSE01Lavish biblical adventure of betrayal and revenge. Two former friends are pitted against each other...
Ben Hur: Part 2
MUSE Entertainment MUSE02Arrius presents Judah to the duplicitous emperor Tiberias who pits him against a Thracian wrestler...
Beringia, the Beginning: Bison Return From the Edge of...
Square Sheep Films SQU005Bison first came to North America about 200,000 years ago when the Bering land bridge connected...
Berlin: Stories From the City Part 1 - Road to Ruin: Empire...
Pilot Productions 555048Berlin, a city that wears its scars, has always welcomed outsiders. But it has also been a...
Berlin: Stories From the City Part 2 - The Cold War: Empire...
Pilot Productions 555049From 1918 onwards, Berlin was in a constant state of revolution. At the end of World War II, the...
Better Uses of the Treasure: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0806We look at what other, less destructive uses there could be for the gulf, like tourism and...
Biblical Armageddon: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM704Followers of Nostradamus say his prophecies foretold major tragedies throughout history, and some...
Bison or Buffalo?: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep...
Square Sheep Films SQU009This episode tells the physiology and life of bison. Both plains and wood bison are featured, and...
Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction
Square Sheep Films SQU000The bison's presence is magnificent, and yet their story is filled with tragedy and played a...