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Home / Wall: A Story about Two Gardens in Three Parts

Wall: A Story about Two Gardens in Three Parts

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Catalogue Number:  RTV088
Producers:  Schaap, Or
Directors:  Schaap, Or
Subject:  Agriculture, Arts, Canadian World Studies, Consumer Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Family Studies/Home Economics, Global Studies, Health, Science, Social Sciences, Tech/Voc
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Netherlands
Copyright Year:  2023
Running Time:  45:00

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Wall tells a story about ecological practice, unexpected connections and ambiguous communication. By intertwining the daily work of a permaculture project in the outskirts of Amsterdam with a speculative retelling of an old myth, we learn about how deeply rooted some preconceptions about agriculture and the environment can be, and what might a way out look like. At the western boundary of Amsterdam there is a community supported agriculture project in which the responsibilities, risks and benefits of growing food are shared. This film is the result of ethnographic fieldwork conducted as part of a master research in visual anthropology in the University of Amsterdam.

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