Environmental Studies
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#I Have Seen the Change: The Flood
LeMay Media LM0019#I Have Seen the Change: According to Environment Canada, floods are the costliest natural...
12th Hour
Video Project, Inc. TVP107Much of our population currently lives with hopeful delusions about climate change. These...
1997, le scandale de l'amiante
Phares & Balises F196-044C’est le scandale sanitaire le plus meurtrier du XXème siècle. Et l’histoire n’est pas...
2050: A World Without Meat
RMC Films A296-022Earth hosts 8 billion human beings. 8 billion mouths to feed! But despite massive global...
2050: Faudra-t-il vraiment se passer de viande
RMC Films F296-023Produire suffisamment pour nourrir une population toujours grandissante alors que les terres...
42 - The Answer to Almost Everything Series
Autentic GMBH AUT020The new and different knowledge series asks all kinds of questions and gets to the bottom of...
4C Farms - Cowessess First Nation, SK: Depth of Field - Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C009F4C Farms is owned by Cowessess First Nation in the rural municipality of Grayson, SK. It is a mixed...
A Bright Spot: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR023EA behind-the-scenes look at the care of creatures at Hope for Wildlife.
A Cedar Is Life
Less Bland Productions LESS05A Cedar Is Life explores how one critical species, the cedar tree, is central to the cultural life...
A Day At The Dump - Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0304In this episode we find out where our garbage goes. ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy follow the...
A Day in the Life of a Lake: Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0412ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy visit the Great Lakes, home to 1/5 of the world's fresh water. The guys...
A Great-Grandmother Goes To Jail: Betty Krawczyk: The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0034Interview with Betty Krawczyk, a "Raging Granny," an 83-year-old great-grandmother who has since...
À la découverte d'un monde de biodiversité: Une incroyable...
Pinegrove Productions PPF019Benoit et Zoey doivent décider du sujet de leur projet sur la biodiversité. Ils demandent l'aide...
A Lot Of Hot Air: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE211Haley is picking buttercups for Matilda, who turns out to be allergic to them. The Moohs load sacks...
A National Perspective: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 7
George Gallant GG0007What do Canadians think about water? Walkerton and North Battleford made us aware that public...
A New Hope: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR014EWildlife rehab isn't always pretty and takes an army of volunteers. Hope releases her deer but one...
A Nurturing Sea: Nunavik
Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S01-01The Inuit live in intimate contact with the sea. Despite the encroachments of the modern world...
A Park For All Seasons Playlist (31 Programs)
Blue Ant Media MCI757PLGo behind the scenes of Canada's most spectacular National Parks, and learn the history, explore...
A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM007Go behind the scenes of Canada's most spectacular National Parks, and learn the history, explore...
A Silver Lining: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV047Episode 3 of All Too Clear explores how some fish are adapting to the mussels, and asks the...
A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW
Video Project, Inc. TVP002A Simple Question: The Story of STRAW looks at an innovative program that brings together students...
A Simpler Way; Crisis as Opportunity
Happen Films HAP000A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in...
A Teaching Moment with Liz Miller (Featuring the Shore Line...
Elizabeth Miller PRO001*** This is a FREE Webinar. *** In these extraordinary times, we have reached out to some of our...
A Time to Learn: Wapos Bay, Season 1
HG Distribution HG0110Talon and his father are planning an exciting trip to the trapline with mushom (grandfather). Talon...
A Trip for a Change: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S03-04A critical economic sector for many countries around the world, tourism also has its share of...
A Vast Land: Nunavik
Productions Vic Pelletier A75-S01-02In this program, we look at the physical landscape: the region’s giant hydroelectric power...
A Wild Idea (English Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP003A Wild Idea explores Ecuador's unprecedented proposal for fighting global warming and preserving a...
A Wild Idea (Spanish Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP004A Wild Idea explores Ecuador's unprecedented proposal for fighting global warming and preserving a...
A Wind of Change: DocJam Series
Canazwest CPI007With an abundance of oil, gas, coal, forestry and agriculture, the Dawson Creek area has long been...
A World of 3 Zeros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060Professor Yunus, banker to the poor, social entrepreneur, and Nobel Peace Laureate is globally...
A World Unnoticed
HG Distribution HG0001Currently in hibernation are the amphibians and reptiles of Quebec. Of all the animal species...
A World Without Forests: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-02Faced with direct and indirect pressures from humanity, what will future forests look like? How...
A World Without Mosquitoes: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-04Mosquitoes, from Spanish for "little fly" measure between 0,5 and 1,5 cm and weight just a few...
A World Without Sand: A World Without... Series
AB Productions A296-S02-05Sand is all around us. It’s the main ingredient for concrete and we use it to build our houses...
A World Without...Series
AB Productions A296-S02What would a world without our much-needed forests look like? What would happen if all germs...
Aboriginal Architecture, Living Architecture
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME82Everyone is familiar with certain types of Indigenous architecture. Traditional igloos and tepees...
Above All Else
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE023One man will risk it all to stop the tar sands of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from crossing his...
Across the High Arctic - Looking Into the Future and Honouring...
CTV CTV732Broadcast on CTV’s W5 as North by Northwest W5 chronicles a spectacular, one-of-a-kind journey...
Adam: Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT598Nine-year-old Adam already knows a lot about going green. He loves nature, and likes to pick up...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV068The Dyffyn Nanttle valleyin Wales has been quarried for slate since the 14th century. This...
Adrian: Green Squad Series
Apartment 11 APT593When it's time for 8th grader Adrian to get ready to go back to school, he knows who to call...
Adventure Guides, Season 4
HG Distribution HG0186This docuseries not only offers the outdoor experience, but it also delves into the character of...
Afrique; la guerre des sacs plastiques
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC006FRLa politique des pays africains relative à la gestion des sacs plastiques est une question...
After The Last River
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE013In the shadow of a De Beers mine, the remote community of Attawapiskat lurches from crisis to...
Ageless Gardens, Season 4
291 Film Company 291162The documentary series Ageless Gardens introduces a fresh group of inspiring gardeners, telling...
Agriculture/Saving the Watershed/Protecting Ancestral Lands...
Aarrow Productions AP0011Agriculture/Saving the Watershed/Protecting Ancestral Lands: Every region in the world has its own...
Agro-forestry/A Return to a Traditional Way of Life/Global...
Aarrow Productions AP0015Agro-forestry/A Return to a Traditional Way of Life/Global Warming Crisis: The Ya'axche...
Air Pollution and Your Health: What You Should Know
LeMay Media LM0018Air Pollution and Your Health: Air pollution accounts for over 6 million deaths around the globe...
Air: Les maîtres des éléments
AB Productions F296-S09-01L’élément air existe sous bien des formes, pour certaines encore totalement inexploitées par...
Air: Masters of the Elements Series
AB Productions A296-S07-01The element air exists in many forms, some of them still totally unexploited by man. Beyond the...