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If You’re Reading This… (From Suicidal to Significant)

The Robb Nash Project Inc. NASH00

Over the years, more than 900 students have handed musician Robb Nash their suicide notes - hear...

IFly and Gravity Cake: Make it Big, Make it Small Series

Blue Ant Media BAM471

Jenny and Lucas learn how to fly in a vertical wind tunnel and then to a baking class where they're...

Igor l'extraterrestre: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB081FR

Sam et Luc sont convaincus que Monsieur Igor est un extraterrestre. Ils le seront encore plus quand...

Iguana: Big Bear and Squeak Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR147E

Big Bear and Squeak colour with crayons in the cave. Squeak needs to think of some desert animals...

Illusion d'amour (Michael Houle)

CinéFête F289-S01-03

Michael Houle, jeune dysphasique au grand cœur, rêve de trouver l’amour et de s’acheter une...

Illusion of Truth Effect, Tilt Shift Photography, Night Hag...

Switch SWED100

Illusion of Truth Effect, Tilt Shift Photography, Night Hag Syndrome, Tightrope Walking, and...

Illusions of Touch: Mindworks Series

Switch SWED66

Rough, soft, smooth, cold, or warm. We encounter many different textures and sensations daily. Our...

Images of the Ages: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 10

Farpoint Films FAR031

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet travels to Writing On Stone Provincial Park in Alberta before heading...

Imiter, c'est innover: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S08-07

Le biomimétisme est une approche scientifique qui ouvre la voie à un nouveau mode de...

Immigration: Canada AM


This Canada AM series looks at the struggles of new immigrants, the issue of foreign-trained...

Impairment Part I: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR020

This episode focuses on the seriousness of drinking and driving. In this episode we focus on a PSA...

Impairment Part II: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR023

Impaired Driving continues to be a huge problem for youth. To illustrate this further, a mother who...

Important People in My Community

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI000

Important People in My Community opens with a pictorial review of some typical Canadian...

Impossible de dormir: 16 Hudson Séries

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB109FR

Quand Ronchinou se fait déranger pendant sa sieste, il se met à déranger tout le monde à son...

Impossible Journey: W5


Orbiting more than 370 kilometres above Earth in the International Space Station is a tough, alien...

Impossible Objects, Seeing Faces, The Floating Guru, Infinite...

Switch SWED94

Impossible Objects, Seeing Faces, The Floating Guru, Infinite Chocolate, and Rethinker, M.C...

Impress at Job Interviews: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0059

Create a wow response by quality preparation and interview skills. Arriving on time for...

Improving Adolescent Writers

Stenhouse Publishers 000149

How can we teach today's students to write with clarity, passion, and purpose? How can we move all...

Improvisation Pop: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON006FR

Pong bat ses tambours au rythme du crépitement du maïs qui éclate, mais il n’arrive plus à...

In A Jam: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE206

The Mooh Brothers pick blueberries. Wilton asks Conley to help him make jam, but scares Conley when...

In Brands We Trust

Locomotion Television A106-001

This incisive documentary analyzes several world-famous, emblematic brand-names and seeks to...

In Clyde’s Eyes: Earth to Luna, Season 1

Monster Entertainment MON487

It’s grooming day for Clyde, which means it’s off to visit Dr. Jane over at Happy Tails Pet...

In Defence of the Amazon - Atossa Soltani: The Green Interview...

Paper Tiger PT0077

This episode of the Green Interview features Atossa Soltani, the founder and Executive Director of...

In Flanders Fields

MacLeod 9 Productions 300162

This black and white pencil animation presents a musical version of the poem ‘In Flanders...

In Jesus' Name - Shattering the Silence of St. Anne's...

Susan G. Enberg Productions Inc. SGE000

In Jesus' Name: Shattering the Silence of St. Anne's Residential School is a poignant...

In My Backyard: Green Heroes Series, Season 1

CineFocus CIN002

These GreenHeroes have a lot in common. They are protecting the places they call home from...

In My lifetime

Video Project, Inc. TVP031

In one lifetime a nuclear-armed world emerged, and with it the potential for global destruction on...

In My Parents' Basement

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM05

In My Parents’ Basement is an award-winning documentary that explores with humour, depth and...

In My Parents’ Basement (80 Minute Version)

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM05B

In My Parents’ Basement is an award-winning documentary that explores with humour, depth and...

In or Out?: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON596

Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are confused about whether we live in or on the planet Earth. After a trip...

In Plain Sight: Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1503

Over a hundred massive concrete arrows scattered across America, a giant chalk figure with an...

In Search of a Skink

Wilderness Committee 010051

Videographers Mike McKinlay and Isabelle Groc accompany Environmentalist, Elizabeth Vincer on a...

In Search of Ancient Ireland

PBS Video 040145

In Search of Ancient Ireland explores events and stories from 2000 B.C., when Stone Age farmers...


PBS Video 040710

Michael Wood embarks on four quests from Greek, Celtic, Biblical and Indian myth. Each journey...

In Search of Shakespeare

PBS Video 040370

Explore the life of the world's greatest writer through a mixture of travel sequences, scholarly...

In Search of the ‘Mauri’ - New Zealand: Native Planet Series...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0771

Simon travels to New Zealand’s north to see how science and Indigenous knowledge are combining to...

In The Beginning: Young Writers Develop Independence

Stenhouse Publishers 000120

While literacy development begins long before children are of school age, the kindergarten...

In the Box: underEXPOSED, Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0251

Gracey is commissioned by Sweat RX to cover the Western Classic CrossFit event. Gracey will focus...

In The Dark: W5


Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the families of residents of an Ontario nursing home who were sexually...

In the Eyes of the Pharaohs

Tournez S'il Vous Plait A173-038

For archaeologists, the word “Eden” is what best describes Egypt. The Egyptian sands are an...

In the Footsteps of Marco Polo

PBS Video 041455

IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MARCO POLO chronicles the journey of two ordinary guys as they set out to...

In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors

Nicholas Castel NC0000

In The Footsteps Of Our Ancestors is an award-winning documentary feature and multi-layered...

In the Footsteps of Rene Richard

Nanouk Films A71-001

The painter René Richard (1895-1982), the son of Swiss immigrants who settled in Alberta, lived...

In the Heat of the Moment: Making Difficult Decisions about Sex

Human Relations Media 600676

Teens and college students are often confronted with difficult and complex choices when it comes to...

In The Kitchen Series

Learning Seed 200255

Six new and fully revised programs exploring kitchen math and measuring, cooking techniques, food...

In the Land of Dreamers

Ronan Gunn GUNN00

A documentary about an ex-logger, an indigenous storyteller, and a 30-year journey to protect an...

In the Mode: The Prime Radicals, Season 2

GAPC Productions GAP051

When Uncle Norm tells Alanna and Kevin that the local ice cream shop is sold out of their favorite...

In the Name of Confucius

Passion River Films PR3809

In the Name of Confucius is the first documentary exposé of China’s multi-billion dollar...

In the Name of God: W5


W5's Victor Malarek speaks with former students of the now abandoned Grenville Christian College on...

In the Name of Science: W5


A national council responsible for monitoring animal welfare in research laboratories is...

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