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Inventor Beware: W5
CTV CTV070Susan McCormack paid an invention marketing company nearly $11,000 to help bring her idea to life...
Inventors: Most Extreme - Alien Planet Earth Series
Blue Ant Media BAM711We're on a mission to find the most extreme inventers. We are looking for creatures that have found...
Invertebrates - Sponges, Worms, Mollusks, Arthropods...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0093The largest group in the animal kingdom, invertebrates, include sponges, worms, mollusks...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigations: Finding Stuff Out, Season 3
Apartment 11 APT159Someone took a bite out of Harrison’s cheese sandwich! Who was this nefarious nabber? To find...
Magna Systems 520109When the infant or toddler is in child care away from parents, this child needs a caregiver who...
Invisible Man
Supre Incorporated SINC05Retreating from existence, Andrew’s psoriasis scarred his psychology far deeper than his skin...
Invisible Persuaders
Learning Seed 200030We make decisions based on clues, but we're not always aware which clues we use. Professional...
Invisible Signals: Animals Decoded Series
Blue Ant Media BAM859Featuring different animal languages, including long distance whale song, messages on cuttlefish's...
Iqaluit: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310023Northern Canada is home to the oldest tattooing traditions on the planet. Ippiksaut Friesen, a...
Irak : après les guerres ?
ARTE France F259-S10-58Après 15 années de guerres, l’Irak, pays-mosaïque est-il enfin en train de « faire nation »...
Irak, les ombres de la guerre
Productions Grand Angle F173-005Guerres permanentes, embargos et tensions frontalières ont transformé la seule fenêtre maritime...
Iran : au coeur des tensions
ARTE France F259-S10-59Nucléaire militaire, rivalités avec l’Arabie Saoudite, après-guerre en Syrie, ressources...
Iran, rêves d'empire
CinéFête F259-030Syrie, Irak, Liban, Arabie Saoudite, Yemen… Mais aussi Russie, États-Unis, France… Ce film se...
Ireland: Undiscovered Vistas Series
Blue Ant Media BAM313Ireland is small in size but epic in wonder. This is a land that has been shaped and reshaped by...
Iridescence, Chemiluminescence, Bioluminescense, Gemstone...
Switch SWED77Phenomenal gemstone colouration, plant defenses and bioluminescence.
Irrashional: Hard Rock Medical, Season 4, Ep 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0424Farida tries to care for a little girl while trying to fend off her warringparents. Dr. Kesler...
Irreparable Harm
Wild Confluence Media WCM000The Tlingit people have called the vibrant coastline of Southeast Alaska home for over 10,000 years...
Is Baby OK? Assessing Development
Learning Seed 200144How can we tell if our child is developing normally in its first two years? Learn some of the basic...
Is School Enough?
PBS Video 041775Thanks to digital media, the Internet, and new advances in understanding how students learn...
Is That Good For Me?: Wise Owl's Drug Safety Kit
Human Relations Media 600560In this video, viewers learn how choices such as what to eat and when to go to bed can affect our...
Is There Life on Mars?
WGBH WG0296Four years after they landed on Mars, NASA's twin robot explorers, Spirit and Opportunity, have...
Is your Mama A Llama
Weston Woods WW580by Deborah Guarino "Is your mama a llama?" Lloyd the llama asks a bat, a swan, a cow, a seal...
Isa Wolf is Alone: Tiny Square Critters
Monster Entertainment MON060Isa Wolf wants to watch the Northern Lights alone, but everyone is too noisy so she escapes into...
Isaac Garcia: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP013Sixteen-year-old Dakota/Ojibwe warrior Isaac Garcia started “Isaac’s Blessing Bags” in...
Isaac Newton: The Smartest Kid in Town
Film Ideas FI0033Isaac Newton, born in England 1643, is recognized as one of the most influential scientific minds...
Weston Woods WW676by Peter H. Reynolds With a little encouragement from his sister, Ramon discovers that...
Islam: En Plusieurs Foi(s)
Arte GEIE F269-S01-05Deuxième religion en importance de la planète – dont 80% des adeptes ne sont pas arabes –...
Islam: Let’s talk about Religion! Series
Arte GEIE A269-S01-05The second most important religion on the planet - 80% of whose followers are not Arabs. Islam...
Island in the Sky: Cahuasqui, Ecuador: Restoration Planet...
Robert E Moberg Films REM007In this episode, we take you to Cahuasqui, a very remote village high in the Ecuadorian Andes. We...
Island of Great Spirit: The Shield Series
Zach Melnick LIV004For thousands of years, the Anishinabek-speaking nations of Turtle Island met in the middle of...
Island of the Skog, The
Weston Woods WW174by James Marshall In pursuit of freedom and happiness, a band of extraordinary mice and their...
Isle Royale: Great Lakes Wild Series
Blue Ant Media BAM231It's an isolated wilderness preserve on the largest island on the largest lake in the world. Isle...
Israel - Dead Sea: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE449Emily and Hilary go on a camel ride through the Israeli Desert. They eventually find some very...
Israel - Masada: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE450Emily and Hilary visit Mini Israel and see a replica of the Masada fort. They journey to Masada...
Israel - Olives: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE451Charlie and Gabe harvest olives and put them in an ancient olive press to make olive oil! They...
Israel - Sukkot: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 3
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE448Charlie and Gabe get invited to spend the festival of Sukkot with their friends in Israel. They...
Issues & Debates in Psychology
Shortcutstv Ltd STV008These programs begin with a research question and go on to unpick, clarify and illustrate the key...
It All Falls Down: Earth to Luna, Season 1
Monster Entertainment MON497Luna, Jupiter, and Igor are all enjoying some ice cream cones at Newton’s Bakery as they check...
It Takes a Community (Fort Willaim First Nation, ON): A Good...
4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310093The Anishinaabe community of Fort William First Nation has a beautiful arena. Featuring two ice...
It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (English Version)
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC001It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (English Version): In February, 2007, the First Nations Child...
It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (French Version)
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNCF01It Takes All of Us to Enforce the Law (French Version): January 26, 2016, was a historic day. Nine...
It Takes Goo to Make a Feud Go Right: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE077AOlympia and Otis are tasked with calling a truce between feuding guests. They must find something...
It Was a Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME03It Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
It Was A Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse (Blackfoot Version)
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME03INIt Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
It Was A Woman: Surviving Female Sexual Abuse (French Version)
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME03FRIt Was A Woman is a first person documentary about the personal journey of Cherri Low Horn as she...
It's All About Me
Blue Ant Media BAM112Generations X, Y and Z have grown increasingly self-absorbed from over four decades of nurturing...
It's All About Time!: The Prime Radicals, Season 1
GAPC Productions GAP040Poor Uncle Norm has missed out on free tickets to the big game! Why? He wasn’t home in time to...
It's All Rosy: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON626When Luna's family discovers Pink Lakes on a Caribbean Island full of pink flamingos, it gets them...
It's Magic: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE128Jacob and Molly try to put the magic into a magic act by making Mac and Priscilla disappear. But...
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