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Language: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0008

Hosts Kris and Sarain share their deep desire to know their language. They visit with Anishnaabe...

Lanterns Flicker


Canadian Armed Forces veteran, Dennis Mackenzie, returned from Afghanistan to a battle with severe...


On The Creek Films Inc. OTCF01

When the world locked down, filmmaker Ali Grant turned to the only woman she could get within 6...

Larry Kowalchuk: Anti-Fracking Movement Finds a Voice - The...

Paper Tiger PT0001

In 2013 anti-fracking protests took place in NB as a result of exploratory drilling and seismic...

Lars - Halifax, Nova Scotia: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT616

Lars is a 10-year-old boy from Halifax, Nova Scotia. His family comes from Zimbabwe and the...


PBS Video 040665

From well-heeled mobsters and glamorous showgirls to fantastical mega-casinos and dazzling displays...

LAST BEST HOPE: A True Story of Escape, Evasion, and Remembrance

PBS Video 040842

What is the one principle or belief for which you would sacrifice everything? Ethical, spiritual...

Last Camps: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...

Buck Productions 300111

After practicing with their bow and arrows, Joseph and Crystal paddle to a new spot as they try...

Last Chance Kids: W5


When Dr. Marla Shapiro first started practising medicine, kids diagnosed with ALL or Acute...

Last Day of the Dinosaurs

Blue Ant Media BAM1125

Take a seat at the heart the most dramatic event in Earth’s history; a fully-immersive...

Last Extinction: NOVA


What killed the mammoths? Near the end of the last ice age 13,000 years ago, these mighty beasts...

Last Fish, First Boat

Jennifer Verma JVER00

When the cod fishery collapsed in the spring of 1992, fisherman Eugene Maloney’s livelihood was...

Last Stand at Little Big Horn


The Battle of Little Big Horn, known as ''Custer's Last Stand,'' has been one of the most...

Last Stand: Nations at War, Season 1

NAW Productions CP0005EN

The Cree and their allies once dominated the fur trade in Rupert’s Land, the Hudson’s Bay area...

Last Stand: Nations at War, Season 1, Coast Salish Version

NAW Productions CP0005CS

The Cree and their allies once dominated the fur trade in Rupert’s Land, the Hudson’s Bay area...

Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest

David Moskowitz DM0000

Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest is a cinematic journey into the tragically threatened...

Last Stop to Armageddon - The Camp Hughes Story

Refuge 31 Films R31003

Last Stop to Armageddon: The Camp Hughes Story is a documentary that examines the First World War...

Last Will. & Testament

PBS Video 041666

It's the greatest literary mystery of all time: Who wrote the works of William Shakespeare? Derek...

Late Moon: Brewster the Rooster Series

Monster Entertainment MON006

Helvetica notices that both the sun and moon are in the sky at the same time and she asks, ‘Why...

Latest about HIV and AIDS: What Every Student Still Needs to Know

Human Relations Media 600570

There is still no cure for AIDS, and teens and people in their 20s account for most of the new...

Laugh Attack - Comedy Adapts to Cancel Culture: W5


Sandie Rinaldo investigates how Canadian stand-up comedians are adapting to the climate of 'cancel...

Laughter: Tiga Talk! Series. Season 4

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0303

Gavin can’t stop laughing and the children and puppets learn how infectious laughter can be. ...

Launching Literacy Stations: Mini-Lessons for Managing and...

Stenhouse Publishers 000131

Literacy work stations are being embraced in many elementary schools as a way to ensure students of...

Laundry 101: Clothing Care for Looking Good

Learning ZoneXpress 430015

A lively format! The perfect primer on clothing care. Jacki and Duane, two junior high students...

Laundry Blues: The Case of the Missing Necklace

Learning ZoneXpress 430035

There's been a robbery and it wasn't the service staff who did it. Follow our sleuths as they try...

Laura Secord: Canada 1812: Forged in Fire

Blue Ant Media BAM003

Her husband was shot and her house was filled with enemy soldiers when she heard the plans of an...

Laura Secord: Canada 1812: Le Baptême du feu

Blue Ant Media BAMF03

Her husband was shot and her house was filled with enemy soldiers when she heard the plans of an...

Lauren: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR026

Last year Lauren began experimenting with drugs and alcohol, this year her usage has exploded. Rand...

Laurie Keller LIbrary, The Vol. I

Weston Woods WW2936

Includes: The Scrambled States of America The Scrambled States of America Talent...

Laurie Keller Library,The, Vol. II

Weston Woods WW2947

Includes: • Arnie the Doughnut • Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners • Open Wide...

Lawyers (F)or Justice

Yavar Hameed WOE000

Lawyers (F)or Justice is an exploration of the contemporary viability of socially conscious law in...

Layered Coaching: Mentoring New Teachers

Choice Literacy CL0005

Literacy coaches are being added to elementary school staffs at an incredible rate. Yet there is...

Layla - Chatham, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT632

Layla is an 11-year-old girl from Chatham, Ontario. She is an 8th generation Canadian of African...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE084

Drama, Romance In this French-language feature film debut from writer/director Joshua Caldwell...

Lazy Hare and the Well - Helping: Magic Cellar

Magic Cellar MGC016

All the animals decide to dig a well, but lazy Hare doesn't want to help. However, he thinks he'll...

Le 3e lieu: les bibliothèques publiques

CinéFête F77-002

Depuis quelques années, les bibliothèques du Québec se transforment de façon spectaculaire...

Le Baloutchistan: une région de plus en plus stratégique

CinéFête F259-S10-05

Le Baloutchistan est une région dont on entend rarement parler. A cheval sur 3 pays, Iran...

Le bébé boa : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-08-31

Les animaux à sang-froid ont-ils vraiment le sang froid ? Quand Jack visite la forêt amazonienne...

Le bon diable - Nathalie Labrecque

CinéFête F290-S01-02

Lorsque Nathalie Labrecque rencontre le beau Alain, elle ne se doute pas que cette rencontre...

Le bric-à-brac de Bric : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM177FR

Pris dans l'excitation de la Journée des échanges de la Vallée des Aigles, Bric échange un tas...

Le cadeau surprise: Théo le loup séries


Nina s’est fait piquer son cadeau pour Kookum et lorsqu’elle est forcée de choisir entre la...

Le café: la revanche du petit noir

Grand Angle Productions F173-045

Que ce soit au restaurant, chez soi ou entre collègues au bureau, qui ne sacrifie pas au rituel...

Le Canadien: L'eau de vie

MacLeod 9 Productions 300161

Jean-Pierre, notre narrateur, un contrebandier de Sherbrooke, raconte l’histoire de l’arrivée...

Le Canot du coyote: La Collection des cinéastes autochtones...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0005FR

Inspirée par la formation rocheuse surnommée le Canot du coyote, situé près de la maison de la...

Le capteur de peurs : Canot Cocasse Saison 2

Manito Amalgamated Inc. 800225

Le capteur de peurs (épisode  11): Canot Cocasse Saison 2: Thème : Être capable de se...

Le castor au pas de course : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à...

Epic Story Media ESM127FR

Lorsque les aventuriers partent en camping avec les mini orignaux, Bric est impatient d'arriver à...

Le changement espéré...: Vu du large 2

CinéFête F88-S03-03

Le Sedna IV quitte le lac Érié, cap nord-est en direction de Cap-aux-Meules, îles de la...

Le chant des enfants du monde

Arion, CinéFête F102-001

Ce documentaire retrace 15 ans de voyage pour recueillir et mettre en valeur des chants et des...

Le chant du hoquet : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM181FR

Poulpi a le hoquet. Et plus elle essaie de le cacher, plus elle a le hoquet ! Pire encore, elle...

Le Chapeau volant

Weston Woods WW261_FR

par Tomi Ungerer Les aventures fantastiques d'un chapeau haut de forme et de son heureux...

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