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Mâchoire d'acier : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-13-50

Quel animal a la morsure la plus puissante ? Jack décide de tester la résistance d'un jouet qu'il...

Machu Picchu: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992190

This animated geography video lesson is all about The Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu means "Old Peak...

Mackenzie Delta: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4

Blue Ant Media BAM188

Tuktoyaktuk: The Community Freezer   Kylik Kisoun Taylor shows us the "community freezer," a...

Mackenzie River, NWT: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 2

Good Earth Productions GEGCR25

The great Mackenzie River, the second longest river in North America, is defined by superlatives...

Madam President

Weston Woods WW855

by Lane Smith (Hyperion) A little girl imagines what her day would be like if she were Madam...

Made in Canada Series: Canadian Entrepreneurship


Canada is a hotbed of innovation and ambition. In this world of accelerating and constant change...

Made in Canada: The Italian Way

Matter of Fact Media MFM006

Made in Canada: The Italian Way is an up-close exploration of the Italo-Canadian entrepreneurial...

Made in China: Great Decisions 2019 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV06

China has launched an aggressive new plan to transform its economy into a high-tech global...

Made In China: W5


There was a time, as China began opening to the world in the early 1980s, when the sign of success...

Made In Japan

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE007

MADE IN JAPAN tells the remarkable story of Tomi Fujiyama, Japan's first female country music star...

Made in Spain 2PK DVD

PBS Video 040988

MADE IN SPAIN is a series exploring the culinary and cultural riches of Spain. Hosted by chef Jose...

Made In Spain: Season 2

PBS Video 041074

Made in Spain hosted by Jose Andres, one of the most exciting chefs in America today, highlights...

Made to Last: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S02-05

The exponential increase in the number of humans on the planet has resulted in the urgent need to...

Madeline's Rescue

Weston Woods WW030

by Ludwig Bemelmans Madeline and her Parisian schoolmates meet up with a baliant dog named...

Madison - Mi'kmaq, Richibucto, NB: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT001

Madison is a 9-year-old girl from Richibucto, New Brunswick. She’s part of the Mi’ kmaq Nation...

Maestro Picou: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON004FR

Lorsque Ping et Pong demandent à monsieur Picou de devenir leur chef d’orchestre, ce dernier a...

Magasin sous surveillance: Théo le loup séries


Heureux de s’occuper du magasin pour Mishoom, Théo convainc Eva d’acheter une planche à...

Magdalen Islands: Canada Over the Edge, Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR010E

From the shipwrecks of the south, to the sand dunes and salt mine in the north, this aerial survey...

Magellan: The Explorers Series

Productions Grand Angle A173-001_C02

Magellan: The exploration of the oceans and of new worlds often ends with disappearances, voyages...

Magic Cattle - Stealing: Magic Cellar

Magic Cellar MGC015

Once upon a time, there lived a herd of magic cattle. They had been sent by the Great Spirit to...

Magic Cellar Series (20 DVDs)

Magic Cellar MGC020

African folk tales, often collected from village elders, are in danger of being lost today as the...

Magic Pills

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE035

Homeopathic medicine is one of the most widely used forms of alternative medicine on the planet...

Magical Door and Stompy Bridge Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season...

Blue Ant Media BAM1248

Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers cross a stompy bridge and dance like elves! There is magic...

Magical Stories (DVD)

Weston Woods WW658


Magician's Choice, Zeno's Paradoxes of Motion, Blacklight...

Switch SWED98

Magician's Choice, Zeno's Paradoxes of Motion, Blacklight, Levitation Tricks, and Rethinker, David...

Magnetic Pal (Magnets): Annedroids Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE149

Nick’s best friend Zack comes over for a sleepover when Anne is in the middle of an experiment on...

Magnetism and How Magnets Work: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0107

Learn all about magnetism and how magnets work.  What is a magnet?  How does a compass work? ...

Magnétisme de star: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-02-05

Comment fonctionnent les aimants? En empruntant un raccourci à travers une galaxie éloignée...

Magnetized: Earth to Luna, Season 3

Monster Entertainment MON606

Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are in Grandpa’s shop building a little metal car. While playing, they...

Magnets: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE480

Time to discover what attracts and what repels in “The Jungle Room” as the kids go on a...

Magnifying Trouble: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0036

Today, Louis says that Mr. Thompson needs wâskotînikan (a lamp) in order to read. Follow along as...

Mahely - Orleans, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT627

Mahely is a 10-year-old girl who lives in Orleans, Ontario. She is Canadian, Dominican, and Ivorian...

Mailey - Montreal, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3

Apartment 11 APT516

Mailey is a 12-year old girl from the Cree Nation of Chisasibi, but she lives in Montreal, Quebec...

Main River, NL: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 2

Good Earth Productions GEGCR21

The Main River is home to one of the only known old-growth boreal forests in the world, and is one...

Maintaining a Healthy Heart: An Owner's Manual

Human Relations Media 600593

Heather Shenkman, M.D., is a vibrant young cardiologist, triathlete, and expert communicator. She...

Maisie and Chris: Old School for Lazy Kids Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1335

**Contains course language - mature subject matter** 18-year-old image-obsessed Maisie’s speedy...

Maize: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED04

Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern...

Make A Great Impression: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0050

Dress for success, be enthusiastic and introduce professionally. The new Cutting Edge interns...

Make it Big, Make it Small Series

Blue Ant Media BAM465

If your students can't pick between science and art - don't fret - this new Canadian production...

Make Some Noise! Creature Mania Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1179

Today on Creature Mania, we check out the head-banging woodpecker, get wild with a wildebeest and...

Make That a Double: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT085

Two, four, six, eight - how can you make numbers great? In this episode, Hamza learns just how...

Make Way for Ducklings

Weston Woods WW003

by Robert McCloskey In this timeless tale of family life, Mr. and Mrs. Mallard find the...

Make Your Own Music Day: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE487

Music Mike comes to help kids write their very own song that they will sing for their...

Make-Up and Rollercoasters: Make it Big, Make it Small Series

Blue Ant Media BAM467

Jenny and Lucas take a ride on one of the tallest rollercoaster in the world to find out how it...

Makers: Women Who Make America

PBS Video 041617

Review the story of how women have helped shape America over the last 50 years through one of the...

Makin' Bacon (Ep. 10): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE010

In this episode, Ian shows you how to make your own bacon without the use of dangerous nitrites or...

Making a Commitment to Exercise: Busy Bodies Series

Switch SWED129

Learn how you can make a commitment to fitness, the importance of integrating fitness and nutrition...

Making a Good Impression: Resumes, Interviews & Appearance

Human Relations Media 600302

In a fast-paced world of emails and text messaging, it's easy for young people to forget the...

Making an Impact: underEXPOSED, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0242

Canadian National Whitewater Canoe Team athlete, Haley Daniels, is Gracey’s featured athlete for...

Making Assessments Work for You (Clare Landrigan and Tammy...

Choice Literacy CL0016

Students are assessed more than ever before, but what's a teacher to do with all those numbers and...

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