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Math: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0011

Indigenous people used math to count inventories and measure shapes for buildings. They added...

Mathemagic: The Prime Radicals, Season 2

GAPC Productions GAP063

Uncle Norm – otherwise known as “Norm the Normificent” – is trying to make a magic show...


PBS Video 041635

A 20-part series exploring the fundamentals of algebra, geometry, and advanced...

mathXplosion Series

GAPC Productions GAP005

Hosted by Ottawa's talented Mathemagician Eric Leclerc who shares secrets from the not-so-hidden...

mathXplosion Series (Français)

GAPC Productions GAPF05

Les maths nous entourent ! Joins-toi à Éric, le «mathémagicien» alors qu’il nous révèle...

Mating - The Search for the Other Half

Film Ideas FI0017

One of the most profound mysteries in the world, love between males and females, is explored. What...

Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems: Science Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0094

How do plants obtain energy? How does food give us energy? We learn about matter and energy in...


PBS Video 040080

This series challenges its audience to reconsider the architecture of race, its role in democracy...

Matthew Penn ( Law & Order, Damages, Royal Pains)

CinéFête F296-S03-05

Comédien de formation, Matthew Penn a commencé à pratiquer la mise en scène au théâtre, avant...

Matthew Penn (Law & Order, Damages, Royal Pains): The Art of...

Empreinte Digitale A296-S01-05

Actor by training, Matthew Penn began directing theatre before being hired as a director on a...

Matthew Reinhart, Jon Paul Ferrera, & Michael Parks: That's Art

Blue Ant Media BAM066

Every child loves pop-up books. And let's face it, so do most adults. Meet Matthew Reinhart: a...

Matthew Thompson, ProTranscript and Allan Fisch: The Pitch Series

Business News Network BNN025

Features Matthew Thompson, ProTranscript & Allan Fisch, HomeSav.

Maurice Sendak Library, The (DVD)

Weston Woods WW491

Titles include: The Nutshell Kids, Where the Wild Things Are, In the Night Kitchen, Getting to Know...

Maurice's Last Visitor: See No Evil Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1145

On December 10th 2011, 60-year-old social worker Francis Maurice Byrd is found dead in his home in...

Mauvaise herbe : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-10-40

Pourquoi l'herbe à puces pique-t-elle ? Après avoir expérimenté les effets de l'herbe à puces...

Max et les maximonstres

Weston Woods WW084_FR

par Maurice Sendak Max est un petit garcon bruyant, il a fait un coup pendable, sa punition est...

Max's Chocolate Chicken

Weston Woods WW344

by Rosemary Wells Will Max or will Ruby find the most Eggs to win the chocolate chicken? Only the...

Max's Christmas

Weston Woods WW322BI

by Rosemary Wells - Irrepressible Max wants to stay up late on Christmas Eve so he can see...

Max's Money Adventures

Twisted Scholar GUM001

Max's Money Adventure was designed to teach kids the meaning and value of money. Cash machines...

Max's Words

Weston Woods WW814

by Kate Banks, pictures by Boris Kulikov (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) When his brothers won't share...

May I Bring a Friend?

Weston Woods WW164

by Beatrice Schenk An imaginative boy graciously accepts an invitation from the King and Queen...

Maya Angelou

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0024

Developed by an English curriculum writer, this program introduces students to the amazing life and...

Maya: Finding Our Talk, Season 3

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME76

The Mayan people and their languages have survived for more than 5000 years, despite brutal Spanish...

Mayan Ruins: Archaeology for Kids

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0333

Learn all about the Mayan Ruins.  How have recent advances in technology facilitated the discovery...

Maymay Fishing: Wolf Joe Series


Joe is convinced he's not good at fishing but finding a little forest spirit in distress he uses...

MAZINAABII'IGEWIN (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...

Redcloud Studios RS0006OJ

Sarain dash Kris onanda gikendaanawaa onow gaa-mazinabii’igewaad zhigo ge aadizookewin. Mii iwedi...

MC Mooserific: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2

Epic Story Media ESM191

When Maureen discovers that Emilia won’t be able to perform at tonight’s Moosical Revue, she...

McAbee: Dino Trails. Season 2

Brandy Y Productions BYP059

Explore Eocene Epoch fossils at The McAbee Fossil Beds Heritage Site in British Columbia. It was...

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd - Bladworth, SK: Depth of Field...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C029

McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd is a grain and livestock operation that uses renewable energy and...

McLean Mill - Steam Power, BC: Historylands Season 4

Good Earth Productions GEHL49

The McLean Mill wasn't just a lumber camp, it was a way of life and helped to forge the new...

Me ... Jane

Weston Woods WW2592

based on the book by Patrick McDonnell (Little, Brown) -    In his characteristic heartwarming...

Me and My 500 Friends: Staying Safe on Social Networks

Human Relations Media 600569

This timely program provides teens with an essential safety primer on using social networks such as...

Me and My Shadow: Brewster the Rooster Series

Monster Entertainment MON023

Brewster and Maggie are at Ginger’s Shadow Show. She wonders ‘What are shadows made of?’...

Me and Ukelele: The Ocean Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE522

The Ocean Room kids get to dance and feel the music when they're visited by two special guests...

Me, My Selfie and I - Protecting My Digital Self: Start Smart...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0217

Explore the safety procedures that you can implement immediately to protect yourself and your...


Learning Seed 200060

The food pyramid has replaced the four food groups as the basic tool for planning a balanced diet...

Meal Planning: Meals in Minutes Series

Learning ZoneXpress 430089

Ever wonder what's for dinner? Simplify your life by planning meals ahead of time. Follow comedian...

Meals in Minutes Series

Learning ZoneXpress 430205

Simplify your life by planning meals ahead of time with comedian Stevie Ray. He demonstrated easy...

Mealworm Popover and Tapenade: Bug Bites Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1164

Follow Haley Chamberlain Nelson as she walks viewers through the natural history of mealworms, and...

Mean Streets: W5


Canada's largest city has always had the reputation of "Toronto the Good." But recently, high...

Measure Up in the Kitchen

Learning Seed 200120

You asked us for an up-to-date video showing how to measure dry and liquid ingredients for cooking...

Measurement - It's Not Just about Rulers (Part I): mathXplosion...

GAPC Productions GAP007

This episode is about another measurable property of objects – weight – and how you can measure...

Measurement - It's Not Just about Rulers (Part II): mathXplosion...

GAPC Productions GAP008

This episode is about non-standard measurement units and the application of proportions to art, by...

Measurement: Look Kool Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT086

Hamza wants to measure everything about Koolkatt that has changed since he was a teeny-weeny little...

Measuring: Primary Maths Series 2

Educational Voice 992051

This animated math video lesson is about measuring. Students will love this engaging and...

Meat the Future: The Next Agricultural Revolution

LizMars Productions Inc. LMPI00

Imagine a world where real meat is produced sustainably without the need to breed, raise and...

Médecine - le futur de notre santé: Global Science

T2MP and Reuters F296-S07-02

De la médecine naturelle aux technologies de pointe utilisées dans les salles d’opération, la...

Media and Aggression

Shortcutstv Ltd STV022

This Short Cut TV episode deals with the relation between media and aggression. Are these two...

Media Resistance - Land and Water: The Wapikoni Indigenous...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0007EN

Media Resistance: Land and Water is Ashton Janvier’s second Wapikoni project that sheds light on...

Media Truth Or Fiction

Learning Seed 200077

How do you defend against misused statistics? Numbers can appear convincing-in news reports, TV...

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