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Proportion: The Principles of Design Explained Series
Winged Canvas WC0054Proportion! It's more than just human anatomy, so what is it, exactly? This fast-paced video...
Human Relations Media 600279This lively and entertaining video will help young students learn everything they need to know...
Protect Our Future Daughters: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0020ENProtect Our Future Daughters is a short docu-drama about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women...
Protecting its Own (W5)
CTV CTV424In March, 2008, W-FIVE aired "Right to Know" -- an investigation into medical secrecy and the case...
Protecting Our Children: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0706Of the 30,000 children in ministry care across Canada, half are Aboriginal. Most of these children...
Protecting the 'Song Lines' - Australia: Native Planet Series -...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0776Simon travels to the Kimberly in Northwest Australia to see why the Goolarabooloo people are...
Protein: Elements of Human Nutrition Series
Learning Seed 200221The word "protein" comes from a Greek word that means "of prime importance." Proteins help us see...
Protein: How Cows & Carrots Become People
Learning Seed 200111What is the truth about protein? What is it, how much do you need, and what happens if you come up...
Provincial and Territorial Symbols of Canada
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI012In this new production, you will discover the official symbols and emblems for each of the 13...
Psychedelic Healing: W5
CTV CTV878W5's Avery Haines speaks to a Canadian veteran about how a drug that's popular in club and rave...
Psychedelics: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1442Psychedelics have impacted history for as long as there have been people wanting to get their minds...
Eduflix Group AB KMG014When we grow up, we all look fairly similar. The human body grows and changes during our whole...
Puberty for Girls - Help! My Body's Changing: Start Smart Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0124Girls are taught all about the changes that happen to their bodies as they transition from child to...
Puberty: Every Body Curious, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1399Puberty can be a confusing time, but knowledge can help make things a little easier! What are some...
Puddle Splashing and Snakes Walk: Let's Go For A Walk, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1064Ranger Hamza and the Ramblers have lots of fun while walking to an old mill. There is...
Puglaas - Jody Wilson-Raybould Rethinks Her Future: W5
CTV CTV883W5’s Sandie Rinaldo gives us a glimpse into the private life of Jody Wilson-Raybould, a...
Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel
Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...
Pukaskwa National Park, ON : Great Canadian Parks
Good Earth Productions GEGCP43There is a 'spirit' of Pukaskwa that envelopes all who explore it. The park is a breathtaking...
Pukaskwa National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM165The diverse, rugged wilderness of Pukaskwa National Park is the only one of its kind in Ontario. It...
Puktew Muin (Fire Bear)
Little Bear Big Wolf Pictures LBBW00While listening to their uncle retell the Mi'kmaq story of Skus and Muin, two precocious children...
Pull the Plug: Life or Death - Who Gets to Decide? W5
CTV CTV538Many of us plan ahead for our last days, making wills to give loved ones directions on our final...
Pumpkin Circle
Weston Woods WW2034BIPumpkins! Every Autumn we carve them into scary faces, munch their crunchy seeds, and cook them...
Punch 9 for Harold Washington
Video Project, Inc. TVP119Barack Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, in part, because of a man he'd never met: Harold Washington...
Punches: Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series
Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP004Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad are ready to teach you some important punches! We’re...
Puppet Show: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE023AOlive and Otto have to crack a case in which a group of people have been turned into puppets. The...
Puppy Pile: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0028Buddy is so nervous around a new large puppy that his fear turns a simple dog walk mission into a...
Purple Hearts
CTV CTV621Directed by Gemini Award-winning TSN Feature Producer Mike Farrell, PURPLE HEARTS shares the story...
Purpose: #Unsettled (Ep 4)
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0640Darryl has charmed his way into the inner circle of Chief and council, spearheading a surefire...
Pushed To The Brink: Bullycide on the Rise
Human Relations Media 600563Several recent tragedies have focused the attention on the growing trend of "bullycide," the term...
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
Video Project, Inc. TVP091Inspired by the groundbreaking book of the same name by Monique W. Morris, Ed.D, Pushout: The...
Put Me in Coach: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE054BCoach O determines which agents get to visit the unicorns in Cloud Town. Both teams must find items...
Putin's Pals: W5
CTV CTV901Russian oligarchs gained immense wealth when the Soviet Union fell, and state-run industries were...
Putin: The New Tsar
Blue Ant Media BAM1381Admired by former President Donald Trump and feared by his rivals, Putin: The New Tsar is an...
Putting Argentina's Right to a Healthy Environment to the Test -...
Paper Tiger PT0076This episode of The Green Interview features Daniel Sallaberry, the lawyer behind the "Mendoza...
Puttin’ Down Roots
Electric Monk Media Ltd. EMML07Puttin’ Down Roots is an artistic take on gardening and creation. Engage your senses and frolic...
Puzzling Playdate: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE132Jacob and Molly are working on a puzzle when they realize there is a piece missing and go...
Pyramids of the Past: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON618Luna’s family is doing research in Teotihuacán, when they begin to wonder, how exactly was this...
Pyramids: Look Kool, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT096A pyramid is an incredibly strong, stable shape, and has been used for thousands of years. All...
Pythagoras: Numbers, Numbers!
Film Ideas FI0041In 570 BC, a new Persian Empire was forming, Buddha was starting a new religion in Nepal and on the...
Q and Eh: Hard Rock Medical, Season 1, Ep 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0388What do medical schools look for in a prospective doctor? You’d think it would be book smarts...
Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South
Productions Grand Nord A80-004‘Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South’ explores the experiences of Inuit “migrants” to the...
Qatar's World Cup: W5
CTV CTV920The World Cup in Qatar has sparked soccer – and nonsoccer– conversations around the world...
Qu'Appelle River, SK: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 2
Good Earth Productions GEGCR23The 430-km long Qu'Appelle is the quintessential prairie river - a subtly beautiful landscape, an...
Qu'Appelle Valley Mule Deer; Dickie Yuzicapi: Untamed Gourmet...
291 Film Company 291002"Sioux Chef," Dickie Yuzicapi, creates modern variations on traditional Aboriginal cooking. In...
Qu'y a-t-il sous mon lit?
Weston Woods WW299_SL_FRpar James Stevenson La nuit, les ombres et les bruits sont inquiétants... Grand-père raconte à...
Quail, Elk and Bison: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3
Tanner Beach Productions WGC307Out for a BBQ, Chef Rupert prepares a feast with Quail, Elk and Bison and cooks up elk-bison...
Quand l'amour rend aveugle I
CinéFête F289-S01« L’amour rend aveugle », dit-on. Tellement que de trop nombreuses personnes, des femmes en...
Quand l'amour rend aveugle II
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S01Si on le décrit souvent comme la plus belle expérience de la vie, le sentiment amoureux possède...
Quand l'utopie faisait école 1918-1939
CinéFête F259-024Au lendemain de la Première Guerre Mondiale, dans une Europe traumatisée, des pédagogues d’un...
Quand la cigogne repasse: Parent un jour, Parent toujours 1
CinéFête F150-S15-02L'attente d'un nouvel enfant génère souvent des craintes et des questionnements chez les parents...
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