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Ray Cao, Loose Button and Jay Klein: The Pitch Series
Business News Network BNN016Features Ray Cao, Loose Button & Jay Klein, PUR Gum.
Ray Hsu: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM47Award-winning young poet Ray Hsu is a former self-professed “slacker kid” who rides the line...
Raymond Bouchard: Voici comme je suis
PVP Films F303-S01-05Polyvalent, charismatique et talentueux, Raymond Bouchard est un acteur phare de la scène...
Raymond Lévesque, parole d'un sourd
CinéFête F150-S14-06... Au cours des années 1950, Raymond Lévesque se fait connaître avec Quand les hommes vivront...
Rays of Sunshine: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON637After seeing different plant species in the Amazon - Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde wonder: what do...
Razmus Fox Builds a Room: Tiny Square Critters
Monster Entertainment MON075Razmus Fox wakes from a nap and decides to build himself a room. Set in the forest, Tiny Square...
RCMP Coast to Coast: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0704Female Aboriginal RCMP officers from BC’s Fraser Valley and Halifax Nova Scotia, share stories of...
RDC : le grand pillage
ARTE France F259-S10-79La République démocratique du Congo est un pays dont les sous-sols contiennent des trésors...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...
ré:INSTALLATION: Voici comment les collectivités déracinées...
Sound Venture SVPF70La série documentaire ré:INSTALLATION relate des histoires fascinantes sur le plan social, des...
re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight to Survive Series
Sound Venture SVP500The re:LOCATION documentary series is a collection of compelling, socially relevant stories that...
Reach for the Top: W5
CTV CTV675Though many Canadians of a certain age remember Reach For The Top as a TV game show staple from the...
Reach For The Top: W5
CTV CTV576Getting to know an inspiration: Spencer West has no legs, but that didn't stop him from climbing...
Reaching Out: A Suicide Prevention Workshop
Human Relations Media 600686This video and student manual bring to life a 5-step action plan known as ALGEE developed by The...
Reaching the Rainbow: Earth to Luna, Season 1
Monster Entertainment MON501Playing, dancing and singing along with their musical friend, Tom, in the backyard, the trio is...
Reacting to Different Situations: Popfox Theatre Series
Educational Voice 992765Welcome to Popfox Theatre Land. Join Xixi, Haha, Rosie, and the rest of the Gang as they explore...
Reactions: Popfox Theatre Series
Educational Voice 992762Welcome to Popfox Theatre Land. Join Xixi, Haha, Rosie, and the rest of the Gang as they explore...
Learning Seed 200061A few years ago new regulations for labels made them less confusing and easier to read. Nutrition...
Read TV Volume One: Do What You Love
Tremain Media Inc. 300023Read-TV is an innovative series that helps children become familiar with words and reading. The...
READ, WRITE, & TALK: A Practice to Enhance Comprehension
Stenhouse Publishers 000122Reading is a social act. We all love to talk about what we read, whether sharing the latest novel...
Readers in the Middle with Katie Doherty
Choice Literacy CL0017Reading workshops have become the norm in many middle schools across the country. In recent years...
Reading Blue Jeans: Clothing & Culture
Learning Seed 200228Inscribed on every pair of jeans is the story of how a workmen's garment became one of the most...
Reading Maps - Navigating the World: Geography Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0032Learn all about reading maps, direction, and navigation. If your smart phone is not available...
READING THE WORLD: Content Comprehension with Linguistically...
Stenhouse Publishers 000126Kids love to explore the real world-as young scientists they observe and relish nature, and through...
Reading to Your Bunny
Weston Woods WW678by Rosemary Wells Young Freddy Bunny is having trouble learning in school. With encouragement...
Ready Set Go: Wolf Joe Series
MRV WOLF JOE INC. WJ0046When a new playmate arrives, Nina becomes increasingly competitive but finds she’s not the best...
Ready to Roll: Playdate Series
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE099Before Jacob and Gwen can repair a tissue box racecar when one of the wheels breaks off, Mom calls...
Ready to Roti: Not Your Butter Chicken Series
Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS02This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken” centers on the resilience of South Asian women...
Reagan Gorbachev, Duel at the Top
Illégitime Défense A269-008When they first met in 1985, tensions were running high, and the world acclaimed Reagan and...
Reagan Gorbatchev, duel au sommet
Illégitime Défense F269-008Lorsqu'ils se rencontrèrent pour la première fois, en 1985, à une époque de tensions extrêmes...
Real Food: The Cost of Convenience
Learning Seed 200213What do you buy most in a supermarket? Hint: It's not food. Most of your dollars are spent for...
Real Models: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ002This episode theme is on “Real Models” which is a term that RezX has coined to define...
Reales Doubloonies: Hullabalooba Series
Monster Entertainment MON099Habhab is fantasizing about his treasure. The seagulls interrupt him and he bursts out in rage...
Really Remarkable Robotics: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0053What role do robots play in the future of mankind? A puzzling question lands you in the wondrous...
Reanimated: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 2
Farpoint Films FAR023Cinematographer Dave Gaudet explores the world of graphic novels in Winnipeg, and travels to The...
Reasons for Hope, Reasons to Live: Preventing Youth Suicide
Human Relations Media 600632This video emphasizes the hopeful message that suicides can be prevented. It focuses on the...
Rebâtir les communautés par l'art: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-08L’art est au cœur de l’identité des communautés et agit souvent comme source de...
Rebel | Angel
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV056Rebel Angel is a film about identity, love, dysfunctional families, despair, the redemptive power...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0910Every second is a lifetime. With the four-pound trigger pull, Jared and Sergei, two youth from...
Rebuild: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0017Kris visits the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation on M’Chigeeng First Nation, an organization that...
Rebuilding An Empire: Animal Empires Series
Blue Ant Media BAM350Over the course of recorded time, many species have been threatened with extinction. Once-powerful...
Rebuilding With Our Hands: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S03-10History is full of examples of armed conflicts unleashed by religious, territorial, or ideological...
Recipe for Disaster: Odd Squad Series One
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE021BOlive and Otto explain to Ms. O how a case went wrong, each in their own way. In order to get to...
Reclaim: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0021Kris gets a personal tour from Park Manager Jeff Monague, who takes Kris on a survival skills walk...
Reclaiming Argentina's Riachuelo River: Marina Aizen - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0087This episode of the Green Interview features Marina Aizen, one of Argentina's most distinguished...
Reclaiming History - Hawaii: Native Planet Series - The Fight...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0774Simon travels to Hawaii to examine the growing native sovereignty movement and how it helped halt...
Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect: When Boundaries are...
Learning Seed 200303Neglect occurs when a child's physical, educational, and medical needs are not met. Hear from...
Recognizing and Preventing Emotional Child Abuse: When...
Learning Seed 200302Learn the six most common types of emotional abuse: rejecting, terrorizing, isolating, ignoring...
Recognizing and Preventing Physical Child Abuse: When Boundaries...
Learning Seed 200301What constitutes physical child abuse, and why does it happen? What are the effects, and how can it...
Recognizing the rights of mother nature: Natalia Greene - The...
Paper Tiger PT0096This episode of The Green Interview features Ecuador's Natalia Greene, a key figure in the...
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