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Culture des armes

CinéFête F272-S03-03

Quand on jette un regard vers nos voisins du Sud, plusieurs d’entre nous sont scandalisés de...

Culture on Display, Ottawa Senators Indigenous Appreciation...

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310102

During the 2018-2019 NHL season, The Ottawa Senators Community Foundation created an annual...

Culture: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0013

Sarain and Kris delve into the bigger questions of culture and how it shapes who they are as...

Cunning: Most Extreme - Alien Planet Earth Series

Blue Ant Media BAM708

Today we're on a mission to find the most extremely cunning creatures. We are looking for animals...

Curious George Rides a Bike

Weston Woods WW017

by H.A. Rey Fans of the ingenious little monkey will not be disappointed as he embarks on a...

Curious Series

Switch SWED28

Big and little questions are answered about the mysteries and marvels of science, technology...

Curling (Friction): Sports Lab Series

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE104

Emily wants to improve her curling game. She learns that friction can be a friend. The curling rink...

Current and Savings Account: Intermediate Maths Series 3

Educational Voice 992068

This animated math video lesson is about saving money. James and Aaron talk about buying a video...


Magna Systems 520082

Teachers accept children of all backgrounds into their classrooms, and they're delighted to do so...

Curtis: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR021

This episode follows Curtis as he prepares to leave a rehabilitation centre. As an athlete, Curtis...

Customer (Dis)Service

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE121

What happened to good customer service? Customer (Dis)Service takes viewers right to the heart of...

Customer (dis)Service: W5


W5 exposes companies with consumer watchdog complaints. An appliance repair company has a Better...

Customer Service Basics: Service with a Smile

Learning ZoneXpress 430149

In this humorous video that is reminiscent of "The Office", join the employees of the fictitious...

Cutthroat Trout: Leo’s FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE009

Leo sends Christian & Sayat to Western Canada to meet the Cutthroat Trout, a member of the salmon...

Cutting Edge Basic English Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0095

This ground-breaking Cutting Edge Basic English Series designed by psychologist Eve Ash and ESL...

Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series (Set of 80 Programs)

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0000

COMEDY MAKES LEARNING FUN! This comedy business series compliled of 80 programs completed in 2016...

Cutting Edge English at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0074

These 20 groundbreaking programs combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design, and...

Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0049

Learn key employability skills. Ten fun videos for school leavers, college students and new...

Cutting-Edge Gardeners: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S05-07

Intensive farming, unsustainable forestry methods and industrial fishing have seriously depleted...

Cyara's Story: Drug Class Series, Season 1

Cooper Rock CPR009

In her 8th grade, Cyara began experimenting with marijuana and alcohol in order to fit in and feel...

Cyber Guérilla 2.0

RTBF F296-001

Une immersion au cœur du « dark web » et des nouveaux champs de bataille apparus avec Internet...


The Best Part Inc. BPP000

A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, which chronicles the extraordinary journey of a...


MUSE Entertainment MUSE04

When 17-year-old Taylor receives a laptop for her birthday, she immediately signs up to a social...

Cyberbullying: Tribal Police Files, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0333

Cst. Len Isaac responds to a call about cyberbullying against a teenager. Police officers must...

Cyberchase: Data Collection and Analysis

PBS Video 041921

Join Jackie, Matt, and Inez on exciting, math-based adventures! Students will learn how important...


PBS Video 040575

Replacement synthetic senses for people are now a reality. Children as young as 12 months are...

Cycling: Busy Bodies Series

Switch SWED128

In this video we learn about the history of the bicycle, types of bicycles, 7 benefits of cycling...

Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, AB & SK: Great Canadian Parks

Good Earth Productions GEGCP02

Cypress Hills straddles the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, in the heart of the Canadian...

D is for Decisions

Learning ZoneXpress 430141

Teens' eyes and ears are coveted by advertisers, but how do you make wise purchasing decisions...

D'escale en escale

CinéFête F301-S03-10

Au Malawi, sur le lac du même nom, troisième d’Afrique en termes de superficie, l’Ilala...

Da Vinci and Rembrandt: Art History Kids

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0187

Learn all about Leonardo Da Vinci and Rembrandt Van Rijn. Explore the major life events and...

Dad's Visit: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP12

Shelley’s dad comes to visit for the first time. Shelley wants the visit to be perfect, but...

Dallas Goldtooth: Comedy As a Way Of Reconciliation - REDx Talks...

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0021

Dallas Goldtooth (Mdewakanton Dakota & Dińe) is the Keystone XL Campaign Organizer for the...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE025

This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from...

Dan and Margot

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE080

Documentary For years, Margot was stalked and harassed by a man she could only call "Dan" and her...

Dan Bigras: Les blues de l'ange animal

CinéFête F290-S02-03

Né dans un contexte familial difficile, Dan Bigras utilise son piano pour faire taire ses...

Dance Art : The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 9

Farpoint Films FAR030

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet films Daystar, a contemporary modern dancer working in Rochester, New...

Dance like Nobody's Watching: Odd Squad Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE021A

When the alarm system at Headquarters is triggered, Olive, Otto, Ms. O, and Oscar must avoid a...

Dance of the Propertius Duskywing: A Butterfly on the Brink

Wilderness Committee 010047

In Canada, British Columbia is one of only two provinces (the other being Alberta) that does not...

Dance of the Wawatay: Wolf Joe Series


Out late to view the Northern Lights, the friends race to rescue Buddy’s run-away drum before it...

Dance of the Zils: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON046

Matilda is embarrassed when she can't remember a special dance like the Turkish, Karsilama...

Dance, Dance, Dance: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON015

Ping and Pong and the sheep are having a dance party, but Mr. Prickles doesn’t know how he can...

Dance: Misho and Robin Series

Monster Entertainment MON542

Misho and Robin follow the sound of music to the woods where they find Squirrel spinning and...

Dance: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0277

Tiga shares a musical day with the children – instruments like glass jars filled with colored...

Dancehalls, Deejays and Distortion Series Playlist

Diving Bell Films Inc. DBFI01

Dancehalls, Deejays and Distortion is a short docs series that allows viewers to relive little...

Dancing in Your Chair: Hip Hop

Learning ZoneXpress 430049

Here's exercise that's easy and fun, and no one has to leave their seat to get into it! An...

Dancing Lights: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0689

Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, is an awesome light show caused by electrically charged...

Dancing with Language: Finding Our Talk, Season 3

Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME80

In the early days of talkies, film was used to capture the languages of indigenous peoples on the...

Dancing, Acupressure and Salad Preparation: Busy Bodies Series

Switch SWED121

Take a deeper look at the activity of dancing, an exercise that has physical, psychological and...

Danger behind the Wheel: The Facts about Distracted Driving

Human Relations Media 600543

This powerful program emphasizes the dangers of driving distractions—applying makeup...

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