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Danger behind the Wheel: The Facts about Distracted Driving

Human Relations Media 600543

This powerful program emphasizes the dangers of driving distractions—applying makeup...

DANGER ON THE ROAD: U - Haul Update (W - 5)


With some 1,500 dealers and 600,000 customers in Canada, U-Haul ranks as the country's largest...

Dangerous Bear: Tribal Police Files, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0327

Constable Leonard Isaac and Sergeant Dale Austinson respond to call about a possible bear sighting...

Dangerous Decisions: Learning to Think Before You Act

Human Relations Media 600511

Teens today are exposed to many risks - the ready availability of drugs, tobacco and alcohol...

Dangerous Hunt: Gold - The Currency of Greed Series

Autentic GMBH AUT045

It conveys permanence in a fast-moving world: gold. The precious metal always retains its luster...


PBS Video 040210

As medications assume ever-larger roles in health care, the importance of FDA approval mounts. But...

Dangerous Relationships

Human Relations Media 600139

Young people need clear, self-affirming guidelines to understand their choices when a relationship...

Dangerous Water: Tribal Police Files, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0348

Matt recalls the day a kayak overturned and he was the first responder.  A man was trying to save...

Dangers of Sexting: What Teens Need to Know

Human Relations Media 600532

In a recent survey, one in five teens admitted to sending nude or semi-nude photos or videos and...

Dangers of Sugar and Salt

Human Relations Media 600624

This entertaining and informative program gets teens to think about how much sugar and salt they...

Danielle Ouimet : l’image et la femme

CinéFête F244-S03-12

... La comédienne et animatrice Danielle Ouimet a su prouver au fil du temps qu’elle est...

Daniel’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1

The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP304

For Daniel, taking on the task of being his partner Richard’s caregiver as he battled AIDS was...

Danny and the Dinosaur

Weston Woods WW067

by Syd Hoff This is the story of a boy's friendship with a dinosaur and how they spend one...

Dans la forêt boréale: Partageons notre habitat

Pinegrove Productions PPF004

En mission pour découvrir les espèces en voie d'extinction de la forêt boréale, Jack et Tabitha...

Dans les yeux des Pharaons

Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-041

Un Eden. C’est ce que l’Egypte est aux archéologues. Sans cesse, le sable égyptien offre aux...

Dans l’oeil du moustique

Grand Angle Productions F173-036

Au Brésil, en Afrique, en Asie du sud-est ou dans le sud de l’Europe, ce film suit le parcours...

Danse Carrée: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON016FR

Matilda et Ping travaillent ensemble afin que Matilda comprenne qu’il y a différentes sortes de...

Danse des Sagattes: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON046FR

Matilda est embarrassée quand elle ne se souvient plus de la danse turque et son rythme de...

Danse, Danse, Danse: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON015FR

Quand Ping, Pong et les moutons font une soirée dansante, monsieur Picou se demande comment il...

Dante - Fergus, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT626

Dante is an 11-year-old boy from Fergus, Ontario. He is a proud Canadian Ugandan who loves...

Danxia Landform of Zhangye: Geographic Wonders of the World...

Educational Voice 992123

This animated geography video lesson explores the Danxia Landform, a landform made up of different...

Dany Turcotte: Urgence de vivre

PVP Films F303-S01-03

La scène humoristique québécoise ne serait pas la même sans la précieuse contribution de Dany...

Daphne Marlatt: Heart of a Poet, Season 2

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM39

Order of Canada recipient, university instructor and language-based poet Daphne Marlatt takes us on...

Dare to Get the Bear/Beading Stars: Louis Says Season 1 (Cree...

Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC001

Episode 1A: Dare to Get the Bear - Louis uses both English and Cree words to tell Randy that...

Dare to Get the Bear/Beading Stars: Louis Says Series

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0001

Episode 1A: Dare to Get the Bear - Louis uses both English and Cree words to tell Randy that...


Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI01

Unaware of what they might find, a  group of international journalists visit a small village in...

Dark Dreams: Paranormal Survivor, Season 5, Ep. 5

Blue Ant Media BAM1132

Carly Hall is haunted by evil spirits from her nightmares, a couple are attacked by a demon in...

Dark Energy: Cosmic Vistas, Season 5

Blue Ant Media BAM145

It is believed to be one of the main forces shaping the universe but what do we actually know about...


PBS Video 040656

It started with chains and treachery. Travel to West Africa and Virginia to see the impact of the...

Dark Side of the Moon: Hard Rock Medical, Season 3, Ep 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0411

Sent out in pairs, the students shadow an emergency medical team, do shifts in a hospital ER...

Dark Zone: Wolf Joe Series


On a trek to see the stars at a special place in the woods where Buddy sees lots of natural wonders...

Darkness and Hope: Depression, Sports and Me

See See Three Entertainment Inc. SST001

People who suffer from depression describe it as wearing a mask. They hide behind it, refusing to...

Darkness to Light: Not Your Butter Chicken Series

Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS03

This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken”, filmed during the festival of light known as Diwali...

Darkness: Finding Stuff Out, Season 4

Apartment 11 APT057

“Do carrots really help you see in the dark?” To overcome her fear of the dark, Zoey...

Darn Dams! - Why Do Beavers Build Dams? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-01-04

Jack’s attempt to slow a dangerous river with beaver dams causes a major flood that threatens...

Data Literacy Playlist


The video programs in this streaming list allow viewers to gain a specialized insight into data...

Date - Ability


Dating is tough enough for teens and young adults. But for youth with disabilities, the barriers...

Daughters of Gardeners

PVP Monde A153-001

Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral...

Dave Belzer and Drew Berlin (The Burst Brothers), Andrew Cole...

Blue Ant Media BAM323

Guitar Center in Hollywood is the epitomy of guitar culture. Newcomer Andrew Cole and punk rocker...

Davey Creek Ranch - Innisfail, AB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C015

Davey Creek Ranch raise and market finished farm raised beef directly to consumers. They also...

Davey Creek Ranch - Innisfail, AB: Depth of Field - Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C015F

Davey Creek Ranch raise and market finished farm raised beef directly to consumers. They also...

Dave’s Roots: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 12

Farpoint Films FAR034

Cinematographer Dave Gaudet travels to his tribe’s annual powwow in Newfoundland. He also returns...

David Finch, Dave Johnston, & Nikole Lowe: That's Art

Blue Ant Media BAM070

David Finch dropped out of high school in Grades 11. Twenty years later he is one of the super...

David Johnston: The 28th Governor General of Canada


Canada is a "barn raising" nation with a strong history of neighbours looking out for each other...

David Lozeau, Katya Trischuk, & Carl Wiens: That's Art

Blue Ant Media BAM071

Celebrate the "Day of the Dead" with lowbrow artist David Lozeau. His smiling skulls will dance...

David Macaulay: Building Big

PBS Video 041292

David Macaulay, award-winning author and illustrator of The Way Things Work, will entertain in a...

David Macaulay: Early Civilizations Animated 4PK DVD

PBS Video 041064

Immerse students in the ancient world of castles, cathedrals, pyramids and Roman cities with this...

David Macaulay: Pyramid

PBS Video 040708

How did ancient Egyptians build the Great Pyramid at Giza, joining two million blocks of heavy...

David Macaulay: Roman City

PBS Video 040352

The glories of Ancient Rome are explored in ROMAN CITY, based on David Macaulay's acclaimed book...

David Rocco’s Dolce Italia Series, Season 7

Blue Ant Media BAM1208

David returns to his beloved Italy, but this time to experience cities he’s never been to. The...

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