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France Castel : enflammée
CinéFête F261-S02-08Très jeune, on remarque France Castel pour sa voix juste et limpide... Elle se fait connaître...
Francine Grimaldi : Sans interruption
CinéFête F272-S04-01Francine Grimaldi, surnommée la vadrouilleuse, a fait sa marque en ne manquant rien des...
François-Xavier Gagnon - Vélo de montagne au Canada: Guides...
HG Distribution HG0154FRFrançois-Xavier Gagnon reçoit trois adeptes de vélo de montagne pour inaugurer un nouveau...
Françoise Faucher: le temps d'apprendre à vivre
CinéFête F261-S02-03Grande dame du théâtre québécois, Françoise Faucher se démarque par son élégance et sa...
PBS Video 040403Wright and Olgivanna began the Taliesin Fellowship, taking on apprentices. Fallingwater brought him...
Fraser Canyon War: Nations at War, Season 1
NAW Productions CP0002ENIn 1858 at the end of the California Gold Rush, rumours of gold in the Fraser River Canyon drew...
Fraser Canyon War: Nations at War, Season 1, Coast Salish Version
NAW Productions CP0002CSIn 1858 at the end of the California Gold Rush, rumours of gold in the Fraser River Canyon drew...
Fraser River, BC: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR11FRASER RIVER, BC The Fraser is the largest river in British Columbia, and it drains about...
Fraud Series: Canada AM
CTV CTV404Gary Ford, author of 'The Canadian Guide to Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft' takes us...
Fred and Rose West: House of Horrors
Blue Ant Media BAM1106Twenty-five years ago Britain was horrified by a murder story unfolding at 25 Cromwell Street in...
Fred Devellano, Guardian Angel Care and Brian WhitenZaheed...
Business News Network BNN014Features Fred Devellano, Guardian Angel Care & Brian Whiten, Heliviz.
Fred Sasakamoose Youth Camp, Uof R ISA Round Dance...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ007This Episode features stories on the Fred Sasakamoose Aboriginal Youth Camp, University of...
Freddie Frog wants to Sing: Tiny Square Critters
Monster Entertainment MON069Freddie Frog dreams of being a pop star. He asks the tree frogs how to become one. Set in the...
Frédéric Back - Grandeur Nature
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M017FRDe tous les créateurs de notre temps, Frédéric Back compte parmi les plus grands. Empreintes...
Free Skate
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE121A young and promising Russian figure skater is found beaten and frostbitten in a lay-by of a...
Free the Mind
Video Project, Inc. TVP022Free the Mind profiles the pioneering work of renowned psychologist Richard Davidson, who, by...
Freediving: Aquateam Series, Ep. 6
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR063EThe Aquateam learns to freedive from a world champion.
Freedom Fighters: Nations at War, Season 2
NAW Productions CP0018ENTo keep their rich hunting grounds around the Great Lakes, the Odawa helped the French fight the...
Freedom Fighters: Nations at War, Season 2, Coast Salish Version
NAW Productions CP0018CSTo keep their homeland, the Odawa must fight the British Empire.
Freedom Seekers (Ep 5): Canfield Roots
Windecker Road Films WRF005Frustrated over delays, a group of residents and descendants meet to discuss what to do over an...
Freedom: A History of US
PBS Video 040936FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM recalls the forging place of American liberty, the Revolutionary War. British...
Freedom: A History of US: Independence & Revolution
PBS Video 041289INDEPENDENCE examines how the 9/11 terrorist attack renewed focus on freedom, then returns to 1776...
Freestyle Skiing (Acceleration): Sports Lab Series
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE115Charlie loves the creativity of freestyle skiing and he works to get maximum air out of the half...
Freezin’ Hot - Where Does Snow Come From? Jack, Season 1
PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-07-27When Jack decides to help the kids make some slushy ice drinks, he rigs up a gizmo that quickly...
French and Indigenous Culture in Quebec: Seeing Canada, Season 3
Brandy Y Productions BYP087Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk starts her journey in Quebec City where she learns about Boreal...
French River, ON: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR04The French River is one of Canada's most historic waterways, used as a travel corridor by the Huron...
Frenemies: Unhealthy Friendships and What to Do about Them
Human Relations Media 600610What is a frenemy? How can you recognize a frenemy? How can a frenemy hurt you? Can you fix a...
Frères ennemis: Corée: l'impossible réunification
Alegria, ARTE France F259-S04-01La 1ère partie de Corée: L'impossible réunification raconte comment la colonisation japonaise...
Fresh Food: What is Farm to Table?
Learning ZoneXpress 430147Tap into the current trend of eating locally grown foods without the use of chemical pesticides or...
Fresh Ingredients: Healthy International Food Tips
Learning ZoneXpress 430151Cookbook author and world traveler Paulette Mitchell presents a series of video segments that offer...
Freshwater: Biomes Series
Eduflix Group AB KMG046We take a look at what makes fresh water so important and find out which plants and animals live in...
Fried Shrimp with Yellow Curry: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5
Dean Rainey DR0031On this episode of Try Thai Tonight dive back into the exotic world of curry as Jean prepares her...
Friend or Foe? Creature Mania Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1178Today on Creature Mania, we find out if hyenas are nice or nasty, are cuttlefish a friend or foe...
Friendiversary (Hearts): Annedroids Season Three
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE204It’s been one year since Anne, Nick and Shania first met and Shania wants to celebrate their...
Friendly Ants: Earth to Luna, Season 5
Monster Entertainment MON648Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are in Hawaii with their friend Iolana, when they notice ants heading into...
Friendly Fire: W5
CTV CTV138In April, 2002, four members of the Princess Patricia Light Infantry were killed and eight injured...
Friends of Odd Squad: Odd Squad Series Two
Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE077BMs. O leaves headquarters in the hands of an unlikely crew, while all the agents are gone. She...
Weston Woods WW2951Based on the Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld (Scholastic)...
Friendship Day: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2
Epic Story Media ESM190It’s Friendship Day! But Chip’s sore tooth is preventing him from carving Maureen the perfect...
Frog Goes to Dinner
Weston Woods WW1310Written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer --- A frog escapes from a boy's pocket in a fancy...
Frog Went A-Courtin'
Weston Woods WW028by John Lanstaff, Ill. Feodor Rojankrovsky John Langstaff’s...
Frogs - Species, Life Cycle and “Ribbeting” Fun Facts...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0245Learn all about frogs from the various species to "ribbeting" facts! Understand the life cycle of...
From a Light Within
Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA01CAPA heartwarming story of brotherly love at the darkest time of year. Each year, despite his...
From a Light Within (Described Video Version)
Beth Wishart MacKenzie BEMA01DVA heartwarming story of brotherly love at the darkest time of year. Each year, despite his...
From A to ZZZZ's: What Teens Need to Know About Sleep
Human Relations Media 600346New research has shown how critically important it is for teens to get enough sleep to function at...
From Bella Coola to Berlin
Aarrow Productions AP0001From Bella Coola to Berlin: They were known as Volkerschaus, people shows and human zoos. For Carl...
From Billions to None: The Passenger Pigeon's Flight to...
Video Project, Inc. TVP023From Billions to None tells the compelling, little-known story of the rapid extinction of the...
From Brownfield to Greenspace: Sustainable Urban Land Use
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE001Using the example of a former landfill site, From Brownfield to Greenspace: Sustainable Urban Land...
From Conception to Baby: Beginnings of Life Series
Learning Seed 200290Creating a brand new person requires a complex biological process featuring a cast of microscopic...
From Farm To Table
Learning Seed 200196Food! We talk about it all the time. What shall we eat? Where can we buy it? What's healthiest...
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