Epic Story Media
270 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » Last »
Penny's Big Break: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM235Hop becomes worried when he finds out that Penny is helping Filipa build her next big project: a...
Penny's Pirate Gold: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM205When Earl sings a sea shanty about a sunken treasure ship at the bottom of Lake Lucky, Penny...
Petit-Yéti grandit : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM179FRPetit-Yéti vieillit et sa dent qui va bientôt tomber en est la preuve. Mais quand il se rend chez...
Piper's Pony Tales Playlist
Epic Story Media ESM000PLWhen Piper makes up stories about her best horse friends, they magically come to life through the...
Pirate Treasure: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM274While playing pirates, Evu takes over as Captain and programs Codie with a variety of nonsensical...
Poulpi donne au prochain : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM192FRAprès que M. Picard a sauvé le chapeau de Poulpi, celle-ci essaie de trouver le meilleur moyen de...
Prêts à aider : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM130FRBric, le castor réparateur, veut réparer tout ce qui est cassé en ville, mais il le fait...
Princess Hop: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM212It’s Hoot’s day to choose what she and her friends will play. But when Hoot gives the best...
Princesse Hop : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM212FRC’est le jour de Hulotte pour choisir à quoi elle et ses amis vont jouer. Mais quand Hulotte se...
Que tombe la pluie : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM171FRLes Aventuriers ont promis d'emmener les Minis pour une journée d'aventure en plein air. Mais une...
Quel gadoue : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM213FRRonny vide le lac Chanceux pour installer un parc de boue. Hop défie Ronny à une compétition ...
Qui est le meilleur? : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM246FRHop et Penny ne sont pas des compétiteurs. Ou le sont-ils? Quand Benny invente un nouveau jeu, Hop...
Qui est ta maman ? : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM189FRLorsque les Aventuriers tentent de retrouver la mère d'un bébé mouffette égaré, leurs...
Ranger Bot Go!: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2
Epic Story Media ESM193The Adventure Rangers love helping, so Chip builds a robot to help even more! But when Ranger Bot...
Respire profondément : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM252FRAprès une crise de Filipa, Benny craint de la contrarier et que ses “grandes émotions” ne...
Retour vers le passé : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM200FRLorsque Luna, Bric et Poulpi s'inquiètent d'avoir perdu leur capacité à travailler en équipe...
Secret Agent Chip: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM184There’s something fishy going on in Eagle Creek. But don’t worry, Secret Agent Chip is on the...
Shpringadink : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM222FRShpringadink est la plus grande fête de trolls de l’année, et Helga est impatiente de la...
Shpringadink!: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM222Shpringadink is the biggest troll holiday of the whole year and Helga is eager to celebrate with...
Simple Science: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2
Epic Story Media ESM174Luna is so excited to help Little Bigfoot with his science project that she doesn’t realize...
Sister Brother Day: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM233Lonny loves "Sister Brother Day,” when she and Alfred get to doeverything together. But… Lonny...
Skate Expectations: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM131The Adventure Rangers are eager to help the Mini-Moosers build a skating rink. So why is Inkie is...
Spooky Pumpkin: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM220Benny is in charge of making this year’s Spooky Corn Maze. Filipa helps him and Benny is really...
Squirrel Away: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM140When Seymour finds his Great, Great Grandpappy’s treasure map, the Adventure Rangers volunteer...
Stickyberry Jam: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM228A super sticky jam causes Bennyand Penny to get stuck together, just when Lonny challenges Penny to...
Sunset Celebration: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM134Beck, Brooke and the Adventure Rangers are in tizzy getting ready for the big celebration. But when...
Super Codie : Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM279FRLa cape de Super Zémeu se coince dans un arbre et Mia et Codie découvrent que le codage peut les...
Super Codie: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM279While playing superheroes, Evu gets his cape stuck up in a tree. After trying to retrieve it, Mia...
Super Helpful: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM130Chip, the Fixer-Upper is eager to fix every broken thing in town but his superfast repairs only...
Super Hop est là! : Hop, Saison 1
Epic Story Media ESM229FRGrâce à une série de coïncidences, Hop est persuadé d’avoir des super-pouvoirs. Mais lorsque...
Super Hop: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM229Through a series of coincidences, Hop believes he has superpowers. But when these "powers" fail him...
Super Poulpette : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...
Epic Story Media ESM136FRPoulpi suit l'exemple de sa superhéroïne, Super-Poulpette, quand vient le temps de régler des...
Take a Deep Breath: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM252After Filipa has a meltdown, Benny is worried that he’ll upset her and that her “big...
Team Work: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM269Codie wants to play street hockey! Evu tries to teach him, only to realize Codie needs the right...
The Artful Otter: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM198When Inkie invites Brooke to paint a mural with her, Beck gets worried that he and his sister...
The Bees' Needs: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season...
Epic Story Media ESM175When the Ranger’s discover there’s a honey shortage in Eagle Creek, they do their best to draw...
The Big Bounce: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM227Hoot desperately wants to borrow Benny’s latest toy, the Chickosaurus, but she can’t take it...
The Big Fight: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM2392Much and Delisha build a giant tower made of juice boxes in the This-‘n’-That. 2Much claims...
The Code Game: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM280Looking for something fun to do, Mia and her friends decide to play a new Code Game, using coding...
The Cupcake Code: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM275Codie wants to help decorate cupcakes with Mia and Velvet. When he can't seem to get the colour...
The Egg!: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM215Hop and Penny discover a big purple egg on Hoot’s farm, which Penny falls in love with. But...
The Great Frog Unclog: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM126The Adventure Rangers and their neighbors are overwhelmed by a leaping, hopping and croaking...
The Great Sea Lion Save: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers...
Epic Story Media ESM128A bark for help leads the Adventure Rangers to a sea lion trapped on a rock. Can Luna, Chip and...
The Missing Necklace: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM277When Velvet's necklace mysteriously disappears, Mia and Codie become detectives. After coding Codie...
The Prickly Pine: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM247The prickly pine is the most dreaded tree in all of Fair Village: it eats kites, it has itchy pine...
The S'more No More Moostery: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure...
Epic Story Media ESM133It’s no picnic finding the thief who’s stealing Maureen and the Mini Moosers’ s’more...
The Sticker Uppers: HOP, Season 1
Epic Story Media ESM241There’s a sandcastle-building contest and Benny teams up with Ronny to build something...
The Teaching Rocks: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM178Luna is so focused on helping Emilia hike to a petroglyph that she forgets to learn from her...
The Wheel Deal: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM267Codie wants to learn to ride! Mia is so excited to program Codie to ride a bike, she forgets to...
The Yarn Stormer: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go...
Epic Story Media ESM176After winning a huge supply of yarn, Inkie knits hats, blankets, mittens and even a canoe cosy for...