65 title(s) found.The Spark in the Meadow
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV055The Spark in the Meadow follows the story of Sofía Brito, a law student who experiences sexual...
The Spoils of War: The War to End All Wars Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV036Professors Stephen Brooke, Joan Judge, Kalman Weiser, Thabit Abdullah, Jennifer Stephen and William...
The War to End All Wars Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV030In this documentary series commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First World War...
The World at War: The War to End All Wars Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV031Professors Deborah Neill, Stephen Brooke, William Wicken, Molly Ladd-Taylor and Jennifer Stephen...
Three Drops
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV038Everyone will lose someone they love at some point, death being our one, universal certainty. But...
Toxic Time Bomb
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV003“Toxic Time Bomb” is about the impact of industrial pollution on a community and about...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV087A short experimental ethnographic film that traces the movement of natural resources through the...
Tropic of Chaos
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV047A large lake that empties, refugee camps that fill up. What is happening in the Lake Chad basin is...
Un monde à 3 Zéros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060FRLe Professeur Yunus, banquier des pauvres, entrepreneur social et lauréat du prix Nobel de la...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV039Unmanageable is the unknown story of Canada's training schools and the generations of vulnerable...
Wall: A Story about Two Gardens in Three Parts
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV088Wall tells a story about ecological practice, unexpected connections and ambiguous communication...
We Stand on Guard: 100 Years of the Royal Canadian Regiment
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV022This documentary film which was released in 2001 to commemorate the centennial of the Canadian...
Why the Mountains Are Black
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV059A team of researchers meets at Mount Çika, in an effort to document the dialect of the...
Women Are the Answer
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV089Population growth has been left out of the climate debate because it is considered controversial...
Women at War: The War to End All Wars Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV033Professors Kathryn McPherson, Molly Ladd-Taylor and Jennifer Stephen examine the extensive role...