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The Best of Friends: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR024Best friends Mia and Marty are upset with each other and their friends are stuck in the middle...
The Big Talent Show: Stories of the North Series
102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102105Mooshum’s granddaughter is nervous about her school’s talent show. Mooshum tells her it’s...
The Big Thirst: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR077There is a scorching heat as the sun makes everything very hot and dry. This causes a shortage of...
The Book of Vaudeville
Farpoint Films FAR002In 1950, Gene Shelly rescued the tattered remains of an ancient scrapbook from a Winnipeg...
The Boy Who Cried Science/Prince Ahmad: 1001 Nights, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB023The Boy Who Cried Science (Episode 17) - A young boy is forced to deal with ignorance and fear...
The Brain-Eye Process: Mindworks Series
Switch SWED57We make different decisions every day. People’s genetic makeup is more or less the same, so why...
The Brave Knight: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR116Manon has a great idea for an activity with her friends, performing a show with Baron the horse...
The Bridge Monster: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR007Mia organizes a picnic for everyone but forgets to invite Rufus and Rango. Feeling upset that they...
The Bristly Perfume: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR110Manon has created a rose perfume because she loves the smell, but she is not the only one. Whenever...
The Brother
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M019Suffering from an illness that causes him to lose the use of his body, Kaïs is woken up every...
The Cake Mistake: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR002Mia is given the responsibility to safe-guard a birthday cake, while Marty prepares for the party...
The Canimaters: Canada AM
CTV CTV151Canada already has a reputation as "Hollywood North" but we're also building a reputation as...
The Captains
Ballinran Productions Limited BALL02In the 1960s, the role of “Star Trek’s” Capt. Kirk launched William Shatner’s career into...
The Cat and the Hens: Aesop's Fables Series
Educational Voice 992004The Cat hears that the Hen is unwell and decides to pay her a visit. She asks the Hen if there is...
The Children: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0716Inuk singer Beatrice Deer delves into the history of residential schools to write a song in tribute...
The Chinese Empire Part 1 - Imperial China: Empire Builders...
Pilot Productions 555036How did the great imperial dynasties of China, including the Zhou, Han, Tang, Song and Ming, impact...
The Chinese Empire Part 2 - The Century of Humiliation: Empire...
Pilot Productions 555037The 19th and early 20th centuries saw the decline of China. The Opium Wars, Taiping and Boxer...
The Circus of Life/Musical Chairs: Louis Says Season 3 (Cree...
Louis Says Productions Inc. LSC019Episode 1A - The Circus of Life: Follow Randy as he helps find Mr. Thompson binocluars for when he...
The Clown: Mia, Season 1
Sardine Productions SAR027Mia and Marty discover that Mr. Maurice used to be a clown in the past. Without checking with Mr...
The Conversation: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0722Celebrated Mohawk rock star Tom Wilson crafts a powerful song based on a famous painting by Métis...
The Coral Choral: Earth to Luna, Season 4
Monster Entertainment MON629Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are enjoying a canoe ride around the islands of Papua New Guinea. The...
The Craft in America Collection
PBS Video 041458The Craft in America Collection, two centuries of artists and objects. The Peabody Award-winning...
The Creator's Game: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0736Perry rides to a field and shoots a lacrosse ball at targets. He then steams some smoked white fish...
The Crow and the Pitcher: Aesop's Fables Series
Educational Voice 992005In a spell of dry weather, when the Birds could find very little to drink, a thirsty Crow found a...
The Dance and the Dream: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 2
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC02Musician Laura Vinson meets up with Lyle and David Donald, a father and son who head up the...
The Dance Recital: Mia
Sardine Productions SAR022Mia prepares a dance show for Mimi and Romain but doesn't have enough dancers. Using her creativity...
The Darling: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR120Manon is friends with all the animals at the farm, but Bingo the dog thinks that Melba the cat is...
The Day Henry Met Series One
Monster Entertainment MON105Henry is a young boy who desires to learn something new in his everyday life. In each episode, he...
The Day Henry Met... A Football
Monster Entertainment MON048Henry meets a Football. She is excited about everything, especially when they meet two Football...
The Day Henry Met...A Balloon
Monster Entertainment MON029Henry meets a friendly Balloon. He's preparing for the big circus show but the clown has gone...
The Day Henry Met...A Cake
Monster Entertainment MON042Henry meets a Birthday Cake. He is getting ready to be collected from the bakers when they realise...
The Day Henry Met...A Car
Monster Entertainment MON034Henry meets a friendly Racing Car. Henry learns about engines and finds out that Racing Car has...
The Day Henry Met...A Clock
Monster Entertainment MON050Henry meets an old Clock waiting by the side of the road. He is moving house today but...
The Day Henry Met...A Cow
Monster Entertainment MON035Henry meets a Cow and learns about where milk comes from. Unfortunately, the gate to the cow field...
The Day Henry Met...A Daffodil
Monster Entertainment MON039Henry meets a friendly Daffodil. He is getting ready to welcome some new plants to the garden when...
The Day Henry Met...A Digger
Monster Entertainment MON038Henry meets a Daffodil. He is getting ready to welcome some new plants to the garden when they...
The Day Henry Met...A Fire Engine
Monster Entertainment MON037Henry meets a friendly Fire Engine. It's his first day on the job and he's a little nervous when a...
The Day Henry Met...A Gorilla
Monster Entertainment MON041Henry meets a friendly Gorilla. He's moved from the Jungle to the wildlife park for some peace and...
The Day Henry Met...A Guitar
Monster Entertainment MON044Henry meets a friendly Guitar. The band want to put on one last show before they retire but they...
The Day Henry Met...A Letter
Monster Entertainment MON027Henry meets a Letter as he prepares for her first trip out into the world. She has missed the...
The Day Henry Met...A Life Boat
Monster Entertainment MON051Henry learns all about Life Boats as they chat on the beach but unfortunately there is a Donkey...
The Day Henry Met...A Lighthouse
Monster Entertainment MON032Henry meets a Lighthouse who needs to light the way for a boat as it heads towards the shore but...
The Day Henry Met...A Microscope
Monster Entertainment MON045Henry meets a Microscope. He has discovered the cure for smelly burps but when the that cure is...
The Day Henry Met...A Panda
Monster Entertainment MON028Henry meets a Panda preparing for a visit from her cousin, but when she arrives it's obvious there...
The Day Henry Met...A Parrot
Monster Entertainment MON046Henry meets a Parrot who has been left a secret treasure map by his grandfather and with Henry's...
The Day Henry Met...A Rabbit
Monster Entertainment MON036Henry meets a friendly Rabbit. Rabbit used to be a magician's assistant but never finished her...
The Day Henry Met...A Rooster
Monster Entertainment MON033Henry meets a friendly Rooster. Rooster needs to wake up the farmer so he can feed the animals but...
The Day Henry Met...A Shield
Monster Entertainment MON047Henry meets a friendly Shield. Shield tells Henry about a missing Sword kidnapped by a ferocious...
The Day Henry Met...A Statue
Monster Entertainment MON049Henry meets a friendly Egyptian Statue in a museum. The Ancient Blue Diamond, centre piece of the...
The Day Henry Met...A Train
Monster Entertainment MON030Henry meets a Train. He needs to take his carriages full of animals back to the ranch but the Train...
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