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Business Studies

475 title(s) found.

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Greeting and Introducin: Cutting Edge English at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0075

Learn to introduce yourself and others, and use the correct possessive pronouns - my, his, her...

Grey Ambition

Brandy Y Productions BYP009

Grey Ambition is an inspirational documentary about Canadian seniors over sixty-five who are taking...

Groundbreakers: Green Heroes Series, Season 1

CineFocus CIN006

These GreenHeroes have been involved in visionary efforts that have changed the face of...

Grounded Acres Organic Farm - Gibsons, BC: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C024

Grounded Acres is a queer-run farm growing certified organic mixed vegetables and fruit on the...

Grounded Acres Organic Farm - Gibsons, BC: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C024F

Grounded Acres is a queer-run farm growing certified organic mixed vegetables and fruit on the...

Guides d’adventures (Saison 3)

HG Distribution HG0175FR

La série Guides d’aventures s’intéresse non seulement à l’activité en tant que telle...

Guides d’adventures, Saison 4

HG Distribution HG0186FR

La série Guides d’aventures s’intéresse non seulement à l’activité en tant que telle...

Guitar Picks, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM320

Guitars are modern instruments of design and beauty, possessing an art-like quality that is both...

Hakkers Organics - Newtown Cross, PEI: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C025

Hakkers Organics grows certified organic potatoes for wholesale distribution across North America...

Hakkers Organics - Newtown Cross, PEI: Depth of Field: Films...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C025F

Hakkers Organics grows certified organic potatoes for wholesale distribution across North America...

Hand Made

Hemmings House Pictures HHP001

Hand Made is a short documentary about a wood worker living on the Kingston Peninsula, New...

Handling Conflict & Difficult People: Cutting Edge Communication...

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0004

Includes the following seven programs: Handling Anyone Difficult - Steve teaches Carlos 6 key...

Hani's Journey: W5


Refugees living in Canada like Hani are often inspired and stimulated, but also face many hardships...

Hazy IPA: Homebrew Master Series

Dean Rainey DR0036

Homebrew Master Sarah is shows first-time brewer Andy how to brew an Hazy I.P.A. Plus, the owner of...

Heart of the Klondike - Dawson City, YT: Historylands Season 2

Good Earth Productions GEHL20

Dawson City (Yukon) Dawson City's flamboyant tale began on August 16, 1896, when three...

Heists: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1443

Get the inside track on five of the greatest heists in history. These are not petty robberies, but...

Hélène Filion - Surf d'hiver en Ontario: Guides d'adventures...

HG Distribution HG0180FR

La guide de surf Hélène Filion Alegre initie deux clientes au surf hivernal sur le lac Huron...

Hélène Filion - Winter Surfing in Ontario: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0180

Hélène Filion introduces two clients to the thrills of winter surfing on Lake Huron. When summer...

Hell Is Empty: All the Devils Are Here

3 Generations and Brook Productions A269-009

The Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara (MHA) Nation, North Dakota, sits in the middle of the Bakken Formation...

Help! They Stole My Name!

Learning Seed 200189

What is identity theft? Can it happen to me? How likely is it that it will? What can I do if it...

History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1435

In each episode of History by Numbers we explore a story you thought you knew, but re-organized and...

Homebrew Master Series

Dean Rainey DR0041

Welcome to Hombrew Master, where we up your homebrewing game! Join Sarah as she finds homebrewers...

Humans at Work

ARTE France A196-030

Through 12 international profiles selected according to their activity and embodying current...

Impress at Job Interviews: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0059

Create a wow response by quality preparation and interview skills. Arriving on time for...

In Brands We Trust

Locomotion Television A106-001

This incisive documentary analyzes several world-famous, emblematic brand-names and seeks to...

In the Name of Confucius

Passion River Films PR3809

In the Name of Confucius is the first documentary exposé of China’s multi-billion dollar...

Inde : quelle puissance ?

ARTE France F259-S10-56

Narendra Modi, le premier ministre indien rêve de voir l'Inde sur un pied d'égalité avec la...

India and Pakistan: Great Decisions 2020 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV16

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rode a wave of Hindu nationalism to a historic reelection in...

Indiens du Dakota: un autre rêve américain

3 Generations and Brook Productions F269-009

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie d'appartenir à une société traditionnelle face à la mondialisation...

Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ003

RezX TV is an Indigneous lifestyle show produced by RezX entrepreneur Chris Ross from the Red Earth...

Inflation - Why is Everything More Expensive?: Money Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0071

Inflation is the rate at which money loses value over time, which causes price increases. In this...

Innovation and Technology: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0654

Three Indigenous innovators impress the Bears with their new products and technologies that tackle...

Jay Jay French, George Gruhn and Mark Rashotte: Guitar Picks...

Blue Ant Media BAM321

Meet Jay Jay French, rhythm guitarist of 80s glam rock Twisted Sister who collects pink guitars...

Jean Castonguay, CogniSens Athletics and Alan Smithson: The...

Business News Network BNN022

Features Jean Castonguay, CogniSens Athletics & Alan Smithson, Smithson Martin.

Jérémie Masse-Maillé - Survie en forêt au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0170FR

Trois personnes ayant une bonne expérience en plein air font appel au guide Jérémie...

Joe Dicks - Kayak dans les glaciers de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador...

HG Distribution HG0172FR

Le guide d'observation d'icebergs à L'Anse aux Meadows, Joe Dicks, reçoit un Terre-Neuvien...

John Helliwell: Which are the World’s Happiest Nations and...

Paper Tiger PT0102

John Helliwell is a hugely distinguished economist whose resume includes work for national and...

John Vellinga, Multiculture Marketing and Jonathan Brun: The...

Business News Network BNN018

Features John Vellinga, Multiculture Marketing & Jonathan Brun,

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Paragliding in Mexico: Adventure Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192

During the Canadian winter, Jonathan Pinsonnault teaches paragliding in Colima, located on the west...

Jonathan Pinsonnault - Parapente au Mexique: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0192FR

Pendant l'hiver canadien, Jonathan Pinsonnault enseigne le parapente à Colima, sur la côte ouest...

Josée Auclair - Observation de caribous au Nunavut: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0171FR

La guide d'aventure Josée Auclair exploite, avec sa famille, une auberge 5 étoiles située au lac...

Jud Jones - Nage avec les bélugas au Canada: Guides...

HG Distribution HG0174FR

À Churchill, au Manitoba, Jud Jones accueille deux touristes venues faire du kayak et nager avec...

Julia Kim - Happiness: Reconnecting to Self, Others, and Nature...

Paper Tiger PT0104

In 1972, the fourth king of Bhutan was asked if he was concerned about his country’s Gross...

Julie Andre - An Elder on the Land: Northern/Her Series

Falling Tree Productions FTP015

Single mother and Gwitch’in Elder Julie Andre speaks to Northern/Her about the importance of...

Justin Fisch - Canoë-kayak en Florida: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0189FR

Le guide naturaliste Justin Fisch accueille clients et amis pour une excursion de trois jours en...

Justin Fisch - Canoe-Kayak in Florida: Adventure Guides, Season 4

HG Distribution HG0189

Naturalist guide, Justin Fisch, welcomes clients on a 3-day canoe-kayak expedition in the famous...

Ken Bélanger - Ski hors piste au Japon: Guides d’adventures...

HG Distribution HG0190FR

Ken Bélanger est un expert du ski hors-piste à Hokkaido, l'île la plus au nord du Japon. C'est...

Kenli Herefords and Apiary - Haldimand County, ON: Depth of...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C026

A cow/calf, pastured chicken and honey bee operation, using a mix of ecological and conventional...

Kensington Market and the Culinary Scene in Toronto: Seeing...

Brandy Y Productions BYP092

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to her hometown of Toronto where she explores one of her...

King Coffee

Grand Angle Productions A173-042

Oh, that little espresso in the morning… whether at the corner café, at home or with colleagues...

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