Canadian Social Issues
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The Great Disconnect
disconnected Ltd DISC00We are living in a time that has been described as the age of loneliness. Despite Western advances...
The Guinea Pig Soldiers: W5
CTV CTV801Avery Haines meets some of the veterans taking legal action against the government over the alleged...
The Haters - What Happens After a Hate Crime in Canada?
CTV CTV949Avery Haines investigates the surge in hate crimes across Canada and why Canada's criminal code is...
The Haunted Hampton House: W5
CTV CTV952Ian and Laura Tenniswood restore homes for a living in Nova Scotia. They purchased the historic Bay...
The Healing Culture: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 3
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03Musician Laura Vinson contemplates the richness of her family’s Indigenous heritage and culture...
The Hearing
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M005After crossing 11 countries irregularly to seek asylum in Canada, Peggy, Simon and their three...
The Hearing Aid: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 4
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP213Ange’s hearing is declining but she has been doing her best to cover it up out of embarrassment...
The Hidden River
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M020In the heart of a deep forest runs a river. On its banks, men and women sit and talk, opening up to...
The Hope Art Carries: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 5
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC05Wayne Levesque and Yvette Cenerini are two people who started their lives without disabilities but...
The Host: W5
CTV CTV838Dan Riskin speaks to two scientists who are studying how bats can live with coronaviruses in their...
The Hungry Heart
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE026The Hungry Heart provides an intimate look at the often-hidden world of prescription drug addiction...
The Indiecan Entertainment Playlist
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. MCI739Avi Federgreen is one of Canada's top independent filmmakers and distributors. In partnership with...
The Invisible Heart
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE036What happens when capitalism and charity intersect? From Wall Street to life on the street, The...
The Invisible Red Thread
Picture This Productions PTP007The Invisible Red Thread follows fifteen year old Vivian Lum from Canada to China to discover the...
The Last Note: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT011Music therapy is not new to the Western world. The ancient Greeks would prescribe notes and tones...
The Last Whitefish: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV045Episode 1 of All Too Clear follows the lifecycle of the hero species, the lake whitefish; joining...
The Laundromat: Inquiry Probe of BC Money Laundering: W5
CTV CTV881Told exclusively through the story of a whistleblower and deep investigation into an illegal bank...
The Magazine: Is Print Really Dead?: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0111In this episode, we meet Lisa as she takes her dream to industry insiders and asks: is there a...
The MAiD Decision: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT009As the medically assisted death movement grows, what is it like for someone nearing death to...
The Message is the Art: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04Laura meets three very different visual artists with unique messages. She discovers how Tom...
The Métis Experience Playlist
MCI856A collection of Canadian produced programs highlighting the culture, history and traditions of the...
The Métis of Alberta: re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities...
Sound Venture SVP502In 2019, after more than 90 years of perseverance and struggle, the Métis Government Recognition...
The Mill
Katherine Knight and David Craig MILL00A challenge common to rural communities the world over is taking place in Pictou County, Nova...
The Millionaire Murders: W5
CTV CTV964W5 travels to Dominica to investigate the brutal murders of Daniel Langlois and Dominique Marchand...
The Missing: W5
CTV CTV746June 2017. The disappearance of one man, Andrew Kinsman, in a city of millions, triggered a series...
The Moneyless Man: Mark Boyle - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0046This episode of The Green Interview features Mark Boyle, who defied the odds when he launched an...
The Murderer's Best Friend: W5
CTV CTV910W5 investigates the story behind Greg Parsons, a man falsely accused of his mother’s death in...
The Mutual Pursuit of the Full Life: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP029This final episode of the 12 Neighbors series ties together the 5 keys to truly loving your...
The Narco Riviera: W5
CTV CTV784Are Canadian tourists in the Mayan Riviera at risk of getting caught in cartel cross fire...
The Nature of Healing
Mohawk Village Memorial Park MVMP00The Nature of Healing is the spoken truth of seven courageous Survivors of Mohawk Institute...
The Next Pandemic: Is a Deadlier Virus on the Horizon?: W5
CTV CTV887Experts warn that the next pandemic could be much worse than COVID-19. Swine flu in 2009...
The Next Wave: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF012At the beginning of 2021 the reality of a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic began to become...
The Opioid Crisis Playlist
MCI81216 - Average number of opioid poisonings resulting in hospitalization each day in Canada 53% -...
The Polio Parallel: W5
CTV CTV850CTV’s W5 presents an interesting parallel between polio and COVID-19. In the early 1950’s...
The Power of an Idea: Green Heroes Series, Season 1
CineFocus CIN003Industry contributes to pollution, but there are also green corporate heroes leading the way and...
The Problem with Pills: W5
CTV CTV875David Carmichael insists that the antidepressant that he was prescribed caused him to go into a...
The Prophet: W5
CTV CTV573It doesn’t look much like a church. In fact, it used to be a ski lodge. But deep in a valley...
The Psychedelic Pioneers
HG Distribution HG0102The story of The Psychedelic Pioneers is part leading edge medical research and part utopian...
The Root of It All
Sidekick Gear Inc. SKGI00Food unites us. It’s the building blocks to human life. It creates community, nourishes culture...
The Royalcrest File: W5
CTV CTV030The care of senior citizens is a sacred trust. Families leave a valuable member in the care of...
The Search Begins: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 1
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC01Nationally acclaimed Indigenous singer Laura Vinson is developing hearing loss and she sets out on...
The Secret World of Shoplifting
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI099Eighty percent of us have stolen at least once in our lives. One out of every 10 of us shoplifts...
The Shadow of Gold
Kensington Communications Inc. KC0111Do you wear a gold ring? Do you know where the gold in that ring comes from? The Shadow of Gold...
The Solstice Concerts featuring Joey Stylez with Dragonette
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0186Joey Stylez’s story is as unique as the music he creates. This Juno-nominated Hip Hop artist hit...
The Sound of Learning: W5
CTV CTV947As a long-time member of the iconic Canadian band, The Barenaked Ladies, Kevin Hearn has played...
The Stairs
Midnight Lamp Films Inc. MLF000The Stairs tells the story of Marty, Greg and Roxanne, who each survived decades of...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0627Songwriter Ansley Simpson is a Toronto-based Anishinaabe musician known for her poetic lyrics...
The Suckers List: W5
CTV CTV841In the shadowy world of romance scams, one of the hottest commodities is the so-called "suckers...
The Superfood Chain
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL03SUPERFOOD OR SUPER HYPE? Are so called superfoods really that great for you? And how does the...
The Tarnished Badge: W5
CTV CTV821W5 investigates the harsh reality some female Canadian police officers face in the workplace and...