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Character Education

2438 title(s) found.

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Luane - Toronto, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT538

Luane is a 7-year-old girl who lives in Toronto, Ontario. She is Canadian and Afro Brazilian, and...

Luc's Super Shoes: 16 Hudson Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB083

**This episode contains Audio Description** Luc wants to be part of the Field Day track relay...

Lulu - Mississauga, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT630

Lulu is an 8-year-old girl from Mississauga, Ontario. She is Brazilian Canadian and speaks English...

Lumière, caméra, sauvons la Vallée des Aigles! : Luna, Bric...

Epic Story Media ESM182FR

Les Aventuriers doivent apprendre à gérer un tyran lorsque la star de cinéma Boris...

Luna at School Playlist

Monster Entertainment MON464

Luna loves science! Join Luna and her friends for her daily adventures at school. Episodes...

Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la rescousse, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM123FR

Le trio de meilleurs amis Luna, Bric et Poulpi utilisent leur intelligence, leur humour et un sac...

Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la rescousse, Saison 2

Epic Story Media ESM170FR

Le trio de meilleurs amis Luna, Bric et Poulpi utilisent leur intelligence, leur humour et un sac...

Luna, Bric et Poulpi – 2 : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à...

Epic Story Media ESM183FR

Lorsque Boris Tête-de-Bélier, une star de cinéma, fait jouer Luna dans son dernier film, le...

Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM123

Best buddies Luna, Chip and Inkie are always eager to lend their friends a wing, paw or tentacle...

Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season 2

Epic Story Media ESM170

Three best buddies Luna, Chip and Inkie are always eager to lend their friends a wing, paw or...

L’armée des neptunons: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 1)

Sardine Productions SAR042FR

Quand Beanie tente d’élever des neptunons, une espèce de crevettes minuscules, son poisson...

L’empesteur! Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 1)

Sardine Productions SAR051FR

Quand Beanie gâche le petit déjeuner surprise qu’il avait préparé pour Maman, Amiral Bubulles...

L’entraînement de Terry : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM232FR

Après que Bébé Terry a tenté de manger le petit-déjeuner de tout le monde, les Hoppers...

L’Envol des Papillons: Théo le loup séries


Les enfants ont très hâte de fabriquer un grand papillon en contreplaqué pour fêter la...

L’épave hantée: Canot Cocasse Saison 4

Manito Cocasse 4 Inc. 800246

Thème : Il ne faut pas avoir peur de ce qui n'existe pas. Dans cette histoire, Pam est craintive...

L’exposé oral: Mon Poison Rouge! (Saison 1)

Sardine Productions SAR045FR

Quand Beanie présente Amiral Bubulles,

L’Homme-Écureuil: Canot Cocasse Saison 3

Manito Cocasse 3 Inc. 800234

L’Homme-Écureuil (épisode 6): Canot Cocasse Saison 3: Thème : Agir imprudemment peut causer...

Mac's Birthday: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE136

It’s Mac’s birthday and he tries to figure out what his birthday present from Jacob might be...

Mâchoire d'acier : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-13-50

Quel animal a la morsure la plus puissante ? Jack décide de tester la résistance d'un jouet qu'il...

Maestro Picou: Ping et Ses Amis

Kondololé Films Inc. KON004FR

Lorsque Ping et Pong demandent à monsieur Picou de devenir leur chef d’orchestre, ce dernier a...

Magasin sous surveillance: Théo le loup séries


Heureux de s’occuper du magasin pour Mishoom, Théo convainc Eva d’acheter une planche à...

Magic Cellar Series (20 DVDs)

Magic Cellar MGC020

African folk tales, often collected from village elders, are in danger of being lost today as the...

Magnetic Pal (Magnets): Annedroids Series One

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE149

Nick’s best friend Zack comes over for a sleepover when Anne is in the middle of an experiment on...

Magnétisme de star: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-02-05

Comment fonctionnent les aimants? En empruntant un raccourci à travers une galaxie éloignée...

Magnets: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE480

Time to discover what attracts and what repels in “The Jungle Room” as the kids go on a...

Magnifying Trouble: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0036

Today, Louis says that Mr. Thompson needs wâskotînikan (a lamp) in order to read. Follow along as...

Mahely - Orleans, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT627

Mahely is a 10-year-old girl who lives in Orleans, Ontario. She is Canadian, Dominican, and Ivorian...

Maisie and Chris: Old School for Lazy Kids Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1335

**Contains course language - mature subject matter** 18-year-old image-obsessed Maisie’s speedy...

Make Your Own Music Day: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE487

Music Mike comes to help kids write their very own song that they will sing for their...

Making Claymation at the NFB: The Jungle Room Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE489

A field trip to the National Film Board of Canada-Mediatheque allows the kids get to make their own...

Making Moccasins: Stories of the North Series

102141779 Saskatchewan Inc. 102106

Mooshum tells Natanis a story about his mom making him the brown moccasins he wanted when he was...

Making School a Positive Place Series

Stature Films 123001

There are invaluable lessons to be learned when you are growing up and school is a place where you...

Making the Grade: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA205

Karl wants to join a prestigious school for animal keepers. Sonia and Pat make him pass the...

Making Tracks: Wolf Joe Series


Pilot Adventure Sue flies the friends to a remote location where she teaches them tracking skills...

Malala; The Power of One Voice

McIntyre Media Inc. MCI076

An assassination attempt was not enough to curtail the human-rights work of teenage activist Malala...

Malik - Mississauga, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT618

Malik is a 10-year-old boy from Mississauga, Ontario, where he lives with his parents and five...

Malik: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT588

In busy downtown Toronto, it can be hard for Malik to find some green space to start his own...

Man Ray: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0143

Taking pictures without a camera? Weird? It was Man Ray's method for Rayography and Solarisation...

Man Ray: L'art avec Mati et Dada

HG Distribution HG0143FR

Mati et Dada rencontrent Man Ray qui leur explique comment il arrivait à prendre des photos dans...

Manhattan Lemonade Showdown: Ollie and Moon Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA135

A matter of taste becomes an intense competition when Ollie and Moon make lemonade. Ollie & Moon...


Sardine Productions SAR068

Meet Manon, the little "queen of animals" who finds herself in funny and poetic adventures with her...

Manon's Ark: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR091

There are big torrential rains that affect the sleeping situation at the farm. Manon invites all...

Maple Snow Cones: Wolf Joe Series


Kookum’s jars of home-made maple syrup and sap get knocked over and Buddy won’t admit he did it...

Marching Band: Ping and Friends

Kondololé Films Inc. KON034

When the sheep have trouble making a marching band, Ping and Pong have two very different thoughts...

Marcus - Greely, Ontario: Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT543

Marcus is a 9-year-old boy who lives in Greely, Ontario. His family comes from Haiti and...

Margot's Sister


Margot, a pre-teen who struggles to find acceptance at school is challenged by the arrival of her...

Marijuana; New Laws, New Problems for Teens

Human Relations Media 600708

Marijuana is readily available to teens, and use is up; but marijuana is still a poor choice for...

Marked Crabsent: Luna, Chip & Inkie Adventure Rangers Go, Season...

Epic Story Media ESM135

Mr. Crumple’s pet crab, Herman has gone missing and Luna, Chip and Inkie are on the case! It...

Maroc: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-07

Salim invite son ami Bilal à participer à un grand gala organisé par l’association marocaine...

Martin Luther King, Jr.: History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0046

Learn all about Martin Luther King, Jr. as a pioneering force for racial equality and non-violent...

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