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[subject] Citizenship Education

1207 title(s) found.

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Patate Joyeuse : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM248FR

Lonny veut célébrer sa première “Patate Joyeuse”, la fête d’hiver amusante et festive de...

Paul Klee: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0016

Mati and Dada enter directly into a Paul Klee' s dream, with strange puppets, flying fishes and a...

Pearl's Prey: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA160

Tommy is thrilled, his parents lent him a drone to film the animals of the Shelter! But Pearl the...

Peeling Eel: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...

Buck Productions 300081

The group learns to harvest and prepare a lake dweller, but it is not for the squeamish. Daybi...

Penny et le bateau pirate : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM205FR

Penny entend dire qu’il pourrait y avoir un trésor d’un navire pirate coulé au fond du lac...

Penny et le pin épineux : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM247FR

Penny essaie de sauver un arbre menacé d’abattage mais a du mal à convaincre les autres de sa...

Penny's Big Break: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM235

Hop becomes worried when he finds out that Penny is helping Filipa build her next big project: a...

Penny's Pirate Gold: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM205

When Earl sings a sea shanty about a sunken treasure ship at the bottom of Lake Lucky, Penny...

Perfect Playtime: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB298

In the future, the ground is covered in tiny plastic toys that – Yow! Ouch! - hurts to walk on...

Personal Space: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP19

Shelley got a new library book that she can’t wait to read. But Khadijah wants to spend the day...

Peru - Festival : Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE375

At a traditional festival in Peru, Rosie and Julian join in all the fun as they make their own...

Peru - Land of the Llamas: Are We There Yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE374

Rosie and Julian learn about llamas as they feed, ride and spin thread from the wool of their...

Peru - Machu Picchu: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE376

Rosie and Julian take a plane, a bus, a train and then climb a mountain to find a bird’s-eye view...

Pesa’lut Tia’m (Skin moose): Merchants of the Wild; NS...

Buck Productions 300076

Everyone is shocked after an adventurer calls it quits and leaves the journey for good. The...

Pest Behaviour: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB293

In the future, nobody drinks tap water anymore. Now it’s for burning holes in things! The kids go...

Pet Sitting in Paris: Ollie and Moon Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA140

When Ollie and Moon head to Paris to pet-sit a guinea pig, it turns out to be harder and more...

Peter Brueghel: Art With Mati and Dada Series

HG Distribution HG0142

A little boy and a game of hide and seek bring Mati and Dada to the atelier of one of the world’s...

Petit-Yéti grandit : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM179FR

Petit-Yéti vieillit et sa dent qui va bientôt tomber en est la preuve. Mais quand il se rend chez...

Pets Rock: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0033

Louis needs Randy to entertain Mr. Thompson's acimosis (puppy) pet. Join Randy on his journey to...

Phenix - Gesgapegiag, Quebec: Raven's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT185

Phenix is an 8-year-old Mi’kmaq boy from Gesgapegiag, Quebec.  He helps out at his...

Photo Finish: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA158

It's a special day at the Shelter: Charlie, a local journalist, has come to do a story on Rina, a...

Pique et pique et colégramme (vaccination): Globul-x

Productions Grand Angle F173-S01-11

Règle transmise: La vaccination rend le corps plus fort contre les maladies graves. Mécanisme...

Pit Oven: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...

Buck Productions 300082

After a long day of paddling across new lakes, Joshua begins to feel the weight of the journey he...

Pizza Mania: Louis Says, Season 4

Louis Says Productions Inc. LS0038

Louis give Randy some money to purchase the ingredients for nisto aspâcikana pizza (pizza with...

Planet Shelter: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA203

Tommy's favorite documentary series is holding an animal video contest for its viewers. Audrey and...

Plant Protectors: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA182

When they accidentally trample Jonas’ precious plants, Audrey and Tommy try to make up for it by...

Planting the Seeds of Peace: Exploring and Celebrating Our...

Human Relations Media 600427

Employing mini-dramas, cartoon animation, and "on-the-street" interviews with real children, this...

Plastic and Chemical Pollution - Oceans and Sea Life in Peril...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0234

Learn all about the worsening state of plastic and chemical pollution in our world.  What is the...

Please Not Pluto: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB297

The future is so hot and sticky that singing superstar Barney Pluto announces he’s moving to...

Plein la vue! : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-11-44

Comment nos yeux peuvent-ils voir ? Lorsque Jack et Wiky remplacent les lentilles cornéennes de...

Pluie acide : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-12-46

Qu'est-ce qu'une pluie acide ? Bravant les règles, Jack décide de tester un nouveau vaisseau sur...

Poison Ivy - Why Does Poison Ivy Itch?: Jack, Season 1

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-10-40

After Jack experiences the effects of poison ivy, he decides to collect as much as poison ivy in...

Poison Pets - What’s the Most Dangerous Creature in the...

PVP Jack Inc. A243-S01-11-41

When Rocket licks a Golden Dart Frog, the venom on the frog’s back causes Rocket to lose control...

Pologne: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-10

Le père d’Aline est né en Pologne. Pour faire découvrir cette culture riche et des costumes...

Portraits of Courage: Amazing Kids of Character

Human Relations Media 600435

Profiles Victor Chavira (12) who saved his father from drowning in their backyard swimming pool...

Portraits of Empathy: Amazing Kids of Character

Human Relations Media 600450

Profiles Adam Seldon (12), the "little drummer boy" who raised money for orphaned friends he left...

Portraits of Perseverance: Amazing Kids of Character

Human Relations Media 600436

Profiles the hard work and determination of Jason McElwain (17), an autistic equipment manager for...

Portraits of Responsibility: Amazing Kids of Character

Human Relations Media 600474

Profiles Ben Underwood (16) who lost his sight at the age of two and now uses a unique version of...

Poulpi donne au prochain : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM192FR

Après que M. Picard a sauvé le chapeau de Poulpi, celle-ci essaie de trouver le meilleur moyen de...

Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0755

Power to the People is a series that discovers how indigenous people, values and wisdom are...

Présumés extraterrestres : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-06-22

Pourquoi les lucioles scintillent-elles ? Lorsqu'il aperçoit des lucioles, Jack croit avoir...

Prêts à aider : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM130FR

Bric, le castor réparateur, veut réparer tout ce qui est cassé en ville, mais il le fait...

Primate Fear: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA191

A new animal arrives at the Shelter: an aye-aye named Gri-Gri. It's a nocturnal animal, and where...

Princess Hop: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM212

It’s Hoot’s day to choose what she and her friends will play. But when Hoot gives the best...

Princess Rou/What’s Yours is Mine: 1001 Nights, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB011

Princess Rou (Episode 5) - A not-so-attractive princess must choose between suitors who want to...

Princesse Hop : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM212FR

C’est le jour de Hulotte pour choisir à quoi elle et ses amis vont jouer. Mais quand Hulotte se...

Pris dans la toile : Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-04-15

Pourquoi les araignées ne collent-elles pas sur leur propre toile? Jack est si horrifié d'avoir...

Punches: Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad Series

Ford Brother Productions, LLC FBP004

Master Karate Todd and the Power Squad are ready to teach you some important punches! We’re...

Quand l’estomac se révolte...: Jack, Saison 1

PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-03-12

Pourquoi mon ventre fait-il du bruit ? Lors d'une sortie au cinéma, Jack s'inquiète d'entendre le...

Que tombe la pluie : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers à la...

Epic Story Media ESM171FR

Les Aventuriers ont promis d'emmener les Minis pour une journée d'aventure en plein air. Mais une...

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