Criminal Justice & Law
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Broken Justice: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0625Anishinaabe songwriter Leonard Sumner reflects on the unjust verdicts in the Colton Boushie and...
Broken Promises: W5
CTV CTV063W5 looks at the plight of highly-qualified immigrants who can only find menial jobs once they...
Broken Vows: W5
CTV CTV451Lainie Towell had the kind of wedding any bride would envy. A handsome, charismatic groom, an...
Broken: The Toxic Culture of Canadian Gymnastics
CTV CTV915Rick Westhead investigates the toxic culture of abuse in Canadian gymnastics that haunts young...
Brotherhood of Skiing
Wild Confluence Media WCM005Since 1973, the National Brotherhood of Skiers has overcome barriers by bringing soul and smiles to...
Brotherly Love (W5)
CTV CTV087When a little girl is kidnapped, it's a crime. But in one extraordinary case, a little girl was...
Brown vs. Board of Education - Segregation to Integration and...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0042Learn all about racial segregation and how the landmark case of Brown vs. Board of Education led to...
BUILD Inc.: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP028In this enlightening episode, Jerry Woods, Build Inc. co-founder and the First Aboriginal Chair of...
Building a Post-Capitalist Global Movement: Pablo Solón - The...
Paper Tiger PT0080This episode of The Green Interview features Pablo Solón, a social activist who was formerly the...
Buried Evidence - A Convicted Killer Claims Innocence: W5
CTV CTV928Convicted murderer Daniel Jolivet, in prison for the past 30 years, has maintained his innocence...
Call for Help: W5
CTV CTV410We are taught from a young age to dial 911 in the case of an emergency. But what would happen if...
Camille Labchuk: Passion for Animal Welfare and Animal Justice...
Paper Tiger PT0084Camille Labchuk has her own animal law practice, in fact the only one of its kind in Canada. In...
Canada's Worst Landlord: W5
CTV CTV414The Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) is an agency set up by the City of Toronto to...
Capital Shame: W5
CTV CTV412When we think of Ottawa, images of politicians on Parliament Hill come to mind. But the tourist...
Capitol Chaos: W5
CTV CTV853It’s a new era in America. The country has a new Commander-in-Chief. Joe Biden, a career...
Captain Freddy: See No Evil Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1153On 15th August 2015, police are alerted to a body on a boat found stranded in Warwick Cove, Rhode...
Cash Cows - Turning a Profit on a Foreign Student Crisis: W5
CTV CTV937W5 investigates how Canadian universities are relying on the recruitment of international students...
Casino Tech - Catching the Cheaters: Forbidden Places Series
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL07The promise of easy fortune seduces the most ingenious cheaters equipped with the latest...
Catnip Nation
Passion River Films PR4675Good Samaritans risk hostility, political persecution, and legal prosecution to care for feral cats...
Chance for Change: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0703Aboriginal gangs provide a pseudo-family dynamic for those who otherwise fall through the cracks...
Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0692CHAOS & COURAGE profiles the fearless and inspirational Indigenous women who serve, protect and...
Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0699Chaos & Courage: Season 2 expands the scope of Indigenous women working on the front lines of our...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films A196-026Charles Burnett is an eminent figure of the Black independent movement during the sixties. His dual...
Charles Burnett and the L.A. Rebellion
Tamara Films F196-042Figure éminente du « Black independent movement » pendant les années soixante, Charles Burnett...
Chasing Ghosts: W5
CTV CTV486It's a hellish existence when a loved one vanishes without a trace - the torture of not knowing and...
Cheating the Game: W5
CTV CTV673Some athletes are cheating their way to the top and paying the price. TSN's Rich Westhead and W5...
Cheque Fraud: A New Twist On An Old Con: W5
CTV CTV429A new twist on an old con. Thousands were told they'd won a lottery, but had to pay fees in order...
Cherokee Riders - We Remember (Part 2): Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP021Oklahomans Desiree Mathews, 18, Jeanetta Leach, 22, Kayce O’Field, Emily Christie and Madison...
Cherry Kingsley: Recognizing the Person
Peter Campbell PCI005Throughout most of her young life, Cherry Kingsley suffered abuse and exploitation as a child...
City of Gangs - Regina Grapples with Native Gang Problem: W5
CTV CTV444W5 looks at the rise of gangs in Regina, and the story of a young Aboriginal man who was murdered...
Climate Wars: Gwynne Dyer - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0015Interview with Gwynne Dyer, an internationally renowned independent journalist and expert on war...
Coastal Queens: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0700When the BC Ferry Queen of the North sank off Gil Island in March 2006, the nearby tiny coastal...
Cocaine Cargo II: W5
CTV CTV939Avery Haines investigates who could be behind a drug smuggling scheme that stranded a flight crew...
Cocaine Cargo: W5
CTV CTV921The MOST WATCHED W5 episode of the season. A Canadian airline crew accused of smuggling drugs...
Cold Case Hunters: W5
CTV CTV798W5's Avery Haines meets the men who are working to bring renewed hope to the families of missing...
Coming Home (Wanna Icipus Kupi)
Rezolution Pictures International Inc. RPII00Coming Home (Wanna Icipus Kupi) reveals the impacts of the Sixties Scoop and explores Indigenous...
Comment je suis devenue invisible
EDENDOC, Kuiv Productions F212-016Caméra, tracking, data, état d’urgence, NSA... est-il possible d’échapper à la...
Con Centre: W5
CTV CTV708W5 goes halfway around the world to investigate the scam that targeted tens of thousands of...
Conning Canada: W5
CTV CTV596W5 first reported on Sandra Gordon in 2006 as part of the investigation Criminal Immigrants. Back...
Consumed By Conspiracy: W5
CTV CTV861The term conspiracy has taken on new meaning in the age of social media. Despite what certain...
Contractor Fraud: W5 Investigates
CTV CTV972Every year, Canadians deal with irresponsible contractors or those who purposefully defraud others...
Cop Dog: W5
CTV CTV846W5's Molly Thomas meets Major, a police dog with an incredible talant that has helped him crack...
Cop Out: W5
CTV CTV531They are disturbing images: police officers kicking, hog-tying, maiming suspects and, sometimes...
Courage in the Carnage: W5
CTV CTV946October 7th, 2023, Hamas militants carry out a devastating act of terror, hunting Israelis in their...
COVID - Year 2: W5
CTV CTV864March 8th 2021 marks one year since Canada's first death from COVID-19, a senior in a long-term...
Coyote's Canoe: The Wapikoni Indigenous Filmmakers Collection
Wapikoni Mobile WM0005ENInspired by the land formation known as Coyote’s Canoe, which is located near Gloria’s home in...
Cracked: The Perplexing World of Egg Donation
Blue Ant Media BAM1362Cracked illuminates how rapid advances in reproductive science have left countries, cultures, and...
Credentials and Technology: Expert Evidence Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0063Professor Barbara Etter (Edith Cowan University), police forensic investigator, Karl Kent, and Sam...
Credibility and Experience: Expert Evidence Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0064Former Supreme Court judge, The Hon Frank Vincent AO QC, Professor David Denton of Victoria...
Creep Out: W5
CTV CTV707A new breed of vigilantes says they're defending children from predators looking to lure them...