Criminal Justice & Law
804 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next » Last »
Crime and Gender: Closing the Gap
Shortcutstv Ltd STV027The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In...
Crime Bosses: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1439The annual worth of the world's blackmarket economy is 2.2 trillion dollars. We reveal the inside...
Crimetown: W5
CTV CTV760W5's Avery Haines visits North Battleford, Saskatchewan where the crime rate is almost five times...
Criminal Immigrants: W5
CTV CTV170W5's Victor Malarek investigates why immigrants who commit crimes of violence aren't deported...
Criminal Justice and Law Playlist
MCI814A collection of five Canadian produced programs for your Criminal Justice and Law classes. Programs...
Criminal Justice: Connecting Boundaries Series
Magna Systems 520114This video focuses on the criminal justice system and its role in protecting society while...
Criminal Offender Profiling
Shortcutstv Ltd STV021A phenomena that has captured the public attention through shows like Mindhunter to Criminal...
Critical Incident: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0705A survivor of work-related PTSD, paramedic Andrea Seymour is the former Critical Incident Stress...
Cruel Business: W5
CTV CTV628W5 goes undercover with Mercy for Animals Canada to expose horrific conditions at a milk-fed veal...
Cruising for Trouble: W5
CTV CTV388The $20-billion a year North American cruise industry sells fun, excitement and the chance to visit...
Customer (dis)Service: W5
CTV CTV955W5 exposes companies with consumer watchdog complaints. An appliance repair company has a Better...
Cyber Guérilla 2.0
RTBF F296-001Une immersion au cœur du « dark web » et des nouveaux champs de bataille apparus avec Internet...
Dany Turcotte: Urgence de vivre
PVP Films F303-S01-03La scène humoristique québécoise ne serait pas la même sans la précieuse contribution de Dany...
Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI01Unaware of what they might find, a group of international journalists visit a small village in...
Daughters of Gardeners
PVP Monde A153-001Thirty-six million women are missing in India. The economic burden of dowries and the ancestral...
Dawn: The Running Bear – A Woman Vanishes Without a Trace: W5
CTV CTV884Dawn Carisse went missing from the North Bay Psychiatric Hospital more than two decades ago...
Dawson College: Road to Recovery: W5
CTV CTV344For 18 minutes, Kimveer Gill - a crazed gunman obsessed with goth culture - owned the lives of his...
Motion Pictures Enterprises Inc. MPE006“De-escalate" presents a first-person experience with mental crises and police escalated...
Dead Deals: W5
CTV CTV689W5's Victor Malarek investigates Sean O'Brien and his Calgary consignment company, Treadz, that...
Dead Man Walking: See No Evil Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1143On 17th September 2015, 56-year-old newspaper worker Edward Lowry is found stabbed to death in a...
Dead Reckoning: War, Crime and Justice from WW2 to the War on...
PBS Video 041868From award-winning producer/writer/director Jonathan Silvers comes this three-part series, Dead...
Deadly Cocktail: W5
CTV CTV134In the past decade RIDE programs and awareness campaigns have succeeded in keeping many social...
Deadly Force: W5
CTV CTV832W5 investigates the shooting deaths of Rodney Jackson and Greg Matters, two men who never met each...
Deadly Homes: W5
CTV CTV837W5's Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the families of seniors who lived in long-term care homes when they...
Deadly Sleds: W5
CTV CTV133They're fast, they're powerful, and they can kill. Within the winter season of 4-5 months there are...
Death by Appointment: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT004In Canada, since 2016 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) has become a legal end-of-life option for...
Death of a Loved One: W5
CTV CTV700In late October 2016, police charged former Ontario nurse Elizabeth Tracy Mae Wettlaufer with eight...
Death on the Lake: W5
CTV CTV854Was it an accidental drowning, or something more sinister? W5's Jon Woodward investigates the death...
Death Penalty: Who is Accountable for Overdose Deaths?: W5
CTV CTV880W5's Avery Haines investigates the growing trend of drug overdose deaths being treated by law...
Death Wish: W5
CTV CTV919CTV W5 investigates the growing demand for medically assisted death, and reveals stories of those...
Death's Playground: W5
CTV CTV816W5 invesigates a series of unsolved murders in London, Ontario which may be the work of at least...
Defending Democracy and the Water Rights: Maude Barlow - The...
Paper Tiger PT0057This episode of The Green Interview features Maude Barlow, a Canadian environmental activist and...
Deliverance Ministry - Choosing God Over Family: W5
CTV CTV432In the small farming community of Ballinafad, Ont. - an hour's drive from Toronto - a drama is...
Delivering the Promise: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 2
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE033While massive development projects steam ahead, Eeyou communities are facing major health, housing...
Demand for Justice: W5
CTV CTV857Canadian war veteran, Keith Villeneuve, has harboured a dark secret for 50 years, about the abuse...
Demon Mineral
Video Project, Inc. TVP117Demon Mineral can be considered an anti-Western, flipping the classical cinematic paradigm by...
Desert Riders
Filmblanc Inc. FILM00Camel racing, often called the Sport of Kings, is one of the most popular sports in the Middle...
Devil's Bargain: A Journey Into the Small Arms Trade
Bishari Films BF0008Small arms are the real weapons of mass destruction, killing more than half a million people a...
Diagnosis - A Potentially Unknown Neurological Syndrome: W5
CTV CTV886Todd Battis investigates a mysterious brain disease and reveals missteps and failures of the New...
Did Nazis Invade Canada?
Past Perfect Productions/6801260 Manitoba Inc. PPP006In this compelling WWII documentary, stories from Canadian history explore dramatic threats the...
Dirty Legacy: W5
CTV CTV844W5 investigates a small Alberta town that once prospered thanks to the oil industry that is now...
Dirty Little Secret: W5
CTV CTV023Former residents of Mount Herbert orphanage are locked in a bitter legal battle with the provincial...
Dirty Tricks: W5
CTV CTV794W5 correspondent Peter Akman examines the cyber threat to Canadian democracy in “Dirty Tricks”...
Diversity: Walrus TV (Episode 3)
Blue Ant Media BAM108Multiculturalism is a defining aspect of our nation. Our diverse population forms an ever-shifting...
Divided States of America: W5
CTV CTV695W5's Kevin Newman speaks to American voters who must decide who will lead a nation where compromise...
Djihad, les contrefeux
ARTE France F242-009Comment sortir les jeunes de l'engrenage de la radicalisation ? Comment aider les parents ? «...
Dog Fight - Breakups Causing Intense Pet Custody Battles: W5
CTV CTV940Kevin O'Keefe investigates the rise of pet custody court battles being ignited when Canadian...
Doing the Impossible: The Story of the Developmental...
Developmental Disabilities Association DDA000Inspired by the birth of a boy with Down Syndrome, one mother’s bold choice not to...
PBS Video 041918History tells us Cesar Chavez transformed the U.S. labor movement by leading the first farm...
Domestic Violence and Childhood Trauma: Childhood Trauma Series
Magna Systems 520033The connection between trauma in childhood and domestic violence later in life is obvious to Jane...