Current Events
420 title(s) found.Violence: Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1339**Contains course language** Every day Durham prison staff must deal with assaults on fellow...
Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations
PBS Video 041956By virtually every yardstick, antisemitism in the US and Europe is rising and worsening in ways not...
Virus of Hate: W5
CTV CTV845W5 investigates the racism and challenges many Asian-Canadians have had to face since the start of...
Waking the Sleeping Giant: The Making of a Political Revolution
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE031Waking the Sleeping Giant: The Making of a Political Revolution is the story of the attempt to...
Walking With Our Sisters: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0118Lisa explores the heart-breaking issue of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. This...
Walled Off - Global Migration: Great Decisions 2019 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV01Migration has become a hot political issue in Europe and the U.S. as hundreds of thousands of...
War and Peace
Eduflix Group AB KMG049‘War and Peace’ examines what war is, why wars break out (economic gain; political differences...
War in Ukraine - Inside Kyiv: W5
CTV CTV890This one-hour W5 special takes you to the frontlines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As the...
War in Ukraine - The Propaganda War: W5
CTV CTV899In any war, there are strategic and tactical weapons. Firearms, grenades and tanks often come to...
Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice
Visions/Audrey Geyer AUGE00'Warrior Lawyers: Defenders of Sacred Justice' is a one-hour PBS documentary that is particularly...
Washed Away: W5
CTV CTV930Few will forget post-tropical storm Fiona, battering the east coast of Canada in the Fall of 2022...
What Flowers They Bloom
Supre Incorporated SINC01COVID-19 was not just a viral pandemic, it was an infodemic of disinformation that turned citizen...
What Happened to Ben? W5
CTV CTV938TSN's Rick Westhead investigates the death of Ben Teague. Benjamin died following an overnight...
When Elephants Were Young
Canazwest ELE000Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark have documented the plight of the endangered...
When We Walk
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE097Filmmaker Jason DaSilva has been living with a severe form of multiple sclerosis for over 10 years...
Winners and Losers - Charity Lotteries: W5
CTV CTV612Just imagine winning the lottery. Now, more than ever, charity lotteries are selling that dream. It...
Without Leaving Anyone Behind: Humanity at an Energy Crossroads
Simba Creative Inc. SCI000The energy discussion has become polarized. There are those who believe climate change is a...
Without Leaving Anyone Behind: Humanity at an Energy Crossroads...
Simba Creative Inc. SCI001The energy discussion has become polarized. There are those who believe climate change is a...
Wrestling Jerusalem
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE042Writer-Actor Aaron Davidman embodies seventeen different characters in and around the sacred city...
Yemen - A History of Conflict: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV23Since 2015, Yemen has been consumed by an intractable, multiparty war that has created a...