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Feeding on Fear: My Worst Nightmare Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1325Evil entities use nightmares to feed off our fears. A young woman is pursued by a boy sent to kill...
Feeling the Apocalypse
Chen Sing Yap CSY000From the disappearing wildlife in his hometown Owen Sound to the news stories about melting of...
Feels Good Man
Video Project, Inc. TVP099What happens when an innocent character created in an artist's early adulthood morphs into a widely...
Fergie and Andrew; The Duke and Duchess of Disaster: The Royal...
Blue Ant Media BAM1293As Sarah Ferguson told Oprah Winfrey “My life is not a fairytale." She wasn't wrong. Has there...
Ferme Coopérative Tourne Sol - Les Cèdres, QC: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C017Ferme Coopérative Tourne Sol is a 15-acre ecological farm that produces certified organic...
Ferme Fiola Farm - Ste-Geneviève, MB: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C018Ferme Fiola Farm is a family-owned and operated farm on the 120-acre Fiola family homestead...
Ferme Marcel Goguen Farm - Cocagne, NB: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C019Ferme Marcel Goguen Farm is a diversified operation featuring 6 acres of apple trees and 4 acres of...
Ferrari: Ultimate Supercar Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1346Ferrari’s most popular model and all-time best-selling machine must be replaced. Now the marque...
Festivals of the World Series
Switch SWED42Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...
Field Notes
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT013A woman’s passion for birds leads to an appreciation of the natural world that exists in the...
Fields of Wrath: W5
CTV CTV834W5 investigates complaints about the treatment of migrant workers who are critical to our food...
Fières allures médiévales: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC009FRAu Moyen-Age, les vêtements vont devenir sexués. Influencées par la mode arabe découverte au...
Fight Like a Woman: Miranda’s Journey
Susan G. Enberg Productions Inc. SGE003As the mother of two young boys, Miranda Burrell had gained a lot of weight and was feeling unwell...
Filtering a Plastic Ocean
North Shore Productions NSP000Waste that ends up in the ocean is often overlooked. From solid garbage to sewage disposal to...
Finding Babel
Video Project, Inc. TVP020Finding Babel follows the grandson of famed Russian-Jewish author Isaac Babel as he searches for...
Finding Bobbi
Reel Girls Media REEL02Finding Bobbi tells the story of actor Bobbi Charlton’s long, courageous journey through gender...
Finding Edge Road
Brandy Y Productions BYP007This documentary by Canadian filmmaker Brandy Yanchyk explores how the small city of Lieksa in...
Finding Gulo
Wild Confluence Media WCM003"Finding Gulo" follows a backcountry ski guide & field biologist who attempt to document an elusive...
Finding Peter Bryce
Peter Campbell PCI000Growing up, all Andy Bryce knew about his great-grandfather was that he wrote the first health code...
Finding Purpose (Penang, Malaysia): David Rocco’s Dolce...
Blue Ant Media BAM1195Penang is the epicenter of Malaysia's food scene. The coming together of Chinese, Malay, and Indian...
Finding Sharron's Killer: W5
CTV CTV945In 1975, 16-year-old Sharron Prior was kidnapped in Montreal after leaving home to meet her friends...
Finding the Balance
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810015Finding the Balance: First Nations on southern Vancouver Island are working to protect their...
Fire and Water
Bishari Films BF0017Throughout Fire and Water is the story of Dr. Hussain Shahristani, once Saddam Hussein’s Chief...
Fire in the Heartland: The Kent State Story
Video Project, Inc. TVP130Fire in the Heartland: The Kent State Story documents the historic 1970 uprising of students at...
Fire Pit Chicken (Ep.11): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE011Before brick grilling the chicken, Chef Ian Knauer shows us how to spatchcock the carcass. Brining...
Fire: Masters of the Elements Series
AB Productions A296-S07-02Fire produces heat and light. It is naturally associated with the sun. At the heart of the solar...
Fire: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 2
Buck Productions 300052Elder Charlie teaches the group the life-saving art of starting fire with flint, dry cord and...
Fire: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq), Season...
Buck Productions 300073Repairing canoes and finding food is hard work. The adventurers are grateful to learn fire-making...
Firefight - Life of a Firefighter: Forbidden Places Series
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL06Firefighters, more than any other public servant, "get their hands dirty". They clean up society's...
First Civilizations
PBS Video 041899First Civilizations is a follow-up up from the 2015 series First Peoples. Human civilizations first...
First Contact, Season 1
First Contact Canada Inc. FCC000By and large, Canadians’ opinions about the Indigenous people of this country are formed without...
First Contact, Season 2
First Contact Canada II Inc. FCC004Following the success of season one, this brand-new season once again takes six Canadians, all with...
First Contact, Seasons 1 and 2
First Contact Canada Inc. FCC008By and large, Canadians’ opinions about the Indigenous people of this country are formed without...
First Contact: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series
Pilot Productions 555017Episode 2, "First Contact" follows the Endeavour as it encounters the native peoples of New Zealand...
First Fredericton Friends: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP019There are over 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide (UNHCR). In this episode from the...
First Nations versus Fossil Fuels - Canada: Native Planet Series...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0773From his home in the Squamish Nation, host Simon Baker traces the path of the proposed Northern...
First Orb I See Tonight: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0792Hayley delves into numerous UFO sightings in Alberta. Prior to investigating a sighting near Red...
First Peoples
PBS Video 041795200,000 years ago we took our first steps in Africa. Today there are 7 billion of us living across...
Fish (qaqxʷlx̓): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx Territory...
Buck Productions 300094Braving the fast-moving rivers, the group paddles off the lake in search of natural salmon runs in...
Fish: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 4
Buck Productions 300054The group realized the toll of a nomadic lifestyle. They embark on a long canoe trip. The...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0095Five urban Indigenous youth have signed up for a weight loss project. They introduce themselves...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0096Kent and the youth sum up the progress they have made after four weeks. The next phase of the...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0097The youth get their workout today as they learn some jigging moves from Sagkeeng’s Finest, a...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0098Kent and the youth head out of the city on a camping trip to connect with Mother Earth on...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 5
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0099The Youth are given some style tips and are sent out to shop for a new wardrobe. Fit First...
Fit First - Youth Edition, Ep. 6
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0100The Youth have their final weigh-ins and recap their experience. Fit First: Youth Edition follows...
Fit First: Youth Edition
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0094Fit First: Youth Edition follows four Aboriginal youth from different walks of life, who all...
Fitriya: Muslim On and Off the Court
OYA Media Group OYA005Fitriya: Muslim On and Off the Court is a short documentary that delves into the incredible journey...
Five Star Jen: W5
CTV CTV751At 42, Jen Agg is the woman behind five of Canada’s top restaurants. In Toronto, she created The...
Five: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep. 7
Buck Productions 300057Tempers flare as hunger, exhaustion, and no reprieve from one another pushes someone past the point...
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