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3397 title(s) found.

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Ecology Transforms Youth (35 Minute Version)

Youth and Eco Restoration ECR001

Journey with several youth as they explore BC’s Comox Valley watersheds and ecosystems. The Youth...

Ecology Transforms Youth (7 Minute Version)

Youth and Eco Restoration ECR000

Journey with several youth as they explore BC’s Comox Valley watersheds and ecosystems. The Youth...

Edmonton, Michel First Nation - Keith Callihoo: Skindigenous...

Nish Media 310060

Multidisciplinary Kanien'keháka (Mohawk) artist Keith Callihoo maintains his relationship to the...

Edmonton: Dino Trails. Season 2

Brandy Y Productions BYP060

Attend Paleontology Field School with world-famous paleontologist Philip J. Currie & learn from...

Édouard: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 4

7059213 Canada Inc. 310078FR

Trame du passé : Après un été trop court, Kiwedin et Wabikoni doivent à nouveau quitter leurs...

Education - Treaty 4: Treaty Road Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0751

Erin Goodpipe gives birth to her first child which brings both an immediate and long-term...

Education, Interrupted

Video Project, Inc. TVP115

From Pre-K through college, 2020 was a time for interrupted learning. Amid the switch from...

Egypt's Modern Pharaohs

ARTE France A259-S05

On 25th January, 1952, Cairo city centre was reduced to ashes. The crowd demanded the departure of...

Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...

Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-015

Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, changed the role of the First Lady...

Elégance à la Romaine: Une Histoire du Look

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC008FR

Dans l’Antiquité, le culte du bien-être et de la beauté est primordial. Tous les moyens sont...

Elin Kelsey: The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0082

Elin Kelsey, author and science communicator, speaks with Silver Donald Cameron in this exclusive...

Elizabeth II and Canada, A Portrait

Ninon Larochelle A234-002

In 2012, the Canadian government commissioned a new portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, by artist Phil...

Elizabeth Smellie: Canada's Florence Nightingale


In this short film, Dr. Nathan Hatton of the Lakehead University Department of History describes...

Ella's Forest Organics - Fort Augustus, PEI: Depth of Field -...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C016

Ella’s Forest is a 400 acre wild blueberry farm in Queens County, Prince Edward Island. They...

Ella's Forest Organics - Fort Augustus, PEI: Depth of Field -...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C016F

Ella’s Forest is a 400 acre wild blueberry farm in Queens County, Prince Edward Island. They...

Elusive Justice: The Search for Nazi War Criminals

PBS Video 041468

An unprecedented PBS documentary exploring the 65-year effort to identify, prosecute and punish the...



We live in a commercial world and advertising is becoming a surround-sound experience. While ads...

Emotional Rescue: W5


W5 reporter Tom Kennedy delivers an investigation into Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in...

Empathy, The Heart's Intelligence

Flair Production A242-009

What makes human beings social, able to see another’s point of view, while still remaining...

Empire Builders Series 1

Pilot Productions 555021

From the Romans to the Raj, the Ottomans to the Incas, great empires have come and gone through the...

Empire Builders Series 2

Pilot Productions 555033

Empire Builders is an epic series that brings to life Great Empires, each episode visiting the most...

Empire Builders Series 3

Pilot Productions 555054

From the Romans to the Raj, the Ottomans to the Incas, great empires have come and gone through the...

Empire's Plant Hunter: The Lost World of Joseph Banks Series

Pilot Productions 555018

Episode 3, "Empire's Plant Hunter" follows Banks and his companions on their botanical journey of...

Empires at War: The War to End All Wars Series


Professors Deborah Neill, Stephen Brooke, Joan Judge and Thabit Abdullah discuss how the British...

Empires Collection: The Dynasties

PBS Video 040737

Within the history of civilization are great eras of struggle, triumph, and loss. These periods are...

Employment Matters

Brandy Y Productions BYP005

Employment Matters is a documentary that explores the untapped market and huge potential of the...

Employment Matters Too

Brandy Y Productions BYP006

Employment Matters Too is a documentary that discovers how large corporations benefit from hiring...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043B

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

En cavale

Productions InformAction inc. F83-043A

Simon est un jeune avec d’importants troubles d’attachement et de comportement. Pour le...

En La Casa

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

En La Casa (French Version)

Elizabeth Miller SHORE06F

From a small country with a revolutionary history, comes a compelling TV drama with a big vision...

Enduring Love - A Heartbreaking Battle with Alzheimer's: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo sits down with former deputy Conservative leader Lisa Raitt about her husband's...

Energy Trap: W5


W5 launches an investigation into the surging number of Canadians agreeing to pay thousands of...

Enfants fantômes, un défi pour l'Afrique

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC000FR

Plus de 230 millions d’enfants à travers le monde n’ont jamais été enregistrés à leur...

Enfolding: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0624

Victoria-based Cree songwriter Tara Williamson reflects on the heartache of losing her infant son...

Engineering Extreme: Rehauling a High Speed Train

Autentic GMBH AUT009

A behind-the-scenes look into the technical challenges of the maintenance of a TGV! The Hellemmes...

Engraved on a Nation: On the Line

Clique Pictures BSF000

One of the greatest sports rivalries of all time: Canada vs. USA Women’s Hockey. Over the last 20...

Entre deux sexes

ARTE France F196-027

Afin que l’ordre des choses soit respecté, que le monde reste rose ou bleu, fille ou garçon, la...

Entre le krill et la baleine: Vu du large 1

CinéFête F88-S01-04

Le Saint-Laurent se révèle dans ses plus intimes retranchements, au coeur des mystères que...

Entre toi et moi l'empathie

Flair Production F242-013

Qu’est-ce qui fait de l’être humain un être social, capable de prendre le point de vue de...

Environment: 1491 - The Untold Story of the Americas Before...

1491 Productions Inc. 149102

For thousands of years Indigenous people have caused significant changes to the natural environment...

Environmental History - John Cumbler: The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0029

John Cumbler is a social and environmental historian and retired professor from the University of...

Environmental Sustainability and Responsibility Playlist


Engage students and foster responsible environmental citizenship with this collection of 24...

Epic Water - Anishnawbe Nibi


Members of the Matawa First Nations share what water means to them. Water is life, it is a gift, it...

Epidemics: The Invisible Threat

ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003

When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...

Epidemics: The Invisible Threat

ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-003

When is a new global epidemic going to strike? At a time when new viruses are emerging at an...

Épidémies, la menace invisible

ARTE France, Scientifilms F259-003

Quand frappera la prochaine épidémie d'ampleur planétaire? À l’heure où de nouveaux virus...

Épidémies, la menace invisible

ARTE France, Scientifilms F259-003

Quand frappera la prochaine épidémie d'ampleur planétaire? À l’heure où de nouveaux virus...

Erase the Day: Family Secrets Series

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM09

As if murder wasn’t horrible enough, think about how it might affect your family if one of your...

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