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Kanien'keha:ka: Living the Language (Part 2) French Version
Mushkeg Media Inc. MUME25FRKanien'keha:ka - Living the Language is a two part documentary series about what it takes to save a...
Karen Blixen, le songe d'une nuit africaine
Phares & Balises F196-030Pionnière de son époque, Karen Blixen est aujourd’hui considérée comme un très grand...
Karen Blixen: An African Night's Dream
Phares & Balises A196-021From Kenya to Denmark, the true story of Out of Africa.A pioneer in her time, Karen Blixen is...
Karen Solie: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM30Originally from Saskatchewan and now living in Toronto, Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize winner Karen...
Karsh, un regard sur l'histoire
Productions Grand Nord F80-005Ce documentaire trace le portrait du légendaire photographe Yousuf Karsh, à travers lequel se...
Kassav': The Documentary
HG Distribution HG0050A look back at the epic of the most famous French band in the world – KASSAV’. They have...
Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM28Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, poet, spoken-word artist and founder of the all-indigenous publishing...
Katherine’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP303Katherine’s world was turned upside down after an early morning phone call informed her that her...
Keep Going My Daughter
102057561 Saskatchewan Corp REZ049In the Treaty 6 territory of Saskatchewan, a young couple, Andrea and Colby, who teach and do...
Ken Burns Presents Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness -...
PBS Video 041968Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness is a two-part, four-hour documentary that explores...
Ken Burns Presents The Gene: An Intimate History
PBS Video 041943The Gene: An Intimate History is a four-hour documentary from Ken Burns and Barak Goodman, adapted...
Ken Burns: The Vietnam War (School Edition)
PBS Video 041893This special version just for educators features the complete 10-part, 18-hour series, edited for...
Ken Foster
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE039Out of the shadowy world of Vancouver’s Gastown, Ken Foster emerges as an enigmatic figure. A...
Kenli Herefords and Apiary - Haldimand County, ON: Depth of...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C026A cow/calf, pastured chicken and honey bee operation, using a mix of ecological and conventional...
Kenora's Shame: W5
CTV CTV162Kenora, Ontario can be a dangerous place. W5 investigates a five-year-old unsolved murder case that...
Kensington Market and the Culinary Scene in Toronto: Seeing...
Brandy Y Productions BYP092Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to her hometown of Toronto where she explores one of her...
Khorasan Wheat/Kamut - Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses...
Switch SWED08This ancient type of wheat has been rediscovered and trademarked as Kamut grain. The grain is high...
Kickin' It: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0735Perry does some Cheyenne kickball training and tries for his personal best, dribbling the soccer...
Kids in Crisis: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0711Inhalant abuse runs rampant among the youth of many First Nations communities across the country...
Kids Matter: Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens Series
Revealing Media Group RMG000Kids Matter: Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens is a short film series dealing with important...
Kids of the Rocket Siren
Loud Roar Productions LRP000The alarm sounds. A deafening explosion ricochets through the night. As the Kids of the Rocket...
Kiefer: W5
CTV CTV740W5's Sandie Rinaldo sits down with Canadian Hollywood star Kiefer Sutherland to talk about his new...
Killer Whale and Crocodile
Peter Campbell PCI003In Killer Whale and Crocodile carvers from two of the world’s great carving traditions come...
Killing the Indian (55 min.)
Arte GEIE A196-028AKilling the Indian goes to the root of a deep-seated evil that is eating away at Canadian...
Killing the Indian (73 min.)
Arte GEIE A196-028BKilling the Indian goes to the root of a deep-seated evil that is eating away at Canadian...
Kim's Korea - Inside North Korea: W5
CTV CTV764It is a dystopia ruled by 3 generations of despots who’ve groomed their own people through cult...
Kim's Story
Bishari Films BF0015If there was a photograph that captured the horrific nature of the Vietnam War it was that of a...
King Coffee
Grand Angle Productions A173-042Oh, that little espresso in the morning… whether at the corner café, at home or with colleagues...
King George VI; Brother, Husband, King: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1296Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was not born to be King, that role was for his...
King Tut: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1444When the lost tomb of King Tut was opened in 1922, a 3,000-year-old teenager became a celebrity...
Kings of Europe Part 1 - France, The Habsburgs and Russian...
Pilot Productions 555030We explore the historic legacy of three of Europe’s Imperial dynasties, the French, Russian, and...
Kings of Europe Part 2 - End of Empires: Empire Builders Series 1
Pilot Productions 555031Europe’s imperial dynasties in France, Russia, and Austrian left royal palaces, cathedrals and...
Kings of the Wood, Season One
Blue Ant Media BAM1416Deep in the woods, an elite gang of highly-skilled woodworkers, carpenters and cabinet makers have...
Kinosoo: Red Earth Uncovered. Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0054Tom sends Shayla to Cold Lake, Alberta to learn about the legend of the great fish that lives in...
Kiri's Piano
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV025Kiri’s once joyful piano music turns bitter when forced relocation and internment take away her...
Kirk Miles: Heart of a Poet, Season 2
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM43Clown, writer and arts administrator Kirk Miles, gives us an inside peek into the eclectic and...
Kiticikicewinan - Ma langue: La Collection des cinéastes...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0011FRDans leur campement en pleine forêt abitibienne, Émilie et Normand partagent lors d'un souper...
Kiticikicewinan - My Language: The Wapikoni Indigenous...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0011ENAt their camp in the Abitibi woods, Émilie and Norman share a meal and their knowledge of the...
Houston Productions Inc. 000018KIVIUQ is a genre-defying performing arts film that features the story of an Inuit ancient hero by...
Klippers Organic Acres - Cawston, BC: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C027Klippers Organic Acres provides organic produce to customers–on site, through Vancouver farmers...
Klondike Trail: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4
Blue Ant Media BAM192Dawson City: Dredging for Gold When the Klondike Gold Rush occurred in 1897, Jo LeDoux knew...
Kluane, YK: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0767For many generations, this remote part of the Yukon was the ancestral home of the Kluane First...
Knoydart Dairy Farm - Knoydart, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C042Knoydart Farm is the Maritimes’ only grass-fed, free-range and certified organic dairy farm. The...
Kokum, With Love
Heart's Path Media Inc. HPMI00Flora Bear’s youngest granddaughter searches for information about her Indigenous grandmother’s...
Konowal: The Man Behind the Medal
Guerrilla Films GF0004The narrative follows the life of Filip Konowal, the only Ukrainian Canadian to receive the...
Koop: The Art of Wanda Koop
Katherine Knight and David Craig SM0003Painter Wanda Koop shows us what we missed the first time, what remains hidden, and makes us...
Kuper Island - Return to the Healing Circle
Peter Campbell PCI002This moving documentary celebrates the healing and transformation of the Coast Salish people who...
Kwnkwnatul - Walking Together
River Voices RVP022Indigenous youth from Canada travel to Africa and share experiences about global issues whilst...
Kya Steinbach Parker - Bridging the Gap: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP01817-year-old Kya Steinbach-Parker, Mi'kmaq/Seneca warrior, is a determined educational activist. She...
Kyle and Brodie: The Working Originals Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP021Born fourteen weeks premature, Kyle has a visual impairment and a developmental disability. He...
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