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Lucas and Julie: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE038Lucas learns what to expect and how to prepare for a job interview; his mom will help him get ready...
Lucky Bug Farm Market Garden - Baden, ON: Depth of Field: Films...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C028Lucky Bug Farm is a one-quarter-acre ecological market garden operating on rented land 25 minutes...
Lucky Moose
Floating Boat Media FBM000The true story of how a Chinatown store owner changed Canada’s Criminal Code. On May 23rd, 2009...
Lucky Moose
Floating Boat Media FBM000SUBThe true story of how a Chinatown store owner changed Canada’s Criminal Code. On May 23rd, 2009...
Luski: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory, Season...
Buck Productions 300112The final day in the wild arrives, and the group reunite after Joseph spent the night in his own...
Luxor: John Torode's Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM989John is in Luxor in central Egypt, an ancient city on the banks of the river Nile. John can’t...
Lyme Disease, a Silent Epidemic
Productions Grand Angle A173-022Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by ticks and it is spreading throughout the world...
L’ Esprit des Ours (The Spirit of the Bears)
Nature 360 Productions Inc./Esprit des Ours Film Inc. 360100A combination of the oral storytelling of Indigenous legends and scientific study brings to life...
L’ Esprit des Ours (The Spirit of the Bears) (Full Length...
Nature 360 Productions Inc./Esprit des Ours Film Inc. 360105A combination of the oral storytelling of Indigenous legends and scientific study brings to life...
L’art, c’est le message: De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 4
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC04FRLaura rencontre trois artistes visuels très différents qui transmettent des messages uniques...
L’influenza démasquée
Sound Venture SVPF482À l’occasion du centenaire de la grippe espagnole de 1918, le documentaire L’influenza...
L’ouïe: Human +: Le futur de nos sens
Ideacom International F266-S02-03Alors que les mystères de l’audition commencent à se dévoiler, la technologie et la recherche...
L’ours noir et l’ours esprit (The Black Bear and The Spirit...
Nature 360 Productions Inc./Esprit des Ours Film Inc. 360103In this Kitasoo First Nations story of Raven, long after he had descended from the heavens and...
Mackenzie Delta: Canada Over the Edge, Season 4
Blue Ant Media BAM188Tuktoyaktuk: The Community Freezer Kylik Kisoun Taylor shows us the "community freezer," a...
Made in Canada: The Italian Way
Matter of Fact Media MFM006Made in Canada: The Italian Way is an up-close exploration of the Italo-Canadian entrepreneurial...
Made in China: Great Decisions 2019 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV06China has launched an aggressive new plan to transform its economy into a high-tech global...
Made In Japan
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE007MADE IN JAPAN tells the remarkable story of Tomi Fujiyama, Japan's first female country music star...
Magellan: The Explorers Series
Productions Grand Angle A173-001_C02Magellan: The exploration of the oceans and of new worlds often ends with disappearances, voyages...
Magic Pills
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE035Homeopathic medicine is one of the most widely used forms of alternative medicine on the planet...
Maisie and Chris: Old School for Lazy Kids Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1335**Contains course language - mature subject matter** 18-year-old image-obsessed Maisie’s speedy...
Maize: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED04Maize, also known as corn, is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern...
Makin' Bacon (Ep. 10): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE010In this episode, Ian shows you how to make your own bacon without the use of dangerous nitrites or...
Making History: The 1992 Toronto Blue Jays
Blue Ant Media BAM1126Narrated by Sportsnet 590 The FAN’s Bob McCown, Making History: The 1992 Toronto Blue Jays...
Making Things Count: Pandemic Postcards Series
Windecker Road Films WRF008As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic began people around the world began to face life in lockdowns...
Malaysia Viper Escape: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 10
Farpoint Films FAR059Dean has one fear...SNAKES. So...Dean and the team are at the Snake Temple in Malaysia where Dean...
Malta: John Torode's Middle East Series
Blue Ant Media BAM992This week John is in Malta, a surprising stop on his Middle Eastern tour. John soon finds out that...
Mama Bears
Video Project, Inc. TVP122The Mama Bears documentary tells the story of two moms who came to the Mama Bear community from a...
Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series
AB Productions A296-S04Man 2.0 is the multi-ethnic and multicultural result of today's science. For 4.5 billion years...
Man vs. Machine Escape: Escape or Die! Series, Ep. 6
Farpoint Films FAR055Dean returns home to icy Winnipeg, Canada, and his old nemesis the Red River. Dean will be torn...
Manicouagan-Uapishka Biosphere Reserve, QC: Striking Balance...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV034Quebec’s Manicouagan-Uapishka Biosphere Reserve prides itself on working with industry toward a...
Manitoulin Island Plants/Sacred Circle Traditional...
Aarrow Productions AP0021Manitoulin Island Plants/Sacred Circle Traditional Plants/Musqueam Stream Restoration: Host Steve...
Manoomin: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 12
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100612Sam and Chuck travel to the Bad River Indian Reservation in northern Wisconsin, where they learn...
Manufacturing Chaos
Video Project, Inc. TVP120Manufacturing Chaos offers a survey on the recent rise of disinformation from a global...
Manufacturing The Threat (52 Minutes)
Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI00Shining a light into the murky world of police infiltration, incitement and agent provocateurs...
Manufacturing The Threat (84 Minutes)
Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI01Shining a light into the murky world of police infiltration, incitement and agent provocateurs...
Maori Dairy Farm/Indigenous Diet/Sechelt Traditional Plants
Aarrow Productions AP0027Maori Dairy Farm/Indigenous Diet/Sechelt Traditional Plants: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw travels to...
Maori Sustainable Living and Mud House/We Wai Kai Community...
Aarrow Productions AP0019Maori Sustainable Living and Mud House/We Wai Kai Community Garden: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw...
Marc Hervieux: Ténor sans frontières
PVP Films F303-S01-04Aujourd’hui reconnu pour sa voix incomparable, Marc Hervieux a eu la piqûre de la musique très...
Margaret Atwood: Telling Tales from the Future (The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0100Margaret Atwood is an internationally celebrated Canadian writer who has risen to rock-star status...
Margot's Sister
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M022Margot, a pre-teen who struggles to find acceptance at school is challenged by the arrival of her...
Marie Antoinette
PBS Video 040788Her name is synonymous with the French monarchy and all its excesses, but there is more to the...
Mark Anielski: An Economy of Love (The Green Interview)
Paper Tiger PT0099Mark Anielski is the Chief Happiness Officer and President of Anielski Management in Edmonton...
Martin Buber: itinéraire d'un humaniste
ARTE France, Phares & Balises F196-021Martin Buber (1878-1965) est, après Freud et Einstein, l’un des juifs les plus connus de ce...
Martin Buber: itinéraire d'un humaniste
ARTE France, Phares & Balises F196-021Martin Buber (1878-1965) est, après Freud et Einstein, l’un des juifs les plus connus de ce...
Martin Buber: Itinerary of a Humanist
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-016After Freud and Einstein, Martin Buber (1878-1965) was one of the best‐known Jews of the 20th...
Martin Buber: Itinerary of a Humanist
ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-016After Freud and Einstein, Martin Buber (1878-1965) was one of the best‐known Jews of the 20th...
Marty Gervais: Heart of a Poet, Season 1
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM27People’s poet, publisher of Black Moss Press, columnist for the ‘Windsor Star,' creative...
Martyr Street
Bishari Films BF0012Martyr Street, Hebron is the only place in the West Bank where Jewish settlers live in the heart of...
Masa Off Grid
Blue Ant Media BAM405Masa Takei a self-proclaimed urbanite sets out from the busy Vancouver metropolis to spend a year...
Maskwacis, Samson Cree Nation, AB - Heather Kiskihkoman...
Nish Media 310061The Samson Cree Nation is one of four communities known collectively as Maskwacis in Central...
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