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Peeling Eel: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300081The group learns to harvest and prepare a lake dweller, but it is not for the squeamish. Daybi...
PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec: Seeing Canada...
Brandy Y Productions BYP019Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk explores Canada's Maritime provinces. In Prince Edward Island...
Pemmican and York Boats: Bison Return From the Edge of...
Square Sheep Films SQU002In the early 19th century, there was intense competition between the North West Company and the...
Penelakut - Returning to the Healing Circle
Peter Campbell PCI001In Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle, a filmmaker returns to an island off the coast of...
Pennsylvania Ballet at 50
PBS Video 041722Pennsylvania Ballet at 50 showcases one of Philadelphia's cultural treasures, the Pennsylvania...
Penny Lane Organic Farm - Swift Current, SK: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C031The farmers live on the original homestead of his grandparents and are the third generation to...
People and Plants: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291144Chanchal Cabrera is a medical herbalist, who encourages people to grow and use their own plants as...
People Better Watch Out: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards...
Windecker Road Films WRF010Whether it’s sewing masks, singing songs or trying to figure out how your small business can stay...
Perils of Porn (W5)
CTV CTV017Ontario woman, Natel King, made fast money in the adult entertainment industry, posing on the...
Perruques et belles dentelles: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC010FRLe 16ème siècle est illuminé par la découverte de nouveaux Eldorados, le 17ème est ébloui par...
Persecution: Hitler's Displaced War Children Series, Ep. 2
Autentic GMBH AUT049From 1939 to 1945, Germany waged a racist war of extermination in Europe. Not even children were...
Persian Gulf Security Issues: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV63The Persian Gulf remains tense as the rivalry between the regional powers of Saudi Arabia and Iran...
Persona, le film qui a sauvé Ingmar Bergman
Camera Lucida Productions F196-029Seul réalisateur à avoir reçu la Palme des Palmes à Cannes, Ingmar Bergman semble le maître...
Persona, the Film That Saved Ingmar Bergman
Camera Lucida Productions A196-020The only director to have been awarded the Palme des Palmes at Cannes, Ingmar Bergman can be seen...
Personal Abuse: W5
CTV CTV748A hospital is not a home. If given the option, who wouldn’t prefer to care for their loved one in...
Personal Foul: W5
CTV CTV659Physical injury can be part of playing sports, but as W5's Victor Malarek investigates, they can...
Pesa’lut Tia’m (Skin moose): Merchants of the Wild; NS...
Buck Productions 300076Everyone is shocked after an adventurer calls it quits and leaves the journey for good. The...
Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution
PBS Video 040030Early Christianity faced powerful obstacles: Roman might and the power politics of ancient...
Petite France: W5
CTV CTV759Fortune, Newfoundland (population 1,458) is a sleepy maritime town on the southeastern boundary of...
Petites bonnes Asiatiques, invisibles esclaves modernes
Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-039En Asie et au Moyen-Orient, dans l'intimité de familles impunies, plus de quinze millions de...
Pfenning’s Organic Farm - New Hamburg, ON: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C043Pfenning’s Organic Vegetables has been proudly growing certified organic vegetables since 1981...
Philadelphia, Oslo, Montreal, Chicago, Boston, Washington and...
Switch SWED87This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...
Philip Riccio with George A. Romero: Reelside Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1018Wanting to explore filmmaking in the pre-digital era, Philip Riccio turns to his mentor, horror...
Philip; King Without a Crown: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1297A documentary programme telling the real story of Prince Philip; from war hero to the rock at the...
Philippines: Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310001From a remote mountain village in the Northern Philippines, Wang Od Oggay carries on the tattooing...
Phnom Penh, A New Start: David Rocco’s Dolce Southeast Asia...
Blue Ant Media BAM1203In the 1970s Cambodia was a blossoming country until the Civil War. David meets a few locals who...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR00The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket (55...
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR01The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Picture My Face - The Story of Teenage Head
Blue Ant Media BAM1360A classic 'voyage and return' story about Canada's notorious glamour-punk band Teenage Head. This...
Pictures From A Hiroshima Schoolyard
Video Project, Inc. TVP059Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard presents the aftermath of the first atomic bomb through the...
Pied Piper of Hamilton (W5)
CTV CTV333W5 investigates cult allegations, a controversial pastor and a family charged with kidnapping their...
Pink Attitude: Princesses, Pop Stars & Girl Power
Phares & Balises A196-009Cheerful, bubbly and colourful, the Girlie-Girl Culture is an unavoidable phenomenon of our western...
Pink Boy
Video Project, Inc. TVP067Pink Boy is a verite-style documentary profiling the challenges of raising a young gender...
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M003Filmmaker André-Line Beauparlant’s fascinating documentary ‘Pinocchio’ probes the story of...
Pioneers of Television: Season 3
PBS Video 041650The third season of this Emmy-nominated series reveals intriguing behind-the-scenes stories and...
Pirates of Newfoundland: W5
CTV CTV491Pirate lore has long been in the spotlight, with Hollywood capitalizing on the fascination. Many...
Pit Oven: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300082After a long day of paddling across new lakes, Joshua begins to feel the weight of the journey he...
Pivot - The Sheldon Guy Story: W5
CTV CTV912Langley Secondary School girls’ basketball coach Sheldon Guy developed a special relationship...
Place Is Punk: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0720Haida band Jason Camp and The Posers reveal how their beautiful home of Haida Gwaii inspires their...
Planes: Legends vs Modern Icons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1267The Boeing 314 Clipper – the biggest airplane of the nineteen hundred thirties and the first to...
Planet X: How The World Ends Series
Blue Ant Media BAM703The hunt for extraterrestrial life could be dangerous, some scientists warn. People claiming to be...
Plants Behaving Badly
PBS Video 041871Two groups of plants exhibit such intriguing behavior that a century and a half ago they attracted...
Play Your Gender
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE040PLAY YOUR GENDER is a documentary on the realities of being a woman in the music industry. The...
Playing with Evil: Web of Darkness Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1357Two friends want to have fun with an old spirit board, but they open a harrowing portal that they...
Plea for Mercy: W5
CTV CTV828W5 explores the case of Russell Davis, a Canadian man serving a life sentence in a Florida prison...
Plow Off: W5
CTV CTV605As the only woman to take part at the highest level of competition at the 2013 International...
Policy: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1
Redcloud Studios RS0003Our hosts, Sarain and Kris unpack the complexities of government policy and its effect on...
Politics and The Origin of Off-Shoot Cuisines: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD014Chef Christine Cushing explores the ramifications of the beginning of a new worldwide wave of...
Pollution: Saving the Hauraki Gulf Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0804Since the removal of forests 150 years ago and ongoing intensive land use, sediment has been going...
Poplar’s Schtick: Back to Roots Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0745Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, forages for...
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