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The Handmade House Truck
Happen Films HAP004In this film, we take a tour of Adam and Sian’s beautiful off-grid tiny house truck, which was...
The Hardest Hunt on Earth: Nation Untamed, Season 1, Ep. 11
10062304 Manitoba Inc. 100611In the remote mountains of Yukon, Sam and Chuck meet Sammy White from Kluane First Nation. Sam...
The Haters - What Happens After a Hate Crime in Canada?
CTV CTV949Avery Haines investigates the surge in hate crimes across Canada and why Canada's criminal code is...
The Haunt : The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 6
Farpoint Films FAR027Cinematographer Dave Gaudet explores haunted cabins in Northern Alberta and travels south to...
The Haunted Hampton House: W5
CTV CTV952Ian and Laura Tenniswood restore homes for a living in Nova Scotia. They purchased the historic Bay...
The Hawk Lake Log Chute - Logging and Harming: Living History...
Warren Schlote WSCH13The Hawk Lake log chute is a preserved piece of Canada's past in the Haliburton region. There were...
The Healing Culture: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 3
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03Musician Laura Vinson contemplates the richness of her family’s Indigenous heritage and culture...
The Healing Power of Psychedelic Drugs
Autentic GMBH AUT016Psychedelics are back in the spotlight. But not as forbidden drugs. International studies are...
The Health Connection, Clean Money Revolution and Socially...
Paper Tiger PT0021Joel Solomon is a businessman, visionary, investor, philanthropist and now author of The Clean...
The Hearing
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M005After crossing 11 countries irregularly to seek asylum in Canada, Peggy, Simon and their three...
The Heart of Albania: Restoration Planet Series, Season 1
Robert E Moberg Films REM019The Albanian people are generous and caring, despite a long and, at times, oppressive political...
The Hemingway Monologues: Life and Death in Key West
Gee Whiz Entertainment GWE000This drama is based on the play "Death in the Afternoon', Part 3 of "The Hemingway Monologues" by...
The Hidden Horror of Sobibor Extermination Camp
Autentic GMBH AUT015Auschwitz and Birkenau are names of concentration camps, that are firmly anchored in our memory...
The Hidden River
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M020In the heart of a deep forest runs a river. On its banks, men and women sit and talk, opening up to...
The Historic Hinterland: Hidden Algeria Series
Pilot Productions 555013This second episode shows off the coastal and hinterland cities that were built by a prosperous...
The History of the Future Series
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR157EThe History of the Future is a half hour series of programs about the future of society, science...
The History of the Octagon Home Craze: Living History Series
Warren Schlote WSCH04Housing challenges are widespread today in Canada, but difficulty in accessing housing isn’t new...
The Hope Art Carries: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 5
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC05Wayne Levesque and Yvette Cenerini are two people who started their lives without disabilities but...
The Host: W5
CTV CTV838Dan Riskin speaks to two scientists who are studying how bats can live with coronaviruses in their...
The Humboldt Driver: W5
CTV CTV873His name is Jaskirat Sidhu. Most people know him only as "The Humboldt Driver." On April 6, 2018...
The Hungry Heart
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE026The Hungry Heart provides an intimate look at the often-hidden world of prescription drug addiction...
The Hunt: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 7
Farpoint Films FAR028In Neah Bay, Washington Cinematographer Dave Gaudet tries hitch a ride in a whale hunting ocean...
The Ice-Mad on the Saint Lawrence
Antipode, France Télévisions A173-029The St. Lawrence River is one of the most dangerous maritime routes to navigate on the planet...
The Ice-Mad on the Saint Lawrence
Antipode, France Télévisions A173-029The St. Lawrence River is one of the most dangerous maritime routes to navigate on the planet...
The Illegal Eater Series
Farpoint Films FAR035Every city has underground and illegal restaurants. It’s a world-wide movement unlike any...
The Inca Empire: Empire Builders Series 2
Pilot Productions 555047The Inca were one of the world’s largest civilisations of the late Middle Ages until their...
The Indiecan Entertainment Playlist
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. MCI739Avi Federgreen is one of Canada's top independent filmmakers and distributors. In partnership with...
The Invisible Heart
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE036What happens when capitalism and charity intersect? From Wall Street to life on the street, The...
The Invisible Red Thread
Picture This Productions PTP007The Invisible Red Thread follows fifteen year old Vivian Lum from Canada to China to discover the...
The Invisible Wounds of War: Reflections on the Great War Series
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV046Canadian soldiers returning home have always been changed by war and peacekeeping, frequently in...
The Iran Deal: Great Decisions 2019 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV12The Iran nuclear deal promised to usher in a new era of relations between the United States and...
The Issue of Mr. O’Dell
Rami Katz AK0000A documentary examining the lifelong work of a pioneering civil rights organizer, Jack O’Dell...
The Italian Americans
PBS Video 041784The Italian Americans reveals the unique and distinctive qualities of one immigrant group's...
The Jacobite Steam Railway: Scotland's Scenic Railways, Season 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1374In this episode, we follow in Harry Potter’s footsteps as we board The Jacobite steam train...
The Jewish Americans: A Series by David Grubin
PBS Video 040976Acclaimed filmmaker David Grubin traces 350 years of Jewish American history, from the arrival of...
The Jewish Diaspora, Part 1: Diaspora Nations - A World of...
Pilot Productions 555008The Jewish diaspora is the world’s oldest. Jews began leaving Israel nearly 3000 years ago with...
The Jewish Diaspora, Part 2: Diaspora Nations - A World of...
Pilot Productions 555009Persecuted for centuries, by 1900 three quarters of the global Jewish population of ten million...
The Jewish Journey: America
PBS Video 041850The Jewish Journey: America explores what it meant to be part of a tight-knit Jewish community and...
The John Houston Arctic Trilogy
Houston Productions Inc. 000019John started filming his own stories in 1998, co-writing and directing Songs in Stone, a...
The Junior Rangers: Watchers of the North Series, Ep, 5
Picture This Productions PTP005A revealing look into life in the Far North among Inuit teenagers who join the Junior Canadian...
The Kennedy Legacy: W5
CTV CTV611W5 explores the most investigated murder in history and the profound fascination - and in some...
The Kingdom of Jordan Series
Autentic GMBH AUT036Between tradition and modernity, between wadis, desert and wonders of the world. "The Kingdom of...
The Konopkas: The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE037Sarah and Ollie work together on how to be a good host so Ollie can handle playdates better. The...
The Korean Peninsula: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV67The Korean Peninsula is facing a defining era. Attempts by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and...
The Korowai People: World's Most Isolated Tribes Series
HG Distribution HG0198Journalist Jorge Said travels alone to meet the Korowai people in southeastern Papua - one of the...
The Kremlin's Trojan Horse
Alpha Zoulou Films A263-001As world’s largest natural gas exporter, was Russian involvement in the 2014 Ukraine war...
The Kung Fu Nuns of Kathmandu
Autentic GMBH AUT039For the Buddhist nuns of Kathmandu, Kung Fu is meditation. In Himalayan villages the Nuns protect...
The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ
Astrolabe Musik Theatre Society AMTS00The Lake / nx̌aʔx̌aʔitkʷ is an inspiring music documentary about an extraordinary friendship...
The Lake Of The Healing Waters: Unexplained Canada
Sean Karow KAR000For centuries, we’ve been searching for the Fountain of Youth, magical healing waters to make us...
The Last Frontier: The Bruce Documentary Series, Ep. 2
Zach Melnick LIV029“The Last Frontier”, is the colonization period. Surveyors lay out roads and divide the land...
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