Environmental Studies
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Organic Fair Trade Farming/Impact of Climate Change on Farming...
Aarrow Productions AP0012Organic Fair Trade Farming/Impact of Climate Change on Farming: Art visits the Toledo Cacao...
Organic Panic: Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF002What does "organic" really mean? Should you eat it? And why does it cost more at the grocery...
Ottawa Valley Farm to Fork - Bonnechere, ON: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C030Ottawa Valley Farm to Fork sustainably raise Scottish Highland cattle, dairy goats, and free-range...
Our Canada - The Canadian Shield
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI098The largest of Canada's geographic regions, the Shield is a massive horseshoe shaped area covering...
Our Changing World of Weather - El Niño and La Niña: Science...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0109In this high-definition program, learn all about our changing world of weather. What is an El...
Our Great Blue World: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0017The ocean provides much of the world's oxygen. Science Questers take part in a water ceremony...
Our Incredible World Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE018In Our Incredible World Jesse and Seka, two cool tweens, must do a science project on biodiversity...
Our Last Refuge: The Badger-Two Medicine Story
Thunderheart Media THUN02“We are going to fight for this place we call our home.” - Chief Earl Old Person Our Last...
Our Last Words
Farpoint Films FAR062It has been said that in less than a century only three languages will be spoken on earth: English...
Our Living Legacy
River Voices RVP004This documentary portrays the campaign to protect the last old-growth forests and forestry jobs on...
Our Table
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810017A Gulf Island BC First Nation helps understand the protection of our oceans and...
Our Way, Our Future: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 4
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE034The dawning of the 21st century is a watershed period in the building of the Cree Nation. Quebec...
Out of Site: DocJam Series
Canazwest CPI013During the 1970s, the Site C Dam mega-project was planned by BC Hydro. It is a project that would...
Out of the Darkness: Stormborn Series, Ep. 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1261In the opening episode of the trilogy Winter starts to release her iron grip as we meet an...
Outbreak (Part 1): Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR021EOne long-term patient takes an important step toward recovery but a mysterious illness sweeps the...
Outbreak (Part 2): Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR022EHope takes drastic measures and makes heart-wrenching decisions to prevent the spread of the...
Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation...
Aarrow Productions AP0014Outdoor Classroom/The Ya'axche Conservation Trust/Exploitation of the Tar Sands: Two Aboriginal...
Outfoxed: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR016EHope and her team are on a rescue mission for some orphaned fox pups and she's forced to make a...
Pablo Allard and Early Conservation: Bison Return From the Edge...
Square Sheep Films SQU004Canada was instrumental in bringing bison back from the brink of extinction. The...
Pacific Islands, Climate Justice and Reparations - Maxine...
Paper Tiger PT0030Maxine Burkett is a professor of law at the University of Hawaii and passionate advocate for...
Pacific Rim Reserve National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM012Raging pacific storms pound 125 kilometres of rugged western shore into one of the world's premier...
Painting the City Green: Architects of Change
PVP Films A150-S05-04Vehicles and concrete structures dominate modern-day towns and cities, creating urban landscapes...
Panama's War with Canada: W5
CTV CTV957W5 visited Panama as mass protests raged against a Canadian-owned mine that has now been ordered...
Paper Pusher: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB305Zeph wants to be an artist one day, but learns recycling is the only possible career in the future...
Parks Canada: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 7
Square Sheep Films SQU007The plains and wood bison are integral to the ecosystem of Elk Island National Park, and fencing...
Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV000Parks Canada’s Climate Crew is a dynamic digital series showcasing the people and work happening...
Partageons notre habitat
Pinegrove Productions PPF003Suite au succès de notre série «Le caribou des bois», «Partageons notre habitat » transporte...
Patagonia - Growing the Sustainable Company: Yvon Chouinard -...
Paper Tiger PT0048This episode of The Green Interview features Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, a sporting...
Peace Out
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE000Peace Out is the story of western Canada's magnificent Peace River, and the true on-the-ground...
Pemmican and York Boats: Bison Return From the Edge of...
Square Sheep Films SQU002In the early 19th century, there was intense competition between the North West Company and the...
Penny Lane Organic Farm - Swift Current, SK: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C031The farmers live on the original homestead of his grandparents and are the third generation to...
People and Plants: Visionary Gardeners Series
291 Film Company 291144Chanchal Cabrera is a medical herbalist, who encourages people to grow and use their own plants as...
Perfect Playtime: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB298In the future, the ground is covered in tiny plastic toys that – Yow! Ouch! - hurts to walk on...
Perfect Potato: W5
CTV CTV181Prince Edward Island's red soil is a symbol of its natural beauty. But dig deeper and a toxic...
Pest Behaviour: Galapagos X, Season 1
Big Bad Boo Studios BBB293In the future, nobody drinks tap water anymore. Now it’s for burning holes in things! The kids go...
Peter Mieras - Plongée d'observation de la faune marine en...
HG Distribution HG0181FRLe guide de plongée sous-marine d'origine néerlandaise Peter Mieras nous fait découvrir les...
Peter Mieras - Scuba Diving and Wildlife Observation in British...
HG Distribution HG0181Discover the wonders hidden in the cold waters off Vancouver Island with Dutch-born diving...
Pfenning’s Organic Farm - New Hamburg, ON: Depth of Field...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C043Pfenning’s Organic Vegetables has been proudly growing certified organic vegetables since 1981...
Phantom Orchid: The Ghost Flower
Wilderness Committee 010044The phantom orchid is an endangered flower in BC. This touching short film showcases the plight...
Philanthropy and Capitalism, an Unlikely Marriage?: Architects...
PVP Films A150-S02-04The economic, social and environmental issues of our time gradually transform our worldview. Soon...
Phragmites: Leo's FishHeads Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE026The wetlands are being taken over by an invasive species - and it's not the kind with a fin...
Piano Party: The Mooh Brothers
Breakthrough Entertainment BTE221Wilton is taking pumpkins to the village market, where he’ll also buy strings for his banjo...
Pipeline War: W5
CTV CTV619W5 investigates the pipeline war being waged over the future of Enbridge's Line 9 oil pipe, which...
Planet Echo, Season 1
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0100The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0200The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 3
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0300The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that...
Planet Echo, Season 4
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0400Planet Echo is an environmental based mash - up of the colourful stories about people, places and...
Plastic and Chemical Pollution - Oceans and Sea Life in Peril...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0234Learn all about the worsening state of plastic and chemical pollution in our world. What is the...
Plastic is Forever: Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP037What happens when you throw plastic away? Dylan D'Haeze, a 13-year-old filmmaker from the San Juan...
Plastics: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0212In this episode we find out that there a many alternatives to plastic... this could be...
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